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  1. #3441
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    I disagree the post you quoted is a perfect example of somebody that's got the entire thing wrong. Very simply put, very short sighted, and self absorbed. But it's cool he can have his opinion as can you.
    I'd be interested in why you think the quoted post is so badly wrong Smatt, given that I generally agree with your
    posts. My perspective may be coloured somewhat by the fact that I completed my Monsteresque build on
    Friday (12/6/2 Fig/Rng/Rog). I just hope we get respecs.

  2. #3442
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    I'd be interested in why you think the quoted post is so badly wrong Smatt, given that I generally agree with your
    posts. My perspective may be coloured somewhat by the fact that I completed my Monsteresque build on
    Friday (12/6/2 Fig/Rng/Rog). I just hope we get respecs.
    Well I thnk it's a rather narrow minded post based on an opinion that it's ven feasible to "FIX" the code or that the code was even poorly done at the time it was done. I've also come to form my own opinion that it's very liekly the changes being implemented are neccesary to some extent , because they've hit a wall as to how far they can go wit some of the game mechanics, and that has left them no way to expand the game moving forwrad.

    In other words there's a lot more to this than this narrow sighted , they're taking the chepa way out, they just want to nerf us becasue we're uber, they're just being mean... Or any of the other doom opinions. Looking at what's being said and talking to peopel who are over testing on Lama.. It seems that's it's not nearly as devastating to ANY build at this point, and to be honest I'm starting to hear about some things that are actually creating some more powerful possiblities going out...

    I simply don't buy into most of the talk over all of this...

  3. #3443
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    Quote Originally Posted by tolana View Post
    maybe you should go to lama and check it out yourself instead of reading what someone posted. i went to lama and the changes absolutely kill my dps on my twf finesse 18rogue/2fighter. i dont care what the thread said cuz in actuality it is a drastic change and not for the better. maybe your ranger is just fine but there are builds out there that are totally ruined with the changes.
    I suppose that's a possibility... Pigeon meat hole... iI does suck that builds get nerfed no doubt.. But if you've been playing this game for any amount of time... It's always happened.. And will continue to happen....

  4. #3444
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    Well I thnk it's a rather narrow minded post based on an opinion...I simply don't buy into most of the talk over all of this...
    That indicates to me that you are not getting what I am saying here at all, so I will clarify it for you: I am going by what the OP (specifically Eladrin, the dev) actually have officially stated, not an "opinion"....

    When this nerf goes live, I loose out big time, so given that, I am interested being reasonably accommodated in good faith, or if that cant be done for practical reasons, I am fine with equitable compensation to mitigate the damage that must be done to my investments (ditto that for everyone else who is getting the not-so-clean end of the stick on this deal; I want my fellow players accommodated too--including you by the way). If such accommodation is not going to happen (and that does not appear likely to me at this point) then that is a problem.

    Thank you for replying by the way. If you would care to restate your sentiments, i am still interested in what you have to say.
    Last edited by tasebro; 06-06-2010 at 11:44 AM.

  5. #3445
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Some sample attack percentages with this system (assuming you took all possible available feats and enhancements) would be:
    Build                Main-hand    Off-hand
    20 Ranger (Tempest 3)        100%        85%
    20 Monk (Wind Stance 4)        100%        75%
    20 Fighter (Alacrity)        110%        55%
    20 Paladin (Zeal)        110%        55%
    20 [Other]            100%        55%
    12 Ftr/6 Rng/2 Mnk        100%        70%
    15 Pal/3 Mnk/2 [Any] (unarmed)    110%        60%
    14 Pal/6 Rng            110%        65%
    18 Rgr/2 Mnk            100%        90%

    Thanks for the massive amount of feedback all.

    We're currently thinking of adjusting the numbers to:

        Doublestrike    Bonus    Main hand    Off hand
    No feats    0    20%    100%        20%
    TWF        0    +20%    100%        40%
    ITWF        0    +20%    100%        60%
    GTWF        0    +20%    100%        80%
    Tempest I    0    +10%    100%        90%
    Tempest II    0    +10%    100%        100% 
    Tempest III    +5%*    0    105%        100%
    Wind IV        +10%    0    110%        80%
    Zeal        +10%    0    110%        80%
    Alacrity    +10%    0    110%        80%
    * Only when wielding two weapons.

    This set switches Wind Stance and Tempest III to doublestrike bonuses, increases the benefits of the TWF feat chain, and adds an additional feat for high BAB characters.

    All of the bottom rows assume that the person has GTWF.

    Edit 2:
    Updated information in the main post to reflect the most recent changes.

    Saw this in a different thread referenced as a chart. Could you, since Wind 4 is the Monk's answer to Tempest, push the numbers on the Offhand a touch higher, or drop them on Tempest, keeping them more or less close to each other if not in line nearly directly?

