I play in the pvp area a lot. Right now I have a lvl 15 WF sorcerer. I'm close to having PWS(Power Word Stun) but it cannot ensure my winning..
At least nerf manyshot in pvp because:
1) Greater Construct Bane arrows/bows suck.
no, because greater human, elven, halfling, and the rest suck too.
2) Disintegration bows suck.
That's Arcane Archer. Good for them finally some usefulness out of ranged.
3) Lightning Strike bows suck.
GS FTW. and now they are awesome!
4) Slayer arrows suck.
see #2
5) Bypassing Stoneskin's damage reduction sucks.
no it doesn't. Nice on thereal game.
6) Some Kensai fighters can get ahold of Manyshot items.
It's called multiclassing. Not sure on the specific build but it has alot of ranger in it.
7) In pvp it's not fair because they'll gank you with manyshot once every 2 minutes and it'll be the only time they come down.
Welcome to PvP. That's why no one cares about doing it except for a few.
8) Not hard for some of them to get more than 450 HP and have PWS immunity.
9) Manyshot with CON damage sucks, same with STR damage for casters b/c they can't react.
Gotta like those Wounding and pucturing bows. I love mine. Still use it in quests.
10) Seriously how is a lvl 20 sorc going to save against Slayer Arrows in pvp?
Yes. If they were smart and havethe right gear. Death ward goggles out of Tangleroot, oreven a deathblock item easy to get.
11) A player can multiclass with a mere 6 levels of ranger and have Manyshot and then kill people in pvp a whole lot easier.
Yeppers. See #6.
12) People say nerfing manyshot would negate the DPS of being a ranger well uhh maybe fix THAT then. Do they only go on killing rampages once every 2 minutes in quests?
Yes, which makes them highly not useful in quests. Smart ones will also carry Greater Construct bane weapons for melee.
13) I've seen people using more than one of the various techniques posted above. It's not fair for pvp!
PvP isn't about fairness.
14) Please nerf manyshot for pvp at least I don't care about quests! And the game isn't just about questing either so shut up. Sometimes you go and show off your toon not to be manyshotted by someone you could 1shot or own more often than once every 2 minutes!
You are playing the WRONG game. This is not PvP centric game.
15) A stupid cooldown is not enough!
2 minutes is not enough to launch an counter attack? you have bigger issues than that. Try playing the regular game get a better perceptive.
Also I know that pvp is pvp and this-and-that can be used but I don't care. I also know that lowbies shouldn't be in there but I think it's bad for a lvl 20 to kill a lvl 4. That said, why not make it so that while in a pvp area attacking someone X amount of lvls below or above you won't work? Like turn their names above their heads grey or something..
Guess what? If you don't care, then you are missingthe bigger picture. Geez, guys who love PvP would agree with me on this.
This can be done because they make checks when using Teleport to say that you can't use that in pvp so if they know you're in pvp and someone is about to take damage in it since it says "You begin to cast w/e at lvl 15." it should negate damage/effect for the person X many levels lower.
No. That would be stupid and make PvP even more hated. WAIT! let's add that in.
I know it's pvp and whatever goes but I think it should be a tiny bit more fair, or... make another instance for something like this! Have The Wayward Lobster be freestyle pvp to test your toon against gimps and have another area for regulated lvl fighting?
Arena fight. THere are other taverns in the world and many have differnent free for alls and arenas.
Oh yeah a CTRL+F to search for quests in the Adventure Compendium would be nice.
Or you cna hit the adventure title of that column and it will list alphabetacally.
Also a text-search for the Auction House!
Reat the dev notes, it's coming by the end of the year.
And more favor-unlockable stuff! I got Veteran before 1000 favor and the only thing I worked up to was Drow and an extra inventory slot.. come on maybe like get a Huge Collectible Bag or something!
THere is aTON of stuff you can unlock via the favour system. Again, do some quests.
Not to mention the sorcerer spell-change cooldown thing is a little rough. At least a whole 24 hours not 72, please?
no. They shouldn't do it at all, but I am glad they did.
Thanks! I look forward to the BS replies. I hope I get an email for each one saying someone replied to this lol I might lose the link and never see it again. I'll save it.