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Two Weapon Fighting comes at a much higher cost to the player using it. Here’s (a bunch, sorry) of food for thought.
*Feats Cost* – At level 20, non-humans have base 7 feats, human 8.
-To be good, TWFers need at least : Toughness, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, + (PA or OTWF, I’ve heard varying opinions). That’s 5 feats right there. They will also likely take Exotic : Khopesh, and Imp. Crit : Slashing. That is all 7 base feats for a non-human. A human is afforded the ability to take PA and OTWF, but again, all 8 base feats are now gone.
-To be good, THF need at least : Toughness, Power Attack, THF, ITHF, GTHF, Imp. Crit of their choice. So, THFers have more free-ish feats in their arsenal, need no exotic weapon feat, and also don’t have to make a judgment call on whether or not to pick up PA. They can take that 7th or perhaps even 8th base feat slot and fill it with another Toughness Feat, a second Imp. Crit, whatever.
*Monetary* Cost –
• Green Steel – Takes twice as many rare items, such as Shards of Power and Large Ingredients to make an effective TWFer. Example : In the same time a TWFer can make their dual Min II Khopeshes, a THFer now has both their Min II Greataxe, and their Min II Accessory.
• Epic Items – Takes twice as many Epic Scrolls/Seals/Shards to make, takes twice as many Epic Dungeon/Raid Tokens to slot. That Epic SoS, slotted with Good (Or Silver, for Pure Pallies) in its Red slot is easier to achieve that two Epic Chaosblades, for example.
• Stone of Change Rituals – Same. Twice as many collectables are required to get Force/Force Criticals.
• Buying AH-able items – For every one weapons, named or non-named, a THFer buys, a TWFer better buy two.
*Inventory Cost* – It takes twice as many backpack/bank/shared bank slots for a TWFer to hold their Devil/Portal/Trash Beaters, Vorpals, etc. Makes inventory space super cramped, if someone specializes beyond their Min II Khopesh Set.
*Ability Points Cost* – To be a TWFer, one needs at least Str/Dex/Con. Dex 17 for GTWF. To be a THFer, one needs only Str/Con. Forget what other class-specific abilities you may need to get by. Builds often have to sacrifice Strength to-hit and damage, or hit points, or both, to be able to go down this special feat chain. THFers can dump stat Dex, and get back at a minimum 8 Ability Points with +2 Tome, 13 Points without.
In sum, I could roll a TWF and THF, say, Human Paladin, tomorrow. I could play both for exactly the same amount of time. And in the same time that the TWFing build would be fit for high-end content, the THFing build could have (+45 GS, +22 Toughness,+20~40 Extra Con) 87~107 extra hit points, and possibly a higher Charisma score for better LoH, Saves, Smites. When looking at this, the THF build really does seem like the Lazy/Poor man’s build, as it’ll take the TWFer much longer to get to the same level as the THFer in areas other than DPS. It’s a trade-off, more DPS versus more everything else, and now we’re saying that trading away every other facet of our characters’ creation is overpowered?