    I'm thinking
        Doublestrike    Bonus    Main hand    Off hand
    No feats       0      20%    100%        20%
    TWF            0      +20%    100%        40%
    ITWF           0      +20%    100%        60%
    GTWF            0      +20%    100%        80%
    GTWF Tempest I 0         +10%   100%       90%  -  Ranger 6 has ITWF so the #s are actually lower, this chart assumes level 20 with GTWF
    Tempest II       0    +10%    100%        100% 
    Tempest III      +5%*    0    105%        100%
    GTWF Wind I        0     0      100%      85%
    GTWF Wind II       4%     0     100%      90%
    GTWF Wind III      8%     0     105%      95%   
    GTWF Wind IV      +10%    0     110%      100%
    Zeal              +10%    0    110%      80%
    Alacrity         +10%     0    110%      80%
    * Only when wielding two weapons.

    ...but only because it seems fair to have classes wholly dependent on every attack proc'ing as their means of justifiable DPS maintain that 100% at Epic levels instead of the alternative
        Doublestrike    Bonus    Main hand    Off hand
    No feats    0    20%    100%        20%
    TWF        0    +20%    100%        40%
    ITWF        0    +20%    100%        50%
    GTWF        0    +20%    100%        60%
    Tempest I    0    +10%    100%        70%
    Tempest II    0    +10%    100%        80% 
    Tempest III    +5%*    0    105%        80%
    Wind IV        +10%    0    110%        80%
    Zeal        +10%    0    110%        80%
    Alacrity    +10%    0    110%        80%
    * Only when wielding two weapons.
    Last edited by Xeraphim; 06-06-2010 at 12:34 PM.

  6. #3446
    Community Member Chronotrip's Avatar
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    Default Things to remember About TWF

    Eladrin says that the Nerf is to "bridge the Gap" between TWF and THF. WHY!?!?!?!?! There are some Major things to try and remember about the differances between the two that are very important because as it stands, the Devs are about to MAJORLY NeRf TWF in Favor of THF and then Everyone and there Brothers will be THF. I think that even if we don't want to, we can all admit that TWF is MAJORLY Over Powered compaired to THF. So if you wana NeRf TWF JUST A LITTLE ok i get that. You wana reduce Lag, ok, not only do I
    get that but I am all for it. Just try not to do something that you will then latter have to fix and then say "ooops we really messed that one up didn't we" a la Epic Sword of Shadows ( which i think should be kept as is and the drop rate for the acctual sword made better and the epic items needed for upgrade kept the same b/c they are super rare as is).

    First of all I want to say that I am Very Glad we got a heads up about this B4 it went live. Secondly I Know that any time that there are major changes to the game people are going to FREAK OUT and assume it is a NeRf (although in this case the Devs have been blunt and addmited that it is a total over all dps nerf which is also at the very least considerate that they addmit it). If this idea of "piggy Backing" off have attacks WILL reduce lag and if by lowering the chance of the off hand attack hitting you can reduce TWF's monsterously over poweredness (thats right, its a word if I say it is) then I dont think that anyone can complain too much as TWF is totaly way more dps than THF. THE THING IS TWF should ALWAYS be WAY, WAY more Dps than THF for several major reasons. The first to reasons will be numbered with there sub-resons being letters.

    # 1 Reason: Weapon fighters (AKA: NON-MONKEYS :P)
    A: TWF is more EXPENSIVE feat wise than THF, so if you make them close to the same Dps then no one will want to play them, everyone will roll up THF and you will then have to make additional NeRfs to fix the problem, MUCH as you are thinking about doing now. You dont even really need ANY feats to be affective with THF but Currently you NEED all of the feats for TWF and not only that but also all of the GOOD dps single hand weapons are Exotic, there are NO
    Exotic Two Handed weapons (something that Hope changes soon, such as 1/2 Orcs having bonus to hit and dmg with a Dubble Axe or something, b/c if they put in with 1/2 orcs that would mean that we would have the new weapon in about a year or two, cause thats how turbine rolls remember when the pastlife
    feats were viewable but TR was not ready for like 1-2 months afterwords? :P) So thats 4 feats right there!!!!! not to mention Over Sized if you are a multi with a low BAB which would make it 5 feats!!!!!! And again, unless your a Fighter or a Barb, you dont NEED the feats to be affective and now that we dont get as much out of twitching, there is even LESS of a reason to go with the THF line of feats.

