Quote Originally Posted by bandyman1 View Post
The problem isn't now, nor has it ever been, that many people disagree with that.

The problem is that the freaking game is designed so that DPS>than any of those other options.

It's not a failure on the part of the people, it's a failure on the part of the developers.
And I agree Bandy, there's no doubt that people at this point seem to DPS centric, it seems that more peopel find it more fun to hit stuff harder than the next guy as oppossed to using the varying other skills of the classes. Part of that is because many of those skills simply aren't time effective or all that important in most quests. It's certainly a design problem, because as soon as you start making various abilities TOO important, at least from anal-uber-gamer perspective, you start limiting the party make-up for those quests.

Putting together various clues, such as the conversation not long ago about possible changes to fortification, and I think Eladrin's commernts or possibly from another Dev, about tying in some other skils into mob fortification damaging effects by PC's, might hint at the direction they're heading overall. And that's an attempt to start making it more beneficial for players to use and pay attention to some fo the varying skill/abilities fo the variuos classes as oppossed to what it is now..... I can do 143.2345 damage yahoo.... I'm the awesome uber gamer. At this point in most cases that's the most important thing, and to many people the ONLY important thing. Due to the current overall game design, I don't neccesarily blame them.

But looking at what's been said, and putting it altogether.. There's likely mroe things tied into all of this.....