Quote Originally Posted by Sinni View Post
don't take an epic sos as a measure between the fighting styles. eladrin already admitted they went too far with it and i wouldn't be surprised if it were nerfed considerably. on top of that, you'll first have to get it which will be a lot of work.

i don't really get why people are complaining about the nerf anyway

ok, i get it, because they don't want their uber build become weaker

but still, a lot of people complain everything is too easy, that there is no challenge. usually it's those with the uber builds and i'm pretty sure those are the people that are complaining the most now. guys, be happy, the game will become a bit more challenging due to the nerf and more fun due to the hopefully reduced lag.

edit: btw my mains are a healer fvs and a 2wf kensai. so it's not that i'd "profit" from the change
See the thing is, TWF isn't uber. it's slightly ahead of THF thanks to twitching. and the requirements for it are much higher. Now it's getting a 15% DPS nerf on a fighter, which brings it down to a THF level. And there's now way it'll compete with barbarian DPS. It's not about losing an uber build, it's about all the time I spent making my fighter as good of DPS as I could get, and now it'll get better if I reroll as a Barbarian. Which is something I hate to do. ESPECIALLY if there's no way to get your GS ingredients back.