    B: STATS. It is WAY more expinsive stat wise to go with TWF because you have to get your Dex so incredably high and then either Str or Con or some other stat has to suffer. If I can roll up a 28 point fighter and give it 18 Str and 16 Con or 14 Str and 15 Dex( and prey for a +2 tome as someone is obviously new b/c i only have 28 point build) and what like 14-16 Con what choice Am i going to make? Especially if they both do the SAME dmg or even CLOSE to the same dmg. they wont do close to the same dmg cause I'll have 14 Str and that Fighter over yonder will have 18. *NOTE that I have 32 point build and 36 even as I TR but i am thinking worse case b/c GRANTED when you have that many build points the whole stat thing becomes less of an issue.

    C: Multi mobs. THF has always been great in some ways b/c if you are Flanked you are still dmg the mnobs to the sides and even behind you! not so with TWF.

    D: Distance. As a TWF I have to be close enough to a mob that i can feal the heat coming off of their stinky breath. My THF Barb? He can be 1/2 a foot ball field away form a mob and still hit them no problem. Why would i want to spend more feats and stat points to be able to do the same dmg to a single mob less dmg to multi mobs AND have to get closer/have a better chance to not even "Miss" but just wiff Air.

    E: Expinsive. $$$$$$$$$ TWF is MORE resources!!!! You have to spend more moneys while lvling and you have to spend WAY more time FARMING SHROUD. IF Turbine was smart they would figure out a way to get everyone going with two Green Steel WHATEVERS in each hand. For example GREEN STEEL SHIELDS!!!!! and that is just off the top of my head turbine, comon. Yeah you DO need a Large Horn to make A Great Axe (dont know about the other great weapons, any one every make a GS Great CLUB?????) but I need 4 SUPREM shards and TWO SHARDS OF POWER to make 2 GS khopeshes!!! and not only that but its TWO DUAL SHARD weapons so for 2 Min2's thats 10 CARROTS!!!!! ( Large Devil Scales) See right here is where everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should be storming the gates, demanding that Turbine not gimp TWF tooooo much b/c even you hard core twitchers who love THF and resent the fact that TWF Kinsai pure 20 fighters are Gods should agree that a major nerf is TOTALLY unfair to all those people who have dumped 10 Carrots into a single set of weapons.

    # 2 Reason THE MONKEYS!!!!! NO Dev has EVER LOVED THEM!!!

    A. DR. Only way to get it when you need it is to hope for devots which never drop. And I mean NEVER! I TR'd with THREE MONKEYS so yeah, I can say that we have ran that stupid Necro quest A LOT and not even one of us got it. 2 of the monkeys were monks also in their former life so it wasn't even like it was new to ANY of us. The SECOND way to get it is to Craft Green Stee l hand wraps. ohhhh wait no, their are none. BUT WAIT, to make up for it we will make you run a Raid at LEAST 9ish times B4 you finally get what every other class had B4 they started runing this raid. Everyone ALREADY THINKS that Monks are poor dps and not having DR bypassing weapons makes things even worse. So to GIMP them even further than they already HAVE is an OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!

    B. $$$$$ Lets face it, you have to PAY to be a MONK. Either in Turbine points which costs Moneys or in time to Farm that many Turbine points or in going VIP which AGAIN is costing you Moneys, sweeeet, sweeeet tasty Moneys. Just as many people argue that the MASTER RACE aka War Forged are over powered (OP) so too should this arguement be made for MONKEYS. WHY?????? BECAUSE you HAVE to PAY for them, they are not UNLOCKABLE like Drow (ewwwwwww, squishy!!!!) or Favored Soul (AWESOME CLASS, I would Say WAY OP but not complaining, ALL healers NEED MASS Dev LOVE IMHO)

    C. Concept. I am sorry, but when I think of Monk, i think of attacking REALLY REALLY FAST with my BARE Hands. Unless i miss read, it seemed that Eladrin was saying that monks would be better off using a staff and going with Fire style. To me that is simply unacceptable, they should be trying to make the styles more BALANCED rather than the curent Wind vs. Fire debate and the proposed Fire only viable option. one way to make the stances more appealing is they could give earth more DR and Water could auto regen HP or something!!! anything!!!! but dont gimp an already under loved Class!!!

    D. Damage. Monkeys do NOT do as much dmg as the are SOPOSED to. Unless I am wrong, the books say they should be 2d20 at lvl 20 not 2d10 and what about the diff dice size for races?!?!? see very many HALFLING monks lately???? ohhhh maybe thats because of the +1AC/+1 to HIT AND the SNEAK ATTACK DMG. If they had a diff die size for Halflings and War Forged and everyone else was the same as always we would see a shifting in the monk races to be more balnced. So to give them a big chance to miss with thier off hand is going to hurt them most of all as they have always relied on a Hing # of attacks at a very High SPEED to do ANY DMG. why not gimp everyone else and just let monks stay the same, they still would not be AS OP as they should be.

