Originally Posted by
And the top of the list is 600+. As I said. And it hasn't been updated recently, nor does it contain non TWF based characters.
But more to the point...
466.8 … human , ranger 18 / monk 1 / rogue 1, w/ khopeshes , vs. favored , with sneak attack , haste boost +15% (exploiter) < Position is dependent on short term effects. Namely, 2:30 of haste boost.
418.2 … human , ranger 18 / monk 1 / rogue 1 , tempest III , w/ khopeshes , with sneak attack , (exploiter) < What you get without haste boosts.
431.8 … warforged , ranger 20 , tempest III , w/ khopeshes , vs. favored ,
Any of those numbers sound impressive to you? They're alright, but impressive? (by comparison, Monks are 433)