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Thread: Whining

  1. #21
    Community Member BurningDownTheHouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Dear Turbine,

    I am new here but I already know that I am better then your Vets. I mean how dare they complain when you change things that affects their builds. And though I have not run a large percent of your quests or even really touched the surface of your game I am sure people who have been playing for nearly 4 years are just crazy when they say things like we need more high level stuff. IN fact why do you put up with such cry babies when you can haves more smarts peoples like me? I mean they have no idea how to be l33t I will tell people how to play how to post and make your forums cool again. IN closing I will start out my venture into your forums with an obvious troll posts calling out the people who kept your game going when you were unknown and make myself feel better. I am sure you will look forward to more players like me who have more insight then the whinning no brain vet communist bad guys. Oh and while your at it change your system to only allow premium the real ddo players since they are the only ones who matter, obviously you dont want paid subscribers money since all they do is whine. Thank you for listening to my expert advice on your game and your player base.


    I am expert newbie.
    Ooh that was good. +1 if I could...
    Officer of Pestilence.
    --A Xorian invader to Thelanis--
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Lailat is just a loot pinyata.

  2. #22
    Community Member Healsavant's Avatar
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    Can we stop throwing stones........let's just all settle this in the pit....../signed THE SLAYER
    Ratthlin,Rathlin,Ratlin, Healsavant
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  3. #23
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Healsavant View Post
    Can we stop throwing stones........let's just all settle this in the pit....../signed THE SLAYER
    No. Manyshot Slayer is TOTALLY IMBA!

  4. #24
    Community Member camels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Dear Turbine,

    I am new here but I already know that I am better then your Vets. I mean how dare they complain when you change things that affects their builds. And though I have not run a large percent of your quests or even really touched the surface of your game I am sure people who have been playing for nearly 4 years are just crazy when they say things like we need more high level stuff. IN fact why do you put up with such cry babies when you can haves more smarts peoples like me? I mean they have no idea how to be l33t I will tell people how to play how to post and make your forums cool again. IN closing I will start out my venture into your forums with an obvious troll posts calling out the people who kept your game going when you were unknown and make myself feel better. I am sure you will look forward to more players like me who have more insight then the whinning no brain vet communist bad guys. Oh and while your at it change your system to only allow premium the real ddo players since they are the only ones who matter, obviously you dont want paid subscribers money since all they do is whine. Thank you for listening to my expert advice on your game and your player base.


    I am expert newbie.
    Thank you....... That was great.

  5. #25
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    I never said i was more important than a VIP and or vet, nor was i more valuable. If it came off that way I apologize. But your reaction to my post is what i expected. To get flamed saying how i'm a noob and worthless waste of space.

    I was trying to state exactly what you (in my opinion) have proven. Several of you vets do not treat new players in a kind nor appreciated manner. In fact you hold this almost hatred for them. And it makes it very difficult for new players to even want to stay.

    If you want to keep a game alive, than you need to have an inviting environment. This is why Turbine is releasing so much lower level content. Just like any account based system, old accounts will leave, new accounts will come. If you cannot bring in new accounts you're company WILL DIE. Plain and simple.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Dear Turbine,

    I am new here but I already know that I am better then your Vets. I mean how dare they complain when you change things that affects their builds. And though I have not run a large percent of your quests or even really touched the surface of your game I am sure people who have been playing for nearly 4 years are just crazy when they say things like we need more high level stuff. IN fact why do you put up with such cry babies when you can haves more smarts peoples like me? I mean they have no idea how to be l33t I will tell people how to play how to post and make your forums cool again. IN closing I will start out my venture into your forums with an obvious troll posts calling out the people who kept your game going when you were unknown and make myself feel better. I am sure you will look forward to more players like me who have more insight then the whinning no brain vet communist bad guys. Oh and while your at it change your system to only allow premium the real ddo players since they are the only ones who matter, obviously you dont want paid subscribers money since all they do is whine. Thank you for listening to my expert advice on your game and your player base.


    I am expert newbie.

  6. #26


    "I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
    Learn to swim..."

    "This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
    Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
    All this pain is an illusion"

  7. #27
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    I never said i was more important than a VIP and or vet, nor was i more valuable. If it came off that way I apologize. But your reaction to my post is what i expected. To get flamed saying how i'm a noob and worthless waste of space.

    I was trying to state exactly what you (in my opinion) have proven. Several of you vets do not treat new players in a kind nor appreciated manner. In fact you hold this almost hatred for them. And it makes it very difficult for new players to even want to stay.

