Quote Originally Posted by Steiner-Davion View Post
Having listened to the discussion regarding this system change on DDOCast Episode 169, I haveto agree with Samius that this new system is overly complicated.

If the number one problem that the Devs are trying to address is to reduce or eliminate DPS Lag, then I have to ask ask why replace a complex system calculation intensive system with another? I do understand the need to adjustthe power of TWF in comparison to S&B and THF, but hat should be handled seperately. Attack one problem at a time, with one variable to see if the change/variable contributes to the solution/proves your theory.

  1. The change to using one Physics check makes sense.
  2. Removing the physics check and replacing it with another check, no matter how light the resource requirement is makes no sense.
  3. Samius proposed a defined combat round time period, and X number of attacks would happen within that time period. Speed boosts, which have been defined as a large part of the DPS problem would be simplified by adding Y number of attacks per round, or by decreasing the combat round duration for that character (this might pose difficulties later though). THe example he used was Haste, the PNP version of the spell grants 1 additional attack/round. Easy to do with his proposal. You now get X+1 attack/round. Attacking with Two Weapons would grant additional attacks per round with the off hand, or additional attacks every set duration (which could be determined based upon the TWF feats the character has).
  4. All this information could be cached or "Permanently" written to the character and only updated when their TWF Feats are changed. At that point the information is in the cache is overwritten and this happens when the performance requirements for sever to slient communication is low and no lag. and things move along as normal.

Other things to consider:
  1. Even though the resource requirements for a % based calculation are low, either the server or client has to calculate that % and transmit it to the other computer. Packet loss can still occur. Or whatever other concerns about an extra calcuation are still present to some degree. Just decrease the number of calclations needed period. KISS = Keep It simple Stupid. The more parts to a moving object, the more places things can go wrong. Less = More.
  2. BAB order. In PNP your first attack was at your lowest BAB value. You got additional attacks every time your BAB hit a multiple of 5. Again this makes things simple a Fighter, Ranger or Paladin between the levels of 1-4 would get 1 attack per round with their main hand. At Level 5, they would get 2, one at +5 and one at +1.
    Additionally in order to make use of your additional attacks/per you had to stand still and make a full round attack action. But if you moved you would still get the benefit of your highest BAB value, while loosing out on your additional attacks.

In DDO if I am not mistaken you start out using your highest BAB value for your first attack, and each additional attack uses lower and lower BAB values as determined by your class and leve (and other modifiers, but the number of attacks is based upon you class/level BAB values). This benefits the Twitch approach to combat, where moving is a better option than standing still.

The proposed change to glancing blows with THF seems to try to combine the two approachs, where you only get additonal attack, or Glancing blwos by standing still, while still using your highest BAB value.