    SIGH, this concludes my RANT on TWF, as some one who plays almost all TWF toons because I love the concept, I have NO problem with the Devs trying to BALANCE the Melee mecanics out, so long as we ALL agree that TWF should still be WAY more Dps to reflect the cost issues mentioned above. I know that it probably wont happen though and 6 months from now Turbine will be slaping there faces asking themselves what they did, where they went wrong. I for One WILL be here, not to say I told you so and not cause this is the best MMO i have played (not like it is bad, and the action adventure stlye instead of traditonal mmos like EverCrack and wow is great) and not even B/C ITS D&D and I will ALWAYS LOVE D&D but B/C Star Wars: The Old Republic is not going to be out for at least Another YEAR :P :P :P :P :P :P

    When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.
    Vitrioll 12wizy/6ranger/2rogue Proud Officer of Elite By Nature!
    We Raid with pride!

  7. #3447
    Community Member hirmor's Avatar
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    Default Floating a ballon

    Quote Originally Posted by tasebro View Post
    I am a pay-as-you-go player ("Valued Customer") since it went f2p... (clip) ...and my grievance with nerfdate 5 is that clearly part of the money I sent turbine that was meant to fund my interests is now riding on some Turbine executives hip, instead of funding the specific resources I bought, and I am being effectively screwed out of my current content interface (i.e. my custom builds), not to mention losing ALL sense of "ownership" of said toons and the build choices allocated therein. I am not alone in this either, and that is the downside of buying content from Turbine, since they can (and obviously will) alter it at any time it suits them to do so, even if it categorically trashes players investments in their builds.
    So here I am in stuck in limbo, knowing that with nerfdate 5 my main toon--and almost all of my alts--will soon be rendered severely hampered in their intended purpose as my only interface with the content I bought (various DPS "speed" builds), and on top of that, we now have clear indications that marginalization of all power builds is the "new mandate", and since power builds is what I am currently interested in, I now have no motivation to work on any alts since they are all going to be nerfed in the name of "game balance".
    I will have to start over from scratch AGAIN since the carrot is now smaller, and on a longer stick.
    I do want to play my toons that I have invested so much time and money into tweaking to be the way I built them to be, but I know there is no point since any achievement that resembles effectiveness will likely be nerfed come updates 5/6, so I now have severe reservations about trusting turbine to do-the-right-thing when the powers that be have demonstrated the intention to employ deleterious/lame solutions, then take the money and run.
    First post in years. So bare with me.

    Been a DDO player since its first release, and have been a VIP since it went F2P, even during the many months I didn't play because of real life. I felt that DDO needed every penny it could get to stay alive. Guess I am what you call an unwavering supporter of DDO.

    I lived through so many nerfs (or fundamental altering of the game) that I can't recall them all.

    While frustrating and painful, these nerfs have also been opportunities to re-roll and start over. Yes enjoy the game from another point of view. With more failures came more successes. And the gratification of beating the game again.

    BUT this doesn't mean that I don't feel for those that paid hard earn money, and invested time, in builds that will be, and there is little doubt about that, soon significantly affected by Update 5. In the past, and as recently as the current +2 loot bonus for "technical difficulties", Turbine has done whatever it could to compensate players (short of giving back money... LOL but that's business). And this, as many ex-Wow players may tell you, is something that puts Turbine in the category of companies that care as much as they can for the players' base.

    Some may say it is easy to give us "virtual goods" to compensate us as it costs them nothing. Indeed. But it doesn't make those "virtual goods" worthless to the players.

    And that gave me an idea. And yes it does test Turbine's claim that they care.

    Like some many times in the past, upon Update 5 going live, let's have Turbine grant each player a Heart of Wood "+whatever" (they can make +5, I bet they can make +your level) so all players affected by the "nerf" can re-roll. Not a perfect solution I admit.

    It is like a push of a button for Turbine, with little direct cost. For the players like Tasebro that paid their content with specific builds in mind, it is a fair compensation, and a great way to keep Turbine's player base as intact as possible.

    So here is my great idea! Lol. Go ahead feel free to shoot it down or give it some lift. I care little for rep, but I do care for the game, and its community of developpers and players.

  8. #3448
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    A 10% double hit chance on the main hand is not the same as a 10% speed enhancement. A speed enhancement when TWF'ing changes 2 hits into 2.2 hits. A 10% double hit chance only changes 2 hits to 2.1 hits or to be more update 5 specific, 1.8 hits into 1.9 hits.

    This particular point is a nasty nerf targetted at TWF paladins, fighters and most especially monks. I don't mind an overall reduction in TWF DPS that affects all classes proportionally. I do however strongly object to these 3 classes being hit extra hard with the nerf bat. That extra 10% speed boost they can get through enhancements or spells is a nice draw to the class. I don't want to see it halved in effect.

