I am a somewhat new player, having been on DDO for around 3 months. However, I have been following the forums for a while and I've come to the conclusion that 90% of you guys are whiners.

1.) "TWF/THF Nerf"
I am sorry to have my introductory post be like this, but seriously will you guys **** about how horrible nerfing is. As several other commentors have stated Nerfing is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to have proper balance. By just buffing everyone you create hyperinflated skills, instances and problems.

I have been a developer on other games myself, and i can tell you from first hand experience it drives us bonkers when you complain about nerfs. I understand that you like your character and you enjoy being powerful, but you cannot create balance just by buffing.

Think about a teeter-totter... you continue to add weight to one side, the other goes up, so you add weight to that and back and forth. Eventually the WHOLE DARN thing breaks due to much weight.

2.) "-10 Saves would make Epic like preschool!"
I'm sorry if you've been playing the game for 4 years and have collected everything you possibly could need, but there are other people that would like to enjoy this game while maintaining a REAL life. Just because you have had to time to TR 4x and your spell penetration is abnormally high doesn't mean it breaks the system. It means you are TOO strong and you deserve to be overpowered.

3.) "Premium / F2P Players are noobs and worthless"
Once again i'm sorry to say this, but i feel like Premium should be higher valued than VIPs. In my 3 months of playing i've contributed more money to Turbine than you guys have in 8-9 months. The purchase content model appeals to be me more as i have a real life outside of the game and I cannot justify paying a monthly subscription when my activity may fluxuate.

3.) "Turbine Points means Turbine is greedy!!!"
Do you realize how expensive the overhead for a MMO is?
1.) Server Farms
A.) Hardware - Depending on if they are running Linux or MS-Server their costs can fluxuate greatly PER machine. A normal server box could handle maybe 100 players each. The calculations in this game are INTENSIVE. In otherwords they have to buy boxes and link them together to create server farms.
B.) Network Bandwidth - A T3 connection is well over $5000 a month... thats like 400 (333.33 but some of you buy the vip packages) of you VIP players alone.
C.) Electricty - The electricity in a development firm with these kind of servers is probably $10,000 minimum a month.
2.) Software Developers
A.) In the United States Software developers make $50-110K a year. 10 Coders means they are paying out over $500,000- $1Million annually. This is also excluding the costs of the social security tax, benefits, unemployment insurance etc.
3.) Public Relations/ Marketing/
A.) In order to make money, a company must spend money to draw in revenue. Every one of their banners they post costs them money. Every add they take out in gaming magazines/ conventions costs money.