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  1. #1
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Default Too many weapons in inventory?

    My main is an Arcane Archer 10. I do more than half of all fighting with a bow, and have only one (+5 Frost). But I accumulated what seems to be way too many melee weapons, some too specialized:

    Main hand:
    +3 Fireburst bastard sword of backstabbing -- for trolls and other fire-vulnerable types
    +4 Ghost touch bastard sword -- obviously, for incorporeal undead
    +2 Adamantine vicious warhammer -- for golems, skeletons and anything else with DR/adamantine or DR/blunt, such as razorcats
    +2 Frost bastard sword of Everbright -- for cold-vulnerable types (rusties I kill just with bow)

    +1 Holy burst light hammer of pure good -- awesome agains evil
    +1 Smiting light hammer -- against golems, although not sure if I ever scored a smiting kill yet
    +2 Axiomatic frost short sword of backstabbing with ForceCrit ritual -- for chaotic and/or cold-vulnerable types
    +2 Bodyfeeder kukri of backstabbing -- just acquired it, not sure if it's worthwhile: if 15 hit points you gain on crits always disappear 1 minute later, what good is it? You still need a cure.

    And that does not even count weapons I have in the bank, and did not yet get around to selling, such as +5 Rapier, or +1 Keen bastard sword of Everbright.

    Last night, after a lot of effort, a small group made it into Wheep Gwennaelle's tomb in Orchard -- me, a monk 10, and a cleric 8 hireling. We all died, and I could not understand why I was doing so little damage to the wheep. Then it hit me (pun intended) -- I was using smiting light hammer when I thought it was a holy burst/pure good light hammer!

    Pretty good indication I should get rid of some of these weapons. Keeping track of what is what is just too much. What would you recommend trashing?

    Oh, and does anyone want a +5 Rapier? I am on Cannith.
    Last edited by brian14; 06-01-2010 at 02:42 PM.

  2. #2


    I'd ditch the bodyfeeder Kukri
    The smiting light hammer (although at level 10 thats not so bad and I'm assuming you don't have improved crit blunt)

    The rest is pretty good for your level and is actually a lot fewer weapons than most of my level 10+ characters carry, especially the TWF characters.

    I tend to have a set of weapons that are my best generic DPS weapons, then I have a bunch of specialized sets for particular common enemy types. As you level up that set of enemies changes and so should your weapons.

    Also at high levels you get some other item gear that can simplify weapon selections. t level 10 you tend to face a pretty wide range of critters so its hard to trim down.

    With bows you just have limited choices and I typically only have one or two, although a full archer type build may have a few more (smiting, banishing, disrupting, paralyzing, DPS etc...) As I got to high levels I found vorpals became much better again. (vorpals value is proportional to character DPS vs monster HP, if you need more than 20 strikes to drop a foe, vorpal is probably better)

    Also, once you craft greensteel weapons, it tends to narrow your weapon selection since it is so much better than most random and named gear.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  3. #3
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    It will get worse before it gets better. I typically have around 16 scimitars/other melee and about 7 bows at level 14.

    Bows are:
    Anarchic of greater undead bane
    Frost paralyzing
    Silver Longbow
    Metalline Frost of Pure good
    Improved Cursespewing of Enfeebling
    Bow of Elements(Air)
    Flaming burst longbow of pure good

    Those last two are just to have a variety in the elemental damage I can put when I want to. There are many others I could add such as banisher and any other Banes that I can pick up along the way.

    Scimitars are along the same lines to satisfy various elemental and DR situations plus a general questing set.

    primary set: Frost Paralyzing /Vorpal
    general damage: +4 Flaming Burst/+3 Flaming Burst
    DR: 2x +2 Metalline of Pure Good
    other: 2x anarchic of something
    other: shocking burst/acid of backstabbing
    other: greater elemental bane
    other: ghost touch of disruption/ghost touch of pure good
    other: skellie beaters 2 x +3 holy of Pure good blunt

    also adding a smiting set tonight when I move it over from my barb.

    Definitely tales a lot of space. But I would rather have the right tool for whatever quest than have more space.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
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  4. #4
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    To be an efficient killer in this game, it often takes a lot of weapons. Arcane Archer makes that even more ridiculous with needing an entire extra class of weapons. I don't even want to think about how much of my inventory is taken up with specialized weapons, but here are some basics to fill your collection.

    First, get a Silverbow. Pretty easy to find at the House D broker or on the Auction House. It is a stupid good bow with a level 6 requirement. This is pretty much your all purpose damage bow until you can build Greensteel.

    For fortified mobs you'll want greater bane weapons. Holy + undead bane, elemental + elemental bane, metalline + construct bane. The Silverbow just doesn't do good damage vs monsters that are immune to criticals.

    Since you are an Arcane Archer, you don't need to specifically collect elemental bows since you can add Force/Acid/Fire to anything you are using. I would only keep them if they are exceptional such as elemental burst + pure good. There are some times where doubling an elemental bow with the same type of imbue can be handy, like flaming bow + explosive arrow imbue vs ice creatures.

