Ah yes here we are at the turning point.
All the quantity based moaning on the forums about fixing the lag, and being peeved that nothing is being done about it. Now when something is being done about it, people are gnashing their teeth at it before they have even had a taste. The level of backpedaling is so huge, you could generate a years worth of electricity from the breeze it creates alone.
This issue has been cried about on open forums since the Shroud came out, and the moaning hasnt stopped. And now, we are justifying leaving everything alone because its just 3 raids that are affected?
Wasnt it 3 raids or less that have been affected, like, this entire time? The entire time, 2.5 years or so, up until present, people have been going off their chains on the forums spinning epic tales about how the lag is so hampering the game.
But now, when they propose their fix, its just a mere paltry 3 raids, all because its been determined that the level of DPS calcs that have to be made is a large contributing factor in the lag.
The people who ranted, moaned, and complained about the lag the entire time made your beds, now you get to lie in them. This is what happens when mountains are made from molehills. The fix is just another mountain.
I am reserving my judgement for when this is tested. Maybe I will have the same opinion as you, and maybe I will not. Until then, heres your nerfed TWF.