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Perhaps. But frankly I don't see the "deception" here, merely a warning to players as to bad news coming down the pipe. Still better than not telling us at all tho.
I do however see some limited use of "lag solution" as a convenient justification for nerfdate 5 lameness. but what choice to the devs have at this point? It is going to happen sooner rather than later, and damage control measures are in place (i.e.: ignore it maybe the players will shut up after a while).
I don't know but I suspect that when Turbine/DDo was bought out, there was a not-unexpected shift in management to quickly: 1. reduce expenditures and 2. increase profits (to make the "new acquisition" pay for itself, with any surplus going into the new owners pocket); and part of that was a shift moving the cream of the dev staff over to service the new upcoming harry-potter-online game, and "streamlining" what was left of DDO resources to cruise for a while on autopilot (i.e.: on the cheap)--part of that autopilot streamlining was applying expedient fixes to the top three or four known outstanding problem areas to reduce costs and increase short-term "performance" overall via load reduction-- so the executive decision was made, and the task at hand was to nerf speed boosts in particular, and melee DPS in general to solve the biggest offenders (the nail that sticks up gets the pounding). Note that character transfers between live servers also got the axe here--as it was another "waste of resources".
I suspect the devs--or what is left of them after being picked over to staff harry potter--really do care about the game, and are doing the best they can with what they have and the orders they are under from the new owner and the execs.
So now the devs are stuck, they no doubt want to do what they can to help us (hence the warnings to us of what is coming), and they know very well that nerfdate 5 is a bad idea that will have serious negative consequences, but the alternatives are likely much worse, and orders are orders, so they gotta do what the execs say. The execs also know its a bad idea that will trash many players' builds--they just don't care because they will get their bonuses regardless of what happens (worst case, they just liquidate, sell out to blizzardinc, grab the signing bonuses and run off to CA maybe???). The players clearly know its a bad idea, but we are at the mercy of the new ownership/execs, so the only choices we have are: 1. stop paying them for our DDo accounts, or 2. suck it up and live with being screwed over, and keep paying....so they can screw us over yet again come nerfdate 6....
This is what I suspect--I do not know but the suspicion is reasonable.
If this is true, the devs obviously cannot speak about this, since that would be insubordinate.
The execs are not going to take responsibility either, since they are insulated and above any fallout.
I am a pay-as-you-go player ("Valued Customer") since it went f2p--I deliberately chose to NEVER go subscription v.i.p. because I did not want to be bound by that if things went sour (as they now have)--but I have invested a couple hundred bucks in turbine points to buy "long term" content and '"speed" build' upgrades for the long haul (now nerfed to uselessness), and my grievance with nerfdate 5 is that clearly part of the money I sent turbine that was meant to fund my interests is now riding on some Turbine executives hip, instead of funding the specific resources I bought, and I am being effectively screwed out of my current content interface (i.e. my custom builds), not to mention losing ALL sense of "ownership" of said toons and the build choices allocated therein. I am not alone in this either, and that is the downside of buying content from Turbine, since they can (and obviously will) alter it at any time it suits them to do so, even if it categorically trashes players investments in their builds.
So here I am in stuck in limbo, knowing that with nerfdate 5 my main toon--and almost all of my alts--will soon be rendered severely hampered in their intended purpose as my only interface with the content I bought (various DPS "speed" builds), and on top of that, we now have clear indications that marginalization of all power builds is the "new mandate", and since power builds is what I am currently interested in, I now have no motivation to work on any alts since they are all going to be nerfed in the name of "game balance".
I will have to start over from scratch AGAIN since the carrot is now smaller, and on a longer stick.
I do want to play my toons that I have invested so much time and money into tweaking to be the way I built them to be, but I know there is no point since any achievement that resembles effectiveness will likely be nerfed come updates 5/6, so I now have severe reservations about trusting turbine to do-the-right-thing when the powers that be have demonstrated the intention to employ deleterious/lame solutions, then take the money and run.