    Collect a set of specialty/utility bows. Paralyzing, Cursespewing/Improved Roaring + Shattermantle, Wounding + Puncturing, Weakening + Enfeebling. On hit effects are better than on critical effects due to the narrow threat range so things like smiting and banishing don't go off that often unless someone is holding or stunning mobs, but they are fun for the instant kills.

    Get into the Shroud and have some fun. Build some bows. Lightning II with Holy, Shocking Burst, Shocking Blast, Lightning Strike is highly recommended.

    For your melee weapons focus on building a few general purpose weapon sets.

    DR breakers. Metalline + Good, these are primarily for hitting evil outsiders. Metalline + Flametouched + Greater Evil Outsider bane is something to endeavor to find. Mineral II shroud weapons are ideal here.

    Evil mob beaters. Holy / Holy Burst + Good. An extra 3d6 per hit is nice.

    Neutral mob beaters. Elemental burst + pure good for beating on animals and still being decent vs the very few good enemies in the game.

    Vorpals. Snicker-snack.

    A set of wide threat range banishers or smiters is nice to round this out. Keep an eye out for scimitar, kukri, rapier.

    Wounding + Puncturing. The mobs loose extra HP, the fort saves go down, and auto-crit at 0. Just makes everyone's job easier in the end.

    That will cover a good number of situations and you will probably find yourself carrying even more melee weapons that are specialized for just one job as you start having a need for it. Muckbane/doom, disruptors, bludgeoning undead bane/good for skeletons and liches, paralyzers, destruction, etc..

    A note on the Bodyfeeder weapons: They can be very handy when you are receiving very low amounts of damage, such as when soloing and dungeon scaling is hitting you very softly. Add in some sort of life draining weapon such as Chaos Blade, Dream's Edge, or Death's Touch and the buffer of temporary HP will let the life stealing keep you topped off.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  5. #5
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    Neutral mob beaters. Elemental burst + pure good for beating on animals and still being decent vs the very few good enemies in the game.
    Did you mean "elemental burst + pure evil"?
    A note on the Bodyfeeder weapons: They can be very handy when you are receiving very low amounts of damage, such as when soloing and dungeon scaling is hitting you very softly. Add in some sort of life draining weapon such as Chaos Blade, Dream's Edge, or Death's Touch and the buffer of temporary HP will let the life stealing keep you topped off.
    One thing I still do not understand about bodyfeeder weapons -- do gained hitpoints go away? I understand that if I am at full and get extra 15 hp, they disappear after 1 minute. But what if these 15 hp merely heal me -- and not even up to the full?

    Returning to my original question, my most "enhanced" weapon as of now is +2 Axiomatic frost short sword of backstabbing with ForceCrit ritual -- great against chaotic opponents, but DDO does not seem to have many chaotic creatures. Giants, trolls, drow scorpions, some drow and various ghouls so far. (Are vampires, shadows and wheeps chaotic?) Against all these mobs my short sword may be marginally better than +1 Holy burst hammer of pure good, but not if I have to keep switching weapons trying to remember whether what I am fighting is CE, NE or LE. Easier just to keep the hammer.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    One thing I still do not understand about bodyfeeder weapons -- do gained hitpoints go away? I understand that if I am at full and get extra 15 hp, they disappear after 1 minute. But what if these 15 hp merely heal me -- and not even up to the full?
    Think of them like an ablative damage shield rather than hit points. The 15 HP won't ever heal you. They just sort of sit on top of whatever HP you have at the time and reduce the damage of the next attack by up to 15 points or however many you have left...

    Imagine strapping a cat to your body and they have to kill the cat to hurt you. Each time bodyfeeder goes off you get a fresh cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Against all these mobs my short sword may be marginally better than +1 Holy burst hammer of pure good, but not if I have to keep switching weapons trying to remember whether what I am fighting is CE, NE or LE. Easier just to keep the hammer.
    The more widely applicable the damage bonus the better. Since evil foes are common, holy (only works against evil) is very good. Pure good which works against all except good is probably the best generic damage bonus. The anarchic and Axiomatic are hard to use because alignment are pretty evenly split on law/chaos/neutral with neutral really being the most common. Elemental effects are good since until high levels, only a minority of monsters are immune to any given elemental type and some will take double damage from more commonly resisted types (fire&ice).
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Did you mean "elemental burst + pure evil"?

    One thing I still do not understand about bodyfeeder weapons -- do gained hitpoints go away? I understand that if I am at full and get extra 15 hp, they disappear after 1 minute. But what if these 15 hp merely heal me -- and not even up to the full?

    Returning to my original question, my most "enhanced" weapon as of now is +2 Axiomatic frost short sword of backstabbing with ForceCrit ritual -- great against chaotic opponents, but DDO does not seem to have many chaotic creatures. Giants, trolls, drow scorpions, some drow and various ghouls so far. (Are vampires, shadows and wheeps chaotic?) Against all these mobs my short sword may be marginally better than +1 Holy burst hammer of pure good, but not if I have to keep switching weapons trying to remember whether what I am fighting is CE, NE or LE. Easier just to keep the hammer.
    No he meant exactly what he said. PURE GOOD. It damages evil creatures.