    If you want to keep a game alive, than you need to have an inviting environment. This is why Turbine is releasing so much lower level content. Just like any account based system, old accounts will leave, new accounts will come. If you cannot bring in new accounts you're company WILL DIE. Plain and simple.
    Oh yeah youve got me pegged, in fact I haze all new players, give no helpful advice, pigeonhole them and just about every bad thing Vet players can do to new players right? Because my satire filled post gives you real insight on how I am? Because its a lot easy for you to judge me when you make your very first post in our forums not only attacking vets who you know nothing about but saying that premium should be held to a higher standard cause you probably paid more. Not taken in many of us VIPs still support the turbine store buy buying tr items, character slots and the like. But no im not supposed to make fun of an over generalization and take your calling me mean to new players. I think maybe you need to look at my posts more often before you go slinging that kinda stuff. I basically turned your original post into something more constructive then the bait you laid out. I did not flame you I wrote a satire post which if it reflects how you are then oh well. Enjoy ddo stop being a generalist you'll last a heck of a lot longer.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Oh yeah youve got me pegged, in fact I haze all new players, give no helpful advice, pigeonhole them and just about every bad thing Vet players can do to new players right? Because my satire filled post gives you real insight on how I am? Because its a lot easy for you to judge me when you make your very first post in our forums not only attacking vets who you know nothing about but saying that premium should be held to a higher standard cause you probably paid more. Not taken in many of us VIPs still support the turbine store buy buying tr items, character slots and the like. But no im not supposed to make fun of an over generalization and take your calling me mean to new players. I think maybe you need to look at my posts more often before you go slinging that kinda stuff. I basically turned your original post into something more constructive then the bait you laid out. I did not flame you I wrote a satire post which if it reflects how you are then oh well. Enjoy ddo stop being a generalist you'll last a heck of a lot longer.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  9. #29
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    I know I'm also well-known for my disdain for new players - LOL. Never mind that I've argued against "Us vs Them" threads.
    Never mind that I'm usually found in the New Player Advice forums.
    Never mind that I told Vets to "chill out" about the "Share Plz" stuff.

    So let me say that you really need to step back yourself and see that many things are being changed and people are not happy about it. It isn't about you. We really don't care about you at all.

  10. #30
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    3.) "Premium / F2P Players are noobs and worthless"
    Once again i'm sorry to say this, but i feel like Premium should be higher valued than VIPs. In my 3 months of playing i've contributed more money to Turbine than you guys have in 8-9 months. The purchase content model appeals to be me more as i have a real life outside of the game and I cannot justify paying a monthly subscription when my activity may fluxuate.
    I seriously dought that. I am VIP ind I have spent between $500 and $600 over the last 4 months. This total does NOT include my monthly VIP cost either.

    This money was spent revamping old characters, stat tomes, etc...

  11. #31
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    You know OP I had time to stop and think about this question.

    What was the point of your thread?

    You titled it whining you obviously wanted something to catch people's eyes.

    You complain about vets complaining about things that affect our characters and all around fun when youve barely scratched the game's surface.

    You say were being mean to new players when most of the threads of late have been against things that will affect all players even new blood down the pike once they start leveling.

    So I ask you seriously why did you make this thread? Your very first post and you purposely use a title that starts flames, over generalization, false facts on who uses or spends more for ddo and slam vets for not providing a newbie friendly environment when I doubt youve looked past the nerf threads or the anti pvp that weve been going threw. Once again as a Vet ive done my part to prove im apart of the community, all I see here is a way to take a pot shot then cry about how your a picked on new blood.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  12. #32
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    Gah! I hate the word "whining". Just remember, one persons 'whine' is another persons well reasoned and intelligent argument.

    It is interesting to see a developer (albeit an ex developer) of games moaning about people complaining about nerfs. From a players point of view, if you'd got your bit right to start with you wouldn't have to keep reducing the effectiveness of players powers!

    It's a bit like the shopkeeper who puts a few sweets on the scales and watches the kids eyes light up as he keeps adding sweets to make up the weight asked for. Compare that to the shopkeeper who adds a handfull then watches the kids disappointment when he sees his bargain pile dwindle as the skopkeeper takes them away a few at a time to get to the weight he wants. Regular nerfing makes the devs look like the second shopkeeper...

  13. #33
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    My god, if we spent half as much time in game earning favor towards our free tome or doing 100 point favor grinds or whatever floats you, we would all have enough TP's to buy hearts of wood and reincarnate all our nerfed characters for free by the time U5 goes live.......geesh!

    *the preceding statement was slightly over exaggerated to better fit forum guidelines for general posting*

  14. #34
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    I am a somewhat new player, having been on DDO for around 3 months. However, I have been following the forums for a while and I've come to the conclusion that 90% of you guys are whiners.

