Quote Originally Posted by Natashaelle View Post
The Devs have pointed out a few times somewhere way waay WAAAAAAAYYY above up-thread that the DPS lag is not hardware/server related, and I can actually confirm that they are telling the truth about this.

I play in Europe, which has a VERY low population on each server, and we *still* get the DPS lag in the same places as in US, even when there may be fewer than 50 people online at the time.
Nat, i played on the Eu servers with 15 capped toons and i never had any lagg close to this (with the exception of the subterain, when the VoD+hound raid was released and that was due to the **** teleporting devils), tbh i never lagged in shroud etc the only person i know that did was running on a virgin connection from the outsikrts of hillbilly U.K.

This was with full dps twinkage dualwielders only in grp.

*Disclaimer: This was pre DA and pre ToD+there were more people playing bk then (on keeper)*