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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Looking for swedish or english speaking guild, european hours

    Howdy. I've been guildless for too long now and grown tired of PUGs, so I figured it's time to find a new home. I've been playing on and off since early 2006, mostly on the EU server Keeper (my guild there was called Nighthorde), until it became a ghost town and I moved over here.

    What I'm looking for is a guild that plays during EU hours, speaks english or swedish, and does a bit of raiding. I'm not looking for a hard core raid schedule, though. I don't have time for that these days. But I would like to get into the occasional raiding with fairly competent people. Please drop me a line

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Unhappy DDO + Europlayers = endangered species

    Quote Originally Posted by tarkin1980 View Post
    Howdy. I've been guildless for too long now and grown tired of PUGs, so I figured it's time to find a new home. I've been playing on and off since early 2006, mostly on the EU server Keeper (my guild there was called Nighthorde), until it became a ghost town and I moved over here.

    What I'm looking for is a guild that plays during EU hours, speaks english or swedish, and does a bit of raiding. I'm not looking for a hard core raid schedule, though. I don't have time for that these days. But I would like to get into the occasional raiding with fairly competent people. Please drop me a line
    Skulle gärna sett en svenne till i det guild jag befinner mig i, men nu är det dessvärre så att de flesta europeer som lirar DDO verkar vara italienare och greker och de talar förstås vaken svenska eller engelska.

    Nä vad jag sett så har vi akut brist på europeer här på Cannith också tyvärr.
    Jag ser mest folk online våra svenska tider i guild som Spellbinders och The Silver Legion.
    Jag var med i Silver Legion ett tag och kanske eventuellt går tillbaka dit men jag gillade inte deras forum policy, inte heller har dom särskilt många lirare i min level så det blev att jag utvandrade till Doom Brigade där jag söndags-lirar numera.

    För en level 20 som vill köra raids och sånt däremot så går dom nog bra.

    Annars är du välkommen till oss i Doom Brigade om du inte kommit opp till raid-level ännu och inte fäster så stor vikt på det för stunden. Vi behöver fler europeer.

    Jag ränner omkring med en 13 FvS healer själv för det mesta.
    If we were meant to be alone we wouldn't have so many languages and ability to speak them.

  3. #3
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tarkin1980 View Post
    Howdy. I've been guildless for too long now and grown tired of PUGs, so I figured it's time to find a new home. I've been playing on and off since early 2006, mostly on the EU server Keeper (my guild there was called Nighthorde), until it became a ghost town and I moved over here.

    What I'm looking for is a guild that plays during EU hours, speaks english or swedish, and does a bit of raiding. I'm not looking for a hard core raid schedule, though. I don't have time for that these days. But I would like to get into the occasional raiding with fairly competent people. Please drop me a line
    I Spellbinders finns det en bunt med svenska (och danska) spelare som tidigare varit på Devourer och Keeper. Vi har ca 170 aktiva spelare varav ca 2/3 är från EU (med majoritet från UK) och de flesta andra är från US. Vi täcker i princip det mesta från låga levels till raider. Vanligtvis har vi ca 30-40 pers online under kvällstid (CET).

    Vi rekryterar egentligen inte aktivt för tillfället, men tar fortfarande emot gamla veteraner från EU och annat löst folk som frågar om plats hos oss.

    Mer info hittas på:
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    The Doom Brigade is a EU/US guild that is currently recruiting especially on the EU side. We have only one Swede for now, but I'm sure he would appreciate company to have a better stand between the Norwegians and the Finnish. =)

    Represented also from the EU side at least UK, Germany, Italy, France, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Belgium and Poland...

    We are a lite RP guild that doesn't care to speed run through content. Read more from or send our officers a tell in game if we seem like your cup of tea.

    Jag kan också tala lite svenska!

    Reality is for those who can't imagine anything better.

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