/Glazed eyes
/Don't care about the nerfs enough to care really, will adjust as neccesary...
/Thinks Eladrin a brave soul for even trying to solve a problem that effects all players, while incuring the wrath of the ubergamer tiny population of self-important specials...
/Will wait and see some of the actual changes before liking or disliking any of them.
/Think it's important to at least attempt to address the raid instance lag issues, even if it means some people will find their toons a bit less than they were before, as has happened from day one in DDO, and will continue to happen from time to time.
/Claps for Eladrin, for brining this out into open discussion. Hopefully, the many very smart peopel that play DDO, will engage in a reasonsible debate aobut he pros and cons, as well as maybe throw out some other ideas. Not likely but we can always hope...
/Not a big fan of nerfs to people after you've given them something, even msyelf, but don't really care that much if it makes the game more playable on a day to day basis for the whole population.