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  1. #461
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by street1920 View Post
    I have a lvl 20 monk epic equipped,
    if the developer nerf the TWF i will stop to play DDO and i return on WoW... i prefer the lag,and not you that nerf TWF, you are destroing a class.... is against the rules of d&d... nerf the twf and you will lose a monthly payer VIP.
    The emphasis, is of course, mine... per the rules of DnD it should get harder to hit things the further into your chain that you get.

    This change pretty much emulates that effect if not the mechanics

  2. #462
    Community Member Khelden's Avatar
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    1st, dual chaosblade = dual epic chaosblade.

    2nd, you DON'T have to invest MUCH MUCH MUCH more into a TWF. What do you invest more? Time? EVERYBODY invest time to get better, thing is, the cap of potential for TWF is HIGHER than THF, and it should not be. Stats? Yeah... a THF will start with 8-10 dex, while a TWF will start with 15. 5-7 points is no big deal when you compare with the attack speed of TWF (good for effects), the way their attack skills works (ex: smite evil on 2 attacks instead of 1).

    Considering everyone's answer, it would be ok to make a THF, but only if you plan on not playing much. RIGHTTTTTT, that's really a nice way to look at things.

  3. #463
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkm View Post
    hopefully one of the things that they are looking at is the fact that lag seems to be tied to the character with the worst machine/latency in the group. my lag is random in the shroud and ToD UNLESS someone is saying they are lagging. at that point, the whole thing seems to just start/stop.

    Actually, we a had a great example last night in Shroud. One player had lag to the point where he was 3 portals behind in Part 1. He decided to drop and reconnect. The second he dropped the rest of saw an instant improvement.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  4. #464
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    sorry if this was already covered in the 500 replies... I didnt check...

    what if you just enticed players to run raids with less than full parties?
    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

  5. #465
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by street1920 View Post
    I have a lvl 20 monk epic equipped,
    if the developer nerf the TWF i will stop to play DDO and i return on WoW... i prefer the lag,and not you that nerf TWF, you are destroing a class.... is against the rules of d&d... nerf the twf and you will lose a monthly payer VIP.
    A new player saying "Don't do it or I'll go back to WoW" and "I like lag" really doesn't help the anti-change case.

  6. #466
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    I can live with it if it effects all TWF more or less the same (within a single percentage point or two).
    But if (and I hope I'm misunderstanding) this lets things like Exalted Smites have a(small) chance at happening 3 times, yet TOD is still one time/15 sec timer, it would kinda suck.

  7. #467
    Community Member Gypsy_Mouse's Avatar
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    I don't play DPS characters at this point so I honestly can't give any feedback about the proposed changes except the bard part. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun and projecting DoooOoOoOOOM for no good reason, but I am NOT happy about the prospective Warchanter bonus song.

    It is hard enough to get a Virtuoso into higher content, to a lesser degree a Spellsinger and I play both. But with this possible addition to the Warchanter, it seems like it's going to be **** near impossible to get anyone to take any other bard when it comes to elite and epic dungeons.

    I know, I know, without knowledge of what the other bard classes will get later down the road there's no need to get all bent out of shape yet. But I'm not feeling so yippy-skippy about this. I do hope y'all are planning some huge bonuses for the other two bard classes to help balance the viability of the three.
    aka ~The Jelly Bean Slinger

    Then darkness would eat me. Cold would devour me.
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  8. #468
    Community Member Tomalon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    I'd like to take the post to reiterate, I can live with the lag, don't change anything.
    Agreed! as the grps i run with turn off the combat feedback and other thing and our lag is generally not that bad. the raids are playable.

    And lets remember one thing here people they are talking about this fixing DPS lag which IIRC is only in endgame raids. and mostly in just 3 of those raids TOD,Shourd part 4/5 and VOD(not even that bad in VOD imo) so this purposed change, to NURF TWF DPS for 100% of the game, to maybe fix what.... 3 quests

  9. #469
    Community Member Grendyll's Avatar
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    So about greensteel you say :

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    I'd bet that greensteel weapons would be changing significantly in a future update if we revert these changes.
    And about Epic SoS you say :

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Momentary insanity.
    Would you really entertain a nerf to greensteel before entertaining a nerf to epic SoS? Do you think greensteel is unbalanced but epic SoS is ok to leave alone?

  10. #470
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    Maybe if it was more like:

    Build				Main-hand	Off-hand
    20 Ranger (Tempest 3)		100%		100%
    20 Monk (Wind Stance 4)		100%		100%
    20 Fighter (Alacrity)		110%		84%
    20 Paladin (Zeal)		110%		84%
    20 [Other]			100%		84%
    I'm not sure about the others (and not sure about wind stance 4), but basically a main hand bonus for things like Alacrity and Zeal, and an offhand percent equal to 5/(number of offhand attacks under current system). That way the number of attacks stays the same. Although I have to say I don't really see how making the offhand a percentage that gets checked EVERYTIME the main hand swings is an advantage over just keeping track of the number of offhand attacks in an attack sequence. UNLESS you are looking at completely getