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  1. #1
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    Default Expanded Implementation of Eladrin's Proposed Combat Changes

    These are serious suggestions for Eladrin and the Dev team that I think if they would implement it would cause a shift of opinion in the changes being handled on the matter of altering the fuction of Two Weapon Fighting and have more people join onto the combat system changes, as they would be easier to implement with the changes being made to the system. This is a Suggestion Forum Thread of my original post from the Combat Feeback for Update 5 Thread created by Eladrin.

    1. Verstile Weapon Property: With the changes currently being planned, I think it would be possible to open up the option of the Verstile Weapon property. This property would allow a player to automatically wield a single One Handed Weapon with the Verstile Weapon property as Two Handed for the purposes of damage as long as they use nothing in thier Off Hand. Examples of Versitle Weapons would include the Bastard Sword and the Dwarven War Axe.

    2. Double Weapon Property: With the changes currently being planned, I think it would be possible to open up the option of the Double Weapon property. This property would allow a player to automatically wield a Double Weapon as a single weapon that fuctions as Two Weapons for the purposes of Two Weapon Fighting. In effect allowing that specific single weapon to proc Off Hand attacks as well as being the Main Hand weapon. A weapon with this property though would not gain 1 and 1/2 times strength modifier on the Main Hand attack. Example of a Double Weapon would be Quarterstaff (Double), an altered version of the Quarterstaff, leaving the original quarterstaff to become Quarterstaff (Two Handed).

    3. Finesse Weapon Property: With the introduction of properties, I think it would be possible to open up the option of the Finesse Weapon property. Though redundant of the current fuction of the Rapier, it would allow a clear understanding that a weapon with this property can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat. On this note you could introduce this function if you wish to add weapons listed from D&D v.3.5 suppliments, such as the Elven Courtblade Sword from Races of the Wild, you could introduce the One Handed Finesse Weapon and the Two Handed Finesse Weapon Properties, to allow a greater ability to add more content to the game.

    NEW 4. Reach Weapon Property: With the introduction of properties, I think it would be possible to open up the option of the Reach Weapon property. The Reach Weapon property would allow certain weapons to have a greater distance in which they can strike foes, while enemies within a certain distance of the outer edge of this attack range would be unaffected by this weapon. There are currently no weapons in game that would have this property, but as examples the Longspear and the Ranseur, if added to the game, would posses this property.

    ***A note on these properties, they do not function as Enchantments but as part of the weapon as normal, similar to the Light Weapon, One Handed Weapon, and Two Handed Weapon discriptions.

    These are some ideas if I saw happen, and if I am understanding the way you are recoding the combat system, all of these would be possible aside from the Finesse Weapon property which is already running in the game currently, though without a solid name to signify it.

    I would like to know everyones opinions of these options: If implemented as part of the new combat system would you be willing to change your mind from opposing the new system to accepting the new system?
    Last edited by TiranBlade; 07-13-2010 at 04:07 AM. Reason: New property added.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    In what way are these suggestions pertinent to the announced combat changes?

  3. #3
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    The fact they can implement other options, such as adding new weapons into the game as well as opening up build versitility. Through the properties I think there would be a long term benefit for having the new system implemented, instead of the old system which might prevent new openings for a greater game improvement.

    For Example, The new benifits to the Thief-Acrobat Rogue and Quarterstaff Wielding Monk. You would now be able to use Two Weapon Fghting when using the Quarterstaff (Double) to increase the number of attacks you will gain while fighting with it. If you decide you don't want to use Quarterstaff (Double) or Two Weapon Fighting, you can use a Quarterstaff (Two Handed) instead for a Strength build.

    For characters such as an Elf that doesn't have Full Marital Weapon Proficiancy but because of being an Elf has the Marital Weapon Proficiancy (Longsword) Feat or a Monk using the new Whirling Steel Strike Feat, if a Longsword has the Versitile Weapon Property, the weapon would function as a Two Handed Weapon when not using anything in thier Off Hand and grant extra damage to melee attacks when using them.
    Last edited by TiranBlade; 05-30-2010 at 03:47 AM. Reason: Correcting Typos, and adding Clarification.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  4. #4
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    UPDATE: Added the 4. Reach Weapon Property to the list of proposed properties.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TiranBlade View Post
    UPDATE: Added the 4. Reach Weapon Property to the list of proposed properties.
    This is already implemented. Two-handers have a noticeably greater reach than one-handed weapons.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Seliana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TiranBlade View Post
    2. Double Weapon Property: With the changes currently being planned, I think it would be possible to open up the option of the Double Weapon property. This property would allow a player to automatically wield a Double Weapon as a single weapon that functions as Two Weapons for the purposes of Two Weapon Fighting. In effect allowing that specific single weapon to proc Off Hand attacks as well as being the Main Hand weapon. A weapon with this property though would not gain 1 and 1/2 times strength modifier on the Main Hand attack. Example of a Double Weapon would be Quarterstaff (Double), an altered version of the Quarterstaff, leaving the original quarterstaff to become Quarterstaff (Two Handed).
    Certainly an interesting idea, and I cant specifically say that I'm against it. Though at this point there is little doubt that they are going through with the combat changes already proposed. That being said lets discuss your idea.

    The main issue i see working against this is specifically right here:
    The Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread

    If you add properties to weapons such as your describing you immediately start to have to make choices about established named gear in game. Do you make the Breeze as a Two-handed, or a Double? Does Sever become a standard weapon or a Versatile? What about the Cloudburst or Epic Sword of Shadows, How do they change?

    Some players builds depend on weapons working a predefined way and if they build a character around one of these items and its functionality changes it could seriously impact that players build and play experience. I know a few people who would be quite upset in game if their Rahl's Might stopped applying strength damage suddenly.

    And what about new named gear added to the game? Would it automatically fall into these categories or would there be opportunities for old weapon types as well?

    Perhaps if this idea was modified to make it a choice on weapons such as a toggle it might work much better.
    Daydream - the Pwnage of Cannith

    Quote Originally Posted by Barazon View Post
    What about lava and deep lava? By your logic, rogues should get a reflex save for swimming in it, as long as they keeps moving!

  7. #7
    Time Killer TiranBlade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seliana View Post
    Certainly an interesting idea, and I cant specifically say that I'm against it. Though at this point there is little doubt that they are going through with the combat changes already proposed. That being said lets discuss your idea.

    The main issue i see working against this is specifically right here:
    The Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread

    If you add properties to weapons such as your describing you immediately start to have to make choices about established named gear in game. Do you make the Breeze as a Two-handed, or a Double? Does Sever become a standard weapon or a Versatile? What about the Cloudburst or Epic Sword of Shadows, How do they change?

    Some players builds depend on weapons working a predefined way and if they build a character around one of these items and its functionality changes it could seriously impact that players build and play experience. I know a few people who would be quite upset in game if their Rahl's Might stopped applying strength damage suddenly.

    And what about new named gear added to the game? Would it automatically fall into these categories or would there be opportunities for old weapon types as well?

    Perhaps if this idea was modified to make it a choice on weapons such as a toggle it might work much better.
    The toggle option wouldn't be out of the question and would be effective. I was look at the reduction in resourses that as part of the implementation of the new Combat System combined with the Main Hand Functionality change. Which the reduction in resources the Devs might be able to work in a toggle system easier than how it works currently.

    On the changes to Sever it would become a Versitile Weapon, when weilded single it would be treated as a Two Handed Weapon, but if you use an Off Hand weapon or a Shield it goes back to being a One Handed Weapon.

    I am not sure how to work Breeze into the equation on this situation, you could either have two versions of it optional or create a new weapon to take it's place.

    Argonnessen - Aruki 6 Monk (Main); Dayher 4 Artificer
    Canntih - Firryl 12 Fighter; Tiran 8 Fighter; Daher 4 Fighter/4 Monk

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