    Think about a teeter-totter... you continue to add weight to one side, the other goes up, so you add weight to that and back and forth. Eventually the WHOLE DARN thing breaks due to much weight.

    Yeah but we all know the fat kid rules the teeter totter.. He can just make everyone go up and drop them when they want to, complete control.. DDO has a lotta fat kids, lol. Don't take away the fat kids donut or you'll pull back a bloody stump
    Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
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  15. #35
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ode1st View Post
    The original poster also has to realize that internet + games brings out the worst in human personality.
    So very true. Because we're not talking face to face with people, we tend to be move brave in our comments saying almost anything we want. Since, we (most of us) behave within the rules of society, the internet is a good outlet for us to rant/whine.

  16. #36
    Community Member epochofcrepuscule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Dear Turbine,

    I am new here but I already know that I am better then your Vets. I mean how dare they complain when you change things that affects their builds. And though I have not run a large percent of your quests or even really touched the surface of your game I am sure people who have been playing for nearly 4 years are just crazy when they say things like we need more high level stuff. IN fact why do you put up with such cry babies when you can haves more smarts peoples like me? I mean they have no idea how to be l33t I will tell people how to play how to post and make your forums cool again. IN closing I will start out my venture into your forums with an obvious troll posts calling out the people who kept your game going when you were unknown and make myself feel better. I am sure you will look forward to more players like me who have more insight then the whinning no brain vet communist bad guys. Oh and while your at it change your system to only allow premium the real ddo players since they are the only ones who matter, obviously you dont want paid subscribers money since all they do is whine. Thank you for listening to my expert advice on your game and your player base.


    I am expert newbie.
    +1 and simply awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    I am a somewhat new player, having been on DDO for around 3 months. However, I have been following the forums for a while and I've come to the conclusion that 90% of you guys are whiners.

    Thats a nice conclusion for someone whos been here 3 months. I am sure you were called "special" as a child as well.

    1.) "TWF/THF Nerf"
    I am sorry to have my introductory post be like this, but seriously will you guys **** about how horrible nerfing is. As several other commentors have stated Nerfing is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to have proper balance. By just buffing everyone you create hyperinflated skills, instances and problems.
    This is the internet, it brings the worst out of people. If you dont like the posts dont read them.

    I have been a developer on other games myself, and i can tell you from first hand experience it drives us bonkers when you complain about nerfs. I understand that you like your character and you enjoy being powerful, but you cannot create balance just by buffing.
    Thanks for your sage advice, since we couldnt figure out devs didnt like to hear us b*tch and whine

    Think about a teeter-totter... you continue to add weight to one side, the other goes up, so you add weight to that and back and forth. Eventually the WHOLE DARN thing breaks due to much weight.
    Why not think of it from a mathematical perspective? Instead of throwing random weights around. Know the weight of what you place on each side. If its just slightly more then the other and its the best balance you can achieve, keep it that way till you can knowingly make a more equivalent balance to the other side.

    2.) "-10 Saves would make Epic like preschool!"
    I'm sorry if you've been playing the game for 4 years and have collected everything you possibly could need, but there are other people that would like to enjoy this game while maintaining a REAL life. Just because you have had to time to TR 4x and your spell penetration is abnormally high doesn't mean it breaks the system. It means you are TOO strong and you deserve to be overpowered.
    We farmed tomes for level 1 and we didnt deserve to be overpowered then, why should now be any different? You noobs complain about us being overpowered, and when we want the difficulty to adjust to US being overpowered, you complain again.

    3.) "Premium / F2P Players are noobs and worthless"
    Once again i'm sorry to say this, but i feel like Premium should be higher valued than VIPs. In my 3 months of playing i've contributed more money to Turbine than you guys have in 8-9 months. The purchase content model appeals to be me more as i have a real life outside of the game and I cannot justify paying a monthly subscription when my activity may fluxuate.
    Noobs are worthless, newbs are great. Learn your terminology before you whine. Us vets know the terminology, why cant you learn it? Must DDO unleash a dictionary of DDO terminology as well for you guys?
    We spend money on this game outside of our VIP membership. I know its hard for you to fathom, but thats because your "special".
    We all have lives outside of this game as well. But most of us are antisocial jack@sses and instead of doing something ******** like hanging out with idiots that would lower our IQ, we play this. With @ssholes who will increase our intelligence, cuz we like being smart and knowing what we are talking about.

