So with TWF nerfed (and ranged dead since Beta) what's the point in making anything other than THF barbs?
So here is party makeup at end game:
4 thf barbs
1 cleric
1 caster
or raids:
9 thf barbs
1 cleric
1 bard
1 caster
Epic is boring (takes minutes to kill a single mob). That's not challenging...that's grinding. And with THF Barbs being officially made kings of DPS there will be no variety in character building either.
I mean what's the point in making say an elven ranger? Ranged combat? Dexterity bonuses?
I've quit and come back many times. Each time with the promise that ranged was finally improved...sorry this is the last straw... I hate THF and this game is no longer for me...
This is not the way DnD is supposed to be...