    It's ONLY 15 HP. A waste. By this time, healers are healing so much better, and you are getting hit for so much more.

    Correct, not alot of Chaotic.

    Nothing wrong with the smiting hammer, but try to find something in your weapons type.

    Here is what I tell my guildies to carry:

    Construct bane and/or smiting.
    Holy or Pure good weapon
    Disruption and/or undead bane. (ghost touch at the lower levels)
    giant bane (with a Frost or Icy burst is better but really any)
    silver/good (or if pally, holysword spell: Mostly forthe high levels)
    a ranged item

    Nice to have but not required:

    Paralyzer (not needed, but sure makes the midlevels easier!)
    banishing (again, not needed but nice)
    Wounding and/or puncturing (very nice weapon, even withthe nerf)
    Dragon bane (we only have 6 dragons right now, but it's DRAGONS!)
    Weaking and/or enfeebling
    Evil Outsider bane (again, mostly for the higher levels, paired with holy it can do some nice damage)

    Please note that you should get the highest strength of each item: GREATER, or Improved.
    Last edited by DoctorWhofan; 06-01-2010 at 02:59 PM.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  8. #8
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Did you mean "elemental burst + pure evil"?
    No, I meant that the elemental damage will still go off so you will have some enhanced damage. If you really need something to damage good enemies, upgrading Death's Touch or building a negative shroud weapon will do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    Imagine strapping a cat to your body and they have to kill the cat to hurt you. Each time bodyfeeder goes off you get a fresh cat.
    Best and most awesome explanation of a mechanic I've read all week. The old cat gets vaporized for the new cat too.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  9. #9
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    It's ONLY 15 HP. A waste. By this time, healers are healing so much better, and you are getting hit for so much more.
    It has some use, but it takes too much offensive power out of the weapon to be viable in most situations. Long grueling quests with easy to kill, but light hitting enemies like the bats and scorpions in Coalescence Chamber work well.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Default It may sound silly

    And it is when I imagine my character actually running and jumping and sneaking and fighting with all this **** strapped on his back....

    But I carry like 8 Bows (ArA as well) and probably 14 melee weapons. 6 rings, 4 cloaks, 5 boots, 6 necklaces, 4 goggles, 3 armor, 2 helm, 2 belt, 2 bracers....also lots of potions, scrolls, wands, and tools. I'm probably not as bad as some other people, but I use all this stuff!

  11. #11
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I carry:
    Tenderizer and +2 icy burst holy light mace of 5% weighted
    +5 icy burst shocking burst of pure good
    Lightning I (Shock + Good Burst)
    2 paralyzers
    +3 Frost of greater giant bane
    2 Muckbanes
    Skiver + Superior potency VI
    seeker +6 of smiting
    2 banishers

    In the bank I have:
    icy burst wounding of puncturing
    icy burst holy burst heavy xbow of pure good
    icy burst anarchic silver of pure good (harry beater)
    bodyfeeder of disruption + shock of disruption
    frost holy of greater construct bane, icy burst of greater construct bane

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Bodyfeeder can be useful as a mitigator of damage. If you wear armor with Invulnerability, the buffer becomes 15 HP plus the 5 DR. - 20 HP saved on impact till you get the next dose of Bodyfeeding. On a rapier with IC-pierce feat, you can get Bodyfed 1/5 strikes on average, which is pretty fast.

    If you get hit 6 times between recharging bodyfeeders, for say 25 points damage-
    5 goes through the first time. Then 20 goes through the DR, 4 times. You recharge bodyfeeder, and take another 5. Total incoming: 90.
    Without Invulnerable and Bodyfeed, you'd take 150 damage. Saving those 60 points is a BIG deal

    To keep this situation reasonable, you have to slow down incoming damage to the realm of your 20 HP for every 5 of your shots. Naturally, this will not happen under a lot of conditions, but you can shift things your way by pairing with a Paralyzer. I use this combo when solo-ing, and it cuts down the healing I'd need by plenty. Potions and clickies of Aid can be used to help maintain the buffer topped up, Shield of faith helps too, and so does Divine Power. So if you are cycling through clickies & potions during combat, you can keep up a reasonable buffer when solo, at least sometimes, during lower level - mid level play.

    I'd say try out the kukri before dropping it. See how much your survivability is altered by a new trick.
    Last edited by RobinofSpiritwood; 06-30-2010 at 03:00 AM.

  13. #13


    2 mineral 2s
    1 blunt min 2
    1 radiance 2
    1 earth 2
    1 triple pos
    1 triple pos blunt
    1 crafted bow
    1 paralyser
    1 smiter
    1 banisher
    1 disruption (undead one)
    2 vorpal
    Maybe an improved ac breaker -8 to ac forgot the name of it.

    Should take care of you for just about anything
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

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