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Yes, but here's the thing: Turbine is a business. How they run their business--how they treat their customers--has consequences: Actions have consequences:
--they nerf vanilla in nerfdate5 (for "Game Balance" donchaknow, to make-the-game-more-fun),
--so then everyone abandons vanilla and instead invests money/time to respec over to chocolate because chocolate still works like its supposed to,
--so then they nerf chocolate in nerfdate6 , so then everyone invests money/time to respec over to strawberry because strawberry still works right, which in turn gets nerfed;
--and so on.
--when they have "Rebalanced" the entire build lineup, Turbine starts the nerf cycle all over again, nerfing whatever works best at the time to "make the game more fun", and working down the line.
Thats NOT "Game Balance", thats just bait and switch.
The consequence of this sort of arbitrary nerfs is that players (some sooner than others) eventually realize they can have zero confidence in their permanent build investment choices having permanent results as advertised--clear intent being: "if it works, its gonna get nerfed". It takes the Player Character building out of the players' hands. This is strong disincentive to invest money/time in permanent build choices other than pure-class (cookie cutter ), such as purchasing new race content, or +2 to-all-stat-tomes (basically +2 tomes are required for edgy custom builds to overcome inherent handicaps). Pure-class builds become the default build option as the most nerf-proof choices; this decreases variety, thus decreases diversity, thus decreases interest.
I am not interested in investing MORE money/time to have the rug pulled out from under me again. I am not really interested in pure-class toons (I like successful edgy custom builds, I like to SEE a wide variety of successful edgy custom builds running around).
In my view, after nerfdate5 goes live, it is then up to Turbine to put something on the table, to earn my trust back that my permanent choices yield positive benefit, and are not misconstrued as an invitation for nerfing. I can wait till update6, which better NOT be more nerfs thats for sure, otherwise no more money from me.
To restate: if they HAVE to make changes, they owe it to players to make such changes in the least debilitating way possible, out of respect and consideration for the time/money ppl have invested, or if that cant be done for practical reasons, the fair thing to do is to GIVE the players a slightly BETTER deal than what they already have, or if not possible, then a free repsec with no strings attached -- i.e. deconstruction of greensteel, or transfer greensteel into another type of craftable altogether (hopefully one that is not bugged this time).