    (sorry if this obvious mathematical point has already been pointed out, but I've only managed to read about 70 pages of this monster thread )

  9. #3449
    Community Member DoctorBadWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tasebro View Post
    Thing is that your "a little slower" nerf intentionally kills the viability of multi class speed builds that rely on every available speed advantage to be viable (but still decidedly sub-optimal). So speed builds are going to lose the bulk of useful DPS and have nothing to show for the player investment put into carefully constructing now-invalidated toons. I remind you that speed builds only come at great opportunity cost to build, to achieve a workable, competitive edge that is now thoroughly blunted.
    I am not interested in funding that particular mediocrity; and I am now understandably reluctant to invest MORE resources into another custom build only to see it nerfed too--and for the same lame (non)reasons speed builds are being nerfed now.
    This U5 nerf of TWF in general and speed builds in particular is antithetical to a fundamental principle in DnD, so its NOT "balance"--what it is, is an arbitrary flub that happens to be the most convenient, cheap way to divert resources around some bad code that would be unpleasantly expensive to repair. The real problem here is NOT speed builds, its the bad code issues execs have clearly elected not to repair in favor of a cheaper band-aid solution.

    The money I have spent on my speed builds speaks louder than your useless admonishment/chastisement to presume to tell the devs that which they already know--at least I have the integrity to back up my interests with my cash purchases...and also not to reward negative performance with even MORE positive reward, and to make sure the word gets out.

    How fortunate are the ignorant, for ignorance truly is bliss...and as a dog to his vomit, so returns a fool to his folly.

    When a DnD GM repeatedly pulls the rug out from under the very talent he is supposedly trying to attract, that talent will find something else to do with their time (and money).
    Want some cheese with that whine?
    Balance is good.

    Seriously reducing the number of calculations being done while a single character attacks, when that character is causing significantly more calculations per second than any other type of character, makes sense.

    It also isn't a lazy fix, rewriting how the majority of melee combat is resolved and calculated is a not a small, or petty undertaking.

    Multi-class speed builds still get more attacks per chain than other melee builds. Many sources of increased chances of double strike and off hand attacks stack.
    All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
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  10. #3450
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hirmor View Post
    First post in years. So bare with me.

    Been a DDO player since its first release, and have been a VIP since it went F2P, even during the many months I didn't play because of real life. I felt that DDO needed every penny it could get to stay alive. Guess I am what you call an unwavering supporter of DDO.

    I lived through so many nerfs (or fundamental altering of the game) that I can't recall them all.

    While frustrating and painful, these nerfs have also been opportunities to re-roll and start over. Yes enjoy the game from another point of view. With more failures came more successes. And the gratification of beating the game again.

    BUT this doesn't mean that I don't feel for those that paid hard earn money, and invested time, in builds that will be, and there is little doubt about that, soon significantly affected by Update 5. In the past, and as recently as the current +2 loot bonus for "technical difficulties", Turbine has done whatever it could to compensate players (short of giving back money... LOL but that's business). And this, as many ex-Wow players may tell you, is something that puts Turbine in the category of companies that care as much as they can for the players' base.

    Some may say it is easy to give us "virtual goods" to compensate us as it costs them nothing. Indeed. But it doesn't make those "virtual goods" worthless to the players.

    And that gave me an idea. And yes it does test Turbine's claim that they care.

    Like some many times in the past, upon Update 5 going live, let's have Turbine grant each player a Heart of Wood "+whatever" (they can make +5, I bet they can make +your level) so all players affected by the "nerf" can re-roll. Not a perfect solution I admit.

    It is like a push of a button for Turbine, with little direct cost. For the players like Tasebro that paid their content with specific builds in mind, it is a fair compensation, and a great way to keep Turbine's player base as intact as possible.

    So here is my great idea! Lol. Go ahead feel free to shoot it down or give it some lift. I care little for rep, but I do care for the game, and its community of developpers and players.

    +1 I agree with this, although I think cries of doom and "useless" characters are quite overstated...

    Lets put it this way... imagine post nerf... how many will REALLY go THF? Even with the reduced off hand hits if you go THF you're giving up: Khopesh's, double smites, double assassinates, double Bursts, double force, double effects (weighted etc.) double stat damagers, double paralyzers, double the green steel enchantments...

    No one likes anything that makes them or their stuff a little worse... That's understandable, but in the end I suspect many of the people saying their character will be ruined, will look at the alternatives, min max a little, read the damage calcs that are already being argued over, and decide they'll use the free respec (if any) to tweak their TWF characters a little while retaining the basic TWF style in the end...

  11. #3451
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Engoril View Post
    A 10% double hit chance on the main hand is not the same as a 10% speed enhancement. A speed enhancement when TWF'ing changes 2 hits into 2.2 hits. A 10% double hit chance only changes 2 hits to 2.1 hits or to be more update 5 specific, 1.8 hits into 1.9 hits.

