THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1, #1 source for DDO information.
The second table posted looks much better, because it allows for more paths to about equal twf numbers, and I strongly support flexibility in character design. That is the core of what makes this game great.
That said I'm very nervous about the idea of adding stwf as a feat. The pnp requirements are high (19! dex), and many builds are already feat starved. Do heroic and legendary builds start getting extra feats?
I do commend the devs for stepping up to address this issue. I have played a few other mmos with similar issues and the response was either "oh well, deal" or "upgrade your system". So, my hat's off to you for even attempting a solution.
But is this really the only viable option? Are there other ways to solve lag other than changing the game mechanics?
Seems to me like we are trying to use a bunch of mud to plug up a hole. What next, golf balls?? Maybe a top-hat? I hope that the tests of this fix will shed some more light on this. I really hate to see this change happen. My main toon will definately suffer. Makes me regret sinking real money into making him. Maybe F2P was the way to go...
Because it is currently a guaranteed 100%/100% with only TWF. Changing something guaranteed to something with only a chance, hurts a character using complementary weapons unless they invest alot heavier into TWF feats and/or certain classes. The first attack sequence is where some builds gain their power. Melee casters, ect. can be hurt badly, thus causing an even further pigeonhole towards playing only certain types of characters.
So I thought as a joke to our fearful guild leader and after reading all of these possible proposed changes I would create a new character.
What do you think?
Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk
Apologies if this has already been posted, but what are the other candidate solutions for the problem? It seems as if they've already been ranked and prioritised behind the scenes and this is the only option we have, which is really no option at all...
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
why dont tyou Just ban the acounts with twf toons it would be easier
This is exactly what i said in an earlier post.
While two-weapon fighting fighters and two-weapon fighting ranges each have their advantages, the MIAN advantage of Tempest is that a TWF ranger would attack faster/more often than an equal level TWF fighter.
Now, a TWF 20 fighter with STWF and capstone can get the exact same offhand proc chance as a TWF Tempest III Ranger, but with 5% more double-strike chance! Thus, fighters actually attack faster/more often than tempest rangers!
And more, an Arcane Archer ranger can get the same offhand proc chance with only *1* feat investment (STWF) as a tempest ranger, without wasting 3 feats (Dodge, mobility, spring attack, OTWF), and while still being able to whip out a bow and manyshot +5 slayer arrows at some poor mob.
The new table seems okay-ish, though i'm not completely onboard with the changes, but STWF completely borks the whole deal!
Has it been considered, to give Assassins or Rogues in general as they level up, % chances at double strike on sneak attacks?
A halfling walks into a bar with a mephit on his shoulder. The bartender says "Hey, that's pretty cool. Where'd you get it?" The mephit says "Korthos Island. They're everywhere."
Where in my post did I say ddo was pnp and where did I argue against or for something other than that twitch style has no basis in pnp which is what people were saying it did? Come on, show me where in my post Im arguing something differently, Im all open to your wild and imaginitive interpretation.
Just wondering how this would affect a build like Figher 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2 with Kensai II, Tempest I, and GTWF?
| Jolokia | Gelandor | Criminal | Cerial Killer | Insurgence | Barias | Camiel |
-=[ Archangels ]=-
People said that is has a basis in pnp? I might have missed some posts, since they come off so fast, and out of context, you seemed to me, at least, to be arguing that twitch should be nerfed because it has no basis in pnp. I responded under that assumption.
If you wanted to address people who thought it did, then it was my mistake.
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1