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  1. #11
    Community Member Alintalkin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Though I haven't read all of this (went to about page 7 or 8 then switched to page 27 then 28). I beg of you not to do this. THF will become, and I repeat, the way to go. Instead of seeing dual Kopesh users you will see groups with only Great axe/falcon/SoS users. DPS lag doesn't all the time when there is high DPS, or groups with many monks or TWFers. That alone suggests that DPS lag is not just from DPS or from TWFers. There is another underlying problem to it. Also a simply increase in server performance could be gained by this simple thing: upgrading the servers. It might cost more but it will allow you to do more with the servers in the future which will in the end affect the game. Also this seems to hit monks rather harshly as most of the DPS from monks was from attack speed and Air stance insight bonus was much more crucial to that then the enchantment bonus, which could be easily be gained via haste. Also monks don't get speed boosts like fighters and rogues do so the class that was all about speed will be hit in the face even more then before. Not a good thing to do. Especially when the monk class is one of the hardest to get decent dps in.

    Now enough about monks there is another issue. TwFers do currently more DPS then most (barb not included) THF. However this is good as they have to have both a high Dex and strength to use Twf effectively. As it will be under this method, there would literally be no point to go TWF, except for monks of course, whose only dps option is HW
    (dang thought I was going to keep monks out of this). THF barbarians will rule this game, as if they don't already. It is just not fair to many classes. Also it is a real kick in the pants to 90% of the melee builds in the game. Even giving every two weapon fighting melee in the game a LR if would not stop the major backlash of doing this. Some people say that builds will become more diversified. Face the truth honestly. The diversity will be decreased. Many TWF's would reroll, or respec to THF (or leave, which is very possible). It will simply become a majority of THF's instead. Also many multi-class builds would be trashed. Rogue would be no longer as good DPS. Monk would be made fun of even more then they are now (and you have to get them in the store for heaven sake!).Bad move turbine bad move.

    If you had this method at the start there would not even be half the grumbling of now (though I would still digress the unfairness of equality between TWF and THF (wow unfairness within equality that is a first)). To take the most used combat method in the game and hit it with a nerf bat of this size is to literally lose many, many customers, as why should they be punished for centering their build around something that stayed unchanged for so long only to be slapped in the face and be forced to actually buy a respec if they want to change their build according to the change?

    Please do not do this. If not for TWFers for the sake of the best MMO I have played, DDO.
    Last edited by Alintalkin; 05-28-2010 at 04:35 PM.

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