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  1. #1
    Community Member angel_dragon's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Question unable to access character copy page

    I have tryed every link I can find to be able to copy characters to Lamannia, and every time I get an error saying the page could not be found. I have made sure that I am logged into MyDDO, but still no luck. I know I am missing something, but no idea what. I would appreciate any help that could be given.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Getting the exact same issue, must not be fully updated yet.

  3. #3


    Log out of and log back in, that should clean up many issues.

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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jul 2009


    Same problem, different cause.

    I have two DDO accounts. The one I'm posting on has never been paid on at all.

    The other one (the one I actually use anymore) has two, I guess sub-accounts, associated with it. The retail account and a trial account. That one cannot post anything to the forums unless I'm actually in game. I can't log on to myDDO, I can't log onto the forums with it. I've raised this issue a number of times and haven't seen anything come of it as yet.

  5. #5
    Community Member amethystdragon's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Haved tryed logging out of MyDDO and then back in, still no go. Have tryed that links, have tryed typing in and still getting an error saying the page can not be displayed.
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  6. #6
    Community Member amethystdragon's Avatar
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    Default Finally Got It

    I was finally able to access the character copy page, and copy some characters. These were the steps that I had to take to do.

    1. go to with out being logged into MyDDO; I received a message saying that this feature was only for Betta testers
    2. logged into MyDDO while on the character copy page; I did receive a 404 error but hitting the back button allowed me to stay logged in and take me to the character copy page.
    3. select characters to copy and followed the instruction on the screen; after hitting the submit button I receive the 404 error again, again hitting the back button took me back to the correct screen of the character copy process. It was showing that the first selected character had finished and the others were pending, a refresh of this page showed that all selected characters had been copied.

    I do use IE8, this may be the cause of the issue, if it is the Dev Team may want to looking into helping ensure that everything to compatible.
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  7. #7
    Community Member countesscrow's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by angel_dragon View Post
    I have tryed every link I can find to be able to copy characters to Lamannia, and every time I get an error saying the page could not be found. I have made sure that I am logged into MyDDO, but still no luck. I know I am missing something, but no idea what. I would appreciate any help that could be given.
    I had to hit refresh about 25 times before it came up for me.


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