I'm looking for a greater devotion VI shield, preferably a buckler or light shield, but a heavy shield is also acceptable. pst
I'm looking for a greater devotion VI shield, preferably a buckler or light shield, but a heavy shield is also acceptable. pst
Have you considered looking for a Superior Ardor 6 weapon instead?
They have three 3-minute 75% boosts to level 6 and lower healing spells per shrine, and let you use a useful shield (such as a +5 Adamantine Tower Shield) and damage/CC weapon instead of being locked into carrying a weak shield.
Superior Ardor 6 items are usually available at the brokers, if not, you can get them from the AH for under 10k PP most of the time.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I'll have to look harder, I can't say I've ever seen a Superior Ardor clicky before. On what type of item would I find this on, most likely?
Thank you I'll be sure to check out the AH for those and all of the brokers, House D, IQ & Devils area.
Currently got a Superior Potency VI item [50%], but a 75% is much better to run with. That's for sure.
I think Superior Ardor is only 50%, just like Superior Devotion.
That belt is not too hard to obtain if you do Amarath quests, btw. The other thing you may want (if you are a healer cleric/fvs) is the Scepter of Healing, which is a reward from the Invaders! quest tokens.
Read the Update 3 release notes - Ardor, Freeze, Inferno, Spark and so on clickies were changed to have 1.5 times the effect they used to have. This is not reflected in the tooltips for the items. Easily tested with the Heal spell - my Clr18/Ftr2 heals for 285 with Superior Potency 6 (150 base, +50% Potency, +40% Clr Life Magic 4) and 322 with Superior Ardor 8 active (150 + 40% + 75%). That's why those two Amrath belts are so powerful.
The Xaochasian Eardweller buffs it further (to +100%) but can't be active as long (3 x 60 second clicky).
As for Superior Ardor 6 items - search on the AH, min level 10-10, simple weapon types.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Ah once again in game details incorrect to players. I was looking and looking and couldn't find 75% versions. I already had a Superior Ardor VI clicky, so I guess I'm set. Will have to test out.
Shame the text isn't accurate, that's pathetic!