Favoured Soul level 11, healing build. VIP account.
I'm in a guild for the moment but that is irrelevant, they know I'm looking for one with more euro people in it and are cool with it.
Favoured Soul level 11, healing build. VIP account.
I'm in a guild for the moment but that is irrelevant, they know I'm looking for one with more euro people in it and are cool with it.
Hi Anelk,
The Holy Quail of Orien would be happy to have you on board, if you're interested. We are not an exclusively 'Euro guild', but have a number of European players (I am from the UK).
The Holy Quail is a fun, friendly guild that is member-driven.
Its core values are:
(i) to provide help and guidance to all members, whether new to the game or just new to a class;
(ii) to act as a resource pool for questing, helping each other out wherever we can;
(iii) to make its members wealthier and better equipped by promoting internal trade over the AHs and vendors.
Activities we offer include:
- Trade opportunities
- Organised questing
- Raids
- Favour runs - with a higher-level character leading, to make things just that bit easier
- Organised farming (for loot, xp and favour)
THQ is currently recruiting - so if you are a player looking for a friendly, helpful guild then please get in touch. All levels and classes are welcome, and one of our current priorities is to expand and diversify the guild to create a bigger resource pool from which to form quest parties.
You can send me a message through MyDDO, or send a mail or /tell in-game to any Officer, who'll be happy to extend you an invitation.
Patron of House deRaine. Leucius (Human) Sorcerer 10 ~ Percieus (Drow Elf) Favoured Soul 11 ~ Devieus (Halfling) Rogue 5 ~ Igantieus (Human) Paladin 4 / Fighter 1 ~ Tiberieus (Dwarf) Monk 3 / Cleric 1
If you are on Ghallanda, we could be a possibility. many euro ppl in guild.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. (G. Marx)
Chatuyscha / Znutar / Xarazeen
Oops.. I suppose I should have mentioned I am housed on Cannith and playing a VIP account.
I will remain in my current guild until I get an offer from a guild where some people are visible my playtimes using the Socialpanels WHO function. There I sort by guild name and for a few days I will look if I see you.
Mind you I won't see players going anonymous so...Don't do that then. :P
So far, it has only been Spellbinders and Silver Legion?
The others have names hinting they are are not using English as first language.
And I have gained a few levels since I made this thread. I'm level 14 now.
I am also flaged for VoN now.
Have completed TOR - which means I'm flaged for Reavers...
The one and only good thing about PuG when you are a healer is that people actually listen (sometimes) when I ask them to slow down a bit. Otherwise they will obviously die. Muahaha!
Additional Info about my playstyle:
I hate zerging and PuG (most of the time the two are the same) - Loathe runaways (people who run away from group doing their own thing) and dislike squishies who try to tank without even trying to AVOID agro (Rangers, rogues and *the horror* : arcanes using the melee figher spell, running headfirst with greatsword dressed in a kimono...)
I'm a FvS healer - But I do not have infinite spellpoints and TP to get more potions with.
DO use your head and utilize some tactics please. :P
We're playing a MMO adventure game here, not a FPS or racing game.
That said, The *occasional* zoom through favor dungeons of inferior level, now that's a completely different thing. I can assist with that but I do rather play "proper" dungeons that are challenging for I find farming and grinding incredibly boring and a waste of time.
As mentioned, I live in Sweden so it's GMT +1 here (Paris time). That means for you US folks, unless your guild has a number of people online between say... 10 AM to3 PM central US time - I have no business in your guild.
I gotta get up at 5:30 am Paris time, that translates to 10:30 pm CST. That's the deal and I can't change those times.
Last edited by anelk; 06-04-2010 at 07:16 PM. Reason: Change of Level
If we were meant to be alone we wouldn't have so many languages and ability to speak them.