    3.) "Turbine Points means Turbine is greedy!!!"
    Do you realize how expensive the overhead for a MMO is?
    1.) Server Farms
    A.) Hardware - Depending on if they are running Linux or MS-Server their costs can fluxuate greatly PER machine. A normal server box could handle maybe 100 players each. The calculations in this game are INTENSIVE. In otherwords they have to buy boxes and link them together to create server farms.
    B.) Network Bandwidth - A T3 connection is well over $5000 a month... thats like 400 (333.33 but some of you buy the vip packages) of you VIP players alone.
    C.) Electricty - The electricity in a development firm with these kind of servers is probably $10,000 minimum a month.
    2.) Software Developers
    A.) In the United States Software developers make $50-110K a year. 10 Coders means they are paying out over $500,000- $1Million annually. This is also excluding the costs of the social security tax, benefits, unemployment insurance etc.
    3.) Public Relations/ Marketing/
    A.) In order to make money, a company must spend money to draw in revenue. Every one of their banners they post costs them money. Every add they take out in gaming magazines/ conventions costs money.

    Everything there just backed up our point of Turbine being greedy. I know the meaning of words are beyond you, so google it. Is it worth for people to whine about? not really. Is there a reason for you to whine about them whining about it and explain to them why turbine is greedy? No, its even worse. That just makes you seem as stupid as someone that thinks people go into a business and dont want profit.
    For all of you that said ibtl. I just made the lock happen for you. You can thank me later.

  17. #37
    Community Member gurslak's Avatar
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    A couple of points from a relative newb, probably noob too

    1) The OP threatened to rise up to a crescendo, but didn't quite make it and stopped suddenly, which was a bit confusing and reduced it's efficiency.

    2) Abusing fellow players probably isn't the best way to put your point across.

    3) Most importantly these are some of the best forums I've been on including the various WoW related ones, D&D pnp and Guild wars amongst others. The MAJORITY of people here are quick to offer advice, are polite and will help as much as possible. I've not been here long but I already have a list of names who I look out for as I know their posts will be constructive, well thought out and polite.
    There are and always will be those who come here to troll and complain about all the bad points and conveniently forget all the good points to the game. However most people here actually care about the game we play and post with good intentions.

    4) Respect others and you shall be respected. I've seen two posters have relatively long running discussions in posts where they strongly disagree with each other, yet moments later they'll be backing each other up in another post. People here understand others have different opinions and are happy to accept that as long as it's put across in a polite and repectful manner.

    Hope you enjoyed my mini wall of text

    Last edited by gurslak; 06-10-2010 at 08:08 AM.

  18. #38
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    I have been a developer on other games myself, and i can tell you from first hand experience it drives us bonkers when you complain about nerfs. I understand that you like your character and you enjoy being powerful, but you cannot create balance just by buffing.
    I'm the King of Sweden, a professional porn star, and a MLB player.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabvre View Post
    1.) Server Farms
    A.) Hardware - Depending on if they are running Linux or MS-Server their costs can fluxuate greatly PER machine. A normal server box could handle maybe 100 players each. The calculations in this game are INTENSIVE. In otherwords they have to buy boxes and link them together to create server farms.
    B.) Network Bandwidth - A T3 connection is well over $5000 a month... thats like 400 (333.33 but some of you buy the vip packages) of you VIP players alone.
    C.) Electricty - The electricity in a development firm with these kind of servers is probably $10,000 minimum a month.
    2.) Software Developers
    A.) In the United States Software developers make $50-110K a year. 10 Coders means they are paying out over $500,000- $1Million annually. This is also excluding the costs of the social security tax, benefits, unemployment insurance etc.
    3.) Public Relations/ Marketing/
    A.) In order to make money, a company must spend money to draw in revenue. Every one of their banners they post costs them money. Every add they take out in gaming magazines/ conventions costs money.
    Most of this is wrong...ridiculously wrong.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  19. #39
    Community Member Mister_Peace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    The difference between Premium and VIP...

    Premium - Burst funds, has a cap when the most expensive permenant buys are all bought, and then dwindles as the reusable but not necessary stuff barely gets bought. This is handy money, but it's not reliable, which makes it harder to plan around.

    VIP - Steady funds. Outside of a VIP cancelling, they're paying constantly. They still have to spend Turbine Points on some things, but at the same time, they get to preview what the game is about to become. They get the most cost-effective deal really, and at the same time, their money is constant, and reliable.

    Budgets can be planned around reliable money, even if it generates less revenue than burst funds. Burst funds, however, can't be budgeted around because they're not guaranteed.
    So casters are Premium and melee are VIP. Now I understand why TWF and THF are getting nerfed, while epic saves are being reduced and Fail Master gets buffed.
    Quote Originally Posted by havokiano View Post
    you are boring. And you rosik a lot. bye.
    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    With the amount of facepalming we do, it's a wonder DDO players have any noses left.

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