    This particular point is a nasty nerf targetted at TWF paladins, fighters and most especially monks. I don't mind an overall reduction in TWF DPS that affects all classes proportionally. I do however strongly object to these 3 classes being hit extra hard with the nerf bat. That extra 10% speed boost they can get through enhancements or spells is a nice draw to the class. I don't want to see it halved in effect.

    (sorry if this obvious mathematical point has already been pointed out, but I've only managed to read about 70 pages of this monster thread )
    Your math is off. 10 attacks produces 11 attacks on average with a 10% chance. 20 attacks will produce 22 attacks on average.

    There is a 10% chance to proc a double strike on each main hand attack. More attacks does equal more procs. And a 10% proc will average the same number of attacks as a 10% speed increase to attacks.

  12. #3452
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhaz1970 View Post
    +1 I agree with this, although I think cries of doom and "useless" characters are quite overstated...

    Lets put it this way... imagine post nerf... how many will REALLY go THF? Even with the reduced off hand hits if you go THF you're giving up: Khopesh's, double smites, double assassinates, double Bursts, double force, double effects (weighted etc.) double stat damagers, double paralyzers, double the green steel enchantments...

    No one likes anything that makes them or their stuff a little worse... That's understandable, but in the end I suspect many of the people saying their character will be ruined, will look at the alternatives, min max a little, read the damage calcs that are already being argued over, and decide they'll use the free respec (if any) to tweak their TWF characters a little while retaining the basic TWF style in the end...
    You are asking the wrong question.
    How many would go THF if they could dump all their levels for free and get GS deconstruction?
    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  13. #3453
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zealous View Post
    Originally Posted by Alhaz1970 View Post
    According to Squelch's numbers TWF DPS will be lower by about 16-17%.

    Wasn't those numbers for ranger and erroneously stating the effect of tempest as 10% when the actual benefit is ~8% due to haste stacking overhead and only counting double strike for main hand.

    Fighters, Paladins:
    Now: main 108%, off 108%
    U5: main 110%, off 88%
    Difference: <8% decrease

    Now: main 108%, off 108%*5/4=135%
    U5: main 105%, off 105%
    Difference: ~14% decrease

    Same as fighters/paladins except 8% instead of <8% due to same damage on main and off hand.
    Additionally, double strike will increase effect of specials, ToD and ki strikes.
    e.g. ToD: gain 10% double strike + 80% off hand proc + 8% double strike off hand proc + off hand attack damage =>benefit increased by some 120%, this translates to a dps boost of ~10%
    Difference: >2% increase for dark monks

    Difference: <10% decrease

    Twitch more or less brought in line with standing attack

    All with madstone boots: ~4.5%
    I'm refering to this post:

    If he's wrong I'm all ears, am not min maxer enough to actually care to go through it with a fine tooth comb and while I don't often agree with min/maxer mindsets (they'll all figure out that having fun is more important than razor honed uber optimal characters (that are the most subject to nerfs) sooner or later. (Wow that was a run on sentence LOL). I think I figured it out a few years ago when I had a kid and time to spend obsessing over a couple damage points more or less per second went right out the window.

    Anyway I'd love to see some other players chime in on your numbers and Squelch's and arrive at some sort of consensus. This thread seems like the place to do that.

  14. #3454
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronotrip View Post
    Eladrin says that the Nerf is to "bridge the Gap" between TWF and THF. WHY!?!?!?!?! There are some Major things to try and remember about the differances between the two that are very important because as it stands, the Devs are about to MAJORLY NeRf TWF in Favor of THF and then Everyone and there Brothers will be THF. I think that even if we don't want to, we can all admit that TWF is MAJORLY Over Powered compaired to THF. So if you wana NeRf TWF JUST A LITTLE ok i get that. You wana reduce Lag, ok, not only do I
    get that but I am all for it. Just try not to do something that you will then latter have to fix and then say "ooops we really messed that one up didn't we" a la Epic Sword of Shadows ( which i think should be kept as is and the drop rate for the acctual sword made better and the epic items needed for upgrade kept the same b/c they are super rare as is).

    When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.
    Vitrioll 12wizy/6ranger/2rogue Proud Officer of Elite By Nature!
    We Raid with pride!
    and this is whats being catered to. an overwhelming amount of new players that dont realize the mechanics. to this poster: TWF does more damage now, and will do even more damage after the update. while TWF is indeed getting hit with the nerf bat, your entire post is invalid, b/c THF is getting nerfed even more than TWF.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  15. #3455
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhaz1970 View Post
    +1 I agree with this, although I think cries of doom and "useless" characters are quite overstated...

