Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
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sorry, i have a very short att. span will my two lightning strikes proc on the off hand
Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
Xoriat Born~Doompriest~Doom~Xzr~Legion of Doom~Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
Since you asked for "instinctive feedback", I'll reply.... I'm sure this isn't going to be very helpful, but my stomach did flips when seeing your post.... While not certain this will really be the outcome, I read this as "We are going to reduce the DPS lag by reducing DPS". While reducing the lag is good, I am not a full numbers guy, and didn't really follow the post, it might be better, and even boost S&B some, I don't think it will go over well, probably worse than Dungeon Alerts...
(Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'
ok so my toon isa lvl 12 ranger tempest 2 7 fighter kesai kopesh human one rogue...
i have oversized two weapon fighting and all the twf line from ranger.....
i dual wield many varieties of gs kopeshes.....max crits ive seen base damage from 160ish to 200ish favoured enemy.....each hand...
please explain wat this will mean to me
I think the system is interesting, and makes sense in general. However, the drastic damage nerf to most TWF builds seems to be pretty severe, and I don't see any indication from the technical reasons why the percentages are cranked so low. Trying to do apples-to-apples, the current feats would give:
TWF: 50% "deterministic chance" of offhand hooks
iTWF: 75%
gTWF: 100%
Cranking the contributions of these feats from 100% offhand hooks down to 55% seems ludicrous! Is TWF currently that overpowered?
Personally, I *just* did a LR on my Fighter 12/Pally 5/Rogue 2 to move him over *to* TWF. Turning around and giving him a 25% decrease in efficacy right after I respecced him would make me livid.
The Brotherhood of BYOH--Thelanis: Charged, WF Artificer; Venomshade, Half-Elf Monk; Poxs, Fist of an Angry God; Crash, Pale Monkster
I disagree. All but one of my melee toons are TWF. Took a lot of effort to grind the materials in the last 2 years -- sure. Would I mind sacrificing a bit of DPS over time if there's a good chance it'll improve DPS lag (which at times can be right out brutal and the cause of party wipes)? You bet.
People need to stop a breath a few times before posting. I find it amazingly awesome they are seeking our feedback. This is NOT an announcement. This is a call for discussion which we all appreciate. Or would you rather them deal with it with Mournlanders only and then drop the bomb like they did with the Transmuting/WoP changes?
If you reduce damage output, will you reduce mob's hitpoints,damage reduction,fortification ect.. in THE SAME proportionated way? If you require less swings to kill those HUGE calculation will reduce right?
There is a lot required to have a decent twf and the mechanics is PnP correct. Given that lag is a problem but if nerf is your solution ,a proportional overall nerf to foes is more than fair.
Maybe a twf with bastards and glancing blows will ease my pain! or what if you have a single weapon style feats with decent bonuses that will decrease the twf builds overall?
After all said I got to say that I think that Aesop will come with a fair solution.
hmm, just remembered i wanted to LR my THF mystic theurge to a TWF version...and as i play in europe LR hearts are **** rare as we only had a chance on the traveller hunt wihtout rebuying blessings
seems like i now have to wait out how this change impacts the game...and i already made my min2 and light2 DAs :/
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
My gut feeling is I do not like this.
I have a twf Bard as my main, and level 10 acrobat(rogue/monk) and a Paladin (twf) that I am working on.
1. I like the full swing cycle, I don't want a % for my off hand to trigger.
2. I like seeing the effects of faster attacks.
3. The chance to attack an extra time with my main hand does not improve this feeling. I know there will be people who will do the numbers to see if the dps is close. I personally would rather not have this and keep the twf the same.
4. It is actually more complicated for Itwf/Gtwf. I like that every user with the three feats gets the same attack (no including bous to rangers)
I think you should do Remove physics check for offhands, and if possible make it something like this:
Correct me if I am wrong, but if a caster casts a fire wall and it crits, don't all hits of the wall count as crits? I wouldn't care if I rolled a +1-6 on all the same effects.
If only adding another server to the pile would solve all our problems! Wow, genius. Why hasn't anyone ever thought of that? We'll just buy a thousand more servers and throw them on the pile. It won't cost anything to put them up, maintain them, power them, support them etc.
The things that can affect performance are: system software (unix/windows/misc), DBMS software, Game software,
hardware, network, etc.
All the servers on the world won't solve many performance issues.
Also: I'm not sure why most people assume that epic SoS will never get fixed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but
Wouldn't just combining the to hit and proximity rolls for Two Weapon Fighting deal substantially with the lag issue without having to nerf monks, tempest rangers etc. into oblivion?
This is a very heavy nerf to characters that have had a difficult time getting accepted to raid groups to begin with, and now it seems you're gutting them just as they gaining acceptance.
Perhaps it would be more prudent to deal with the lag issue first. Then deal with damage gap issues.
This is gonna be fun......
Im going to hold my final opinion until i see this for myself -but it dont sound good.
It have one nice bonus though - i dont have to see Barbarians next to me that look like they dropped a load in their pants (aka twitching) if they want glancing blows.
But it does not bode well for me. Have one Monster build TR with lots of equipment and a healing exploiter build as my other main char....
I guess time will tell. But i say one thing - if u nerf me to 100/55 on my monster and i have lag in shroud i wont be a happy bunny.
Ctype Completionist//Dtype//Etype//Ygolonar///Archibald
Officer of Crusaders of Justice - Orien
DDO player since release 2006 in Europe - since 2009 on Orien
So my analysis:
Rangers seem to be getting the best of it. Doublestrikes and near the same TWF speed.
Monks aren't terribly far behind... but have the unfortunate side effect of having wind stance nerfed badly... while at the same time making it completely essential for TWF. Before I could sit in sun stance to gain ki... but now that would drop me back down to 55% proc rate on off hand. Terrible.
Kensai... ok... we get it. You want them to be THF.
Barbarians already got that memo.
Paladins got hit really hard by this. Went from 100% chance of double smite to a 55% chance of double smite with stat investment and 3 feats. I can't see that as a good trade off. I really think falchion paladins took a big step forward.
Rogues... yeesh. Rogues got nothing out of this other than smack downs. No double strikes, no increased off hand percentages... nothing but slaps.