    Lets put it this way... imagine post nerf... how many will REALLY go THF? Even with the reduced off hand hits if you go THF you're giving up: Khopesh's, double smites, double assassinates, double Bursts, double force, double effects (weighted etc.) double stat damagers, double paralyzers, double the green steel enchantments...

    No one likes anything that makes them or their stuff a little worse... That's understandable, but in the end I suspect many of the people saying their character will be ruined, will look at the alternatives, min max a little, read the damage calcs that are already being argued over, and decide they'll use the free respec (if any) to tweak their TWF characters a little while retaining the basic TWF style in the end...
    Let's break this down.

    The following qualify as basic DPS, which TWF loses out on strongly and thus is not a valid argument as they are already being considered:

    Double bursts.
    Double force.
    Double greensteel enchantments.

    The following no longer exist at all:

    Double assassinate.

    The following have been nerfed into complete and utter uselessness:

    Weighted auto stun (for the DC boost you only need one, thus even if you used one it's irrelevant to TWF).

    The following is only relevant at lower levels:

    Double paralyzers.
    Double stat damagers.

    And of course all of em have been reduced by reduced offhand attacks.

    So that just leaves double smites and nothing else... which are worse off than before, and while smites add up to 67 damage per click you don't get that many of them so their overall effect on DPS is very small unless talking about lower levels where you can blow your load and kill the mob by using all your smites.

    Meanwhile you can go THF and save 3 feats, 8 build points, and half plat/larges on weapons.

  16. #3456
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SquelchHU View Post

    Meanwhile you can go THF and save 3 feats, 8 build points, and half plat/larges on weapons.
    only really valid for a fighter or barbarian AND even then you're doing between 15-20% less damage than a TWF of the same class/build

    and its only 4-6 build points depending on the race and whether or not you mind lesser reincarnating after hitting 20 and grabbing a +3 dex tome.

    heck I've had THF barbarians that could have taken TWF if so inclined. the dex investment or the equipment are not nearly the problems that people make it out to be. Its not like theres a finite amount of playtime available per character, or that once you hit 20 you can no longer acquire anything. gearing up a character eventually happens, its a given, one styles max potential shouldnt be capped just b/c the other takes another week or two to finish.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  17. #3457
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    TWF should not be higher DPS because you pay more feats or materials. The requirement for more feats/mats is one of the root problems, and should not be the expectation.

    Part of the problem is that TWF has too many penalties to a build.. so it seems like they have always been compensated by being allowed to maintain more DPS. If both specs had similiar requirements, no one would mind if the DPS was balanced. People could choose the weapon type they actually like best, and are not lured into. Even with lower requirements, both have their perks still.

    My ideas to balance TWF and THF better:

    #1 - Fix exotic feats. They are biased toward penalizing one-handers. Move them to martial or give certain classes some of those exotic melee weapons (other than dwarf) for free, and be done with it. That will remove 1 feat penalty from many TWF builds.

    #2 - Remove oversized TWF and compensate the penalty somehow, or give it to certain melee classes for free. I prefer just removing the hit penalty and get rid of that feat completely. OTWF is nothing more than a bloated hinderance to the balance equation.

    #3 - Leave TWF offhand proc rates roughly where they have always been. GTWF should proc offhands at 100%, even with the new system. Increase THF damage to come closer to this, not the other way around. If you nerf TWF, it effects all gameplay. An example is give tempest a ~5% doublestrike per tier, instead of offhand procs, and leave the TWF line as the source of increasing offhand procs, so that other classes and specs are not penalized so heavily by this change.

    #4 - Equalize materials for melee weapons so that 2 one-handers are closer to 1 two-hander when crafting. They still shouldn't be the same... because you ARE benefiting from 2 items slots over 1 slot. So you should pay more in mats, just maybe a little less.

    #5 - Remove twitching from THF (this one is already going to be done), as I believe this is partly what made properly balancing THF even worse. All twitching did was to stop THF from getting a properly coded increase it deserved.

    #6 - Don't balance TWF or THF based around the extreme epic weapon examples. Buff or Nerf weapons that just seem too extreme (partly done.) This kills balance for everyone else inbetween.

    #7 - Fix the base damage and/or crit on many of the weapon types that player's generally consider "completely useless" or underpowered. They're in the game, make them used. This may actually broaden the range of available weapons and uniqueness a bit. An example might be making something like a warhammer have the same crit stats as a khopesh. So there isn't just 1 weapon that everyone flocks to. This could also make it much easier for TWF players to get 2 of each weapon type they want.

    This would give players a choice of weapon styles without everyone being the same exact cookie cutter build to max dps. It's a video game afterall. Part of what makes D&D and DDO cool, is the customizing of character builds. When people feel penalized for picking a weapon type they like or feel forced to use the same one as everyone else.. it's not cool.

  18. #3458
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalaxia View Post

    #1 - Fix exotic feats. They are biased toward penalizing one-handers. Move them to martial or give certain classes some of those exotic melee weapons (other than dwarf) for free, and be done with it. That will remove 1 feat penalty from many TWF builds.

    #2 - Remove oversized TWF and compensate the penalty somehow, or give it to certain melee classes for free. I prefer just removing the hit penalty and get rid of that feat completely. OTWF is nothing more than a bloated hinderance to the balance equation.

    #3 - Leave TWF offhand proc rates roughly where they have always been. GTWF should proc offhands at 100%, even with the new system. Increase THF damage to come closer to this, not the other way around. If you nerf TWF, it effects all gameplay. An example is give tempest a ~5% doublestrike per tier, instead of offhand procs, and leave the TWF line as the source of increasing offhand procs, so that other classes and specs are not penalized so heavily by this change.

    #4 - Equalize materials for melee weapons so that 2 one-handers are closer to 1 two-hander when crafting. They still shouldn't be the same... because you ARE benefiting from 2 items slots over 1 slot. So you should pay more in mats, just maybe a little less.

    #5 - Remove twitching from THF (this one is already going to be done), as I believe this is partly what made properly balancing THF even worse. All twitching did was to stop THF from getting a properly coded increase it deserved.

    #6 - Don't balance TWF or THF based around the extreme epic weapon examples. Buff or Nerf weapons that just seem too extreme (partly done.) This kills balance for everyone else inbetween.

    #7 - Fix the base damage and/or crit on many of the weapon types that player's generally consider "completely useless" or underpowered. They're in the game, make them used. This may actually broaden the range of available weapons and uniqueness a bit. An example might be making something like a warhammer have the same crit stats as a khopesh. So there isn't just 1 weapon that everyone flocks to. This could also make it much easier for TWF players to get 2 of each weapon type they want.

    This would give players a choice of weapon styles without everyone being the same exact cookie cutter build to max dps. It's a video game afterall. Part of what makes D&D and DDO cool, is the customizing of character builds. When people feel penalized for picking a weapon type they like or feel forced to use the same one as everyone else.. it's not cool.
    1) every single THF would love to have a weapon type equivelent to the khopesh, its well worth the feat. I dont think I've ever heard someone complain about this....... atlaest not in this fashion, normally its that it needs to be nerfed.

    2)heavy weapons typically have better base damage and a better critical profile, the point is that most people are not ambidextrious, and swinging competently with your 'off' hand wont hit as hard or as coordinated as ur main hand. OTWF makes sense, and is a sufficient bonus/penalty for the benefits. Noone is making you dual weild khopeshs, nor heavy picks. To hit in non - epic end game is laughable, I know plenty of people that before epic was released, dual weilded khopeshes w/o the khopesh feat OR OTWF. To top it off you'd perform better in epic with a heavy/light pick combination anyway

    3) no complaints here

    4) no clue what you're saying here, as you're mixing points, you do and you dont

    5) autoattack is god awful slow, and feels lazy. I personally cant stand it. Additionally by removing twitching it also penalizes THF more than TWF. both take a -4 to hit for moving, but why should THF'ers take a 15% DPS loss for movement while TWF doesnt?

    6) agreed, drives me nuts to see how many people got their panties in a not about the eSoS being too powerful. But guess what, its a trash mob beater, AND TWF STILL DID MORE DAMAGE ON STUNNED MOBS THAN THE PRENERF SOS

    7) nty, only a few weapons make little sense, and typically its only a matter of 1 or 2 damage. I'd prefer some new weapon types. (scythe please, you can even make it exotic instead of a simple weapon, just please please please give THF a 20/x4 weapon)
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  19. #3459
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Default twitching to leave ddo?

    i can't believe in one fell swoop turbine is going to rip most of the twitching fun out of melee classes.

    Learn to time my smites and divine sacrifices on to my extra offhand attacks, GONE

    Mob control with on the move glancing blows, GONE

    i can imagine down the track ill just be sitting there in slayer, whack whack whack, why don't i just hit my head against the wall instead, it'll be just as repetitive.

    I freaking love the twitch element of DDO, it sets it apart from other MMO's and it might be the single thing that keeps the game feeling fresh even when i think, golly, i wonder if ive done this quest 100 times by now.

    Please please please please, rebalance melee combat but don't don't don't remove the twitch factor, it will kill the game.

  20. #3460
    Community Member Slugnutty's Avatar
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    I realize it's a spit in the ocean - but I guess you (Turbine) and I are no longer in partnership.
    I'll let my VIP payment go through this month and then I'll cancel my VIP.

    It's been fun - but just not worth the aggravation - just when I made it to level 20 and I've put my heart in to creating my FS TWF and was enjoying myself - this.

    Goodbye Turbine - it was fun while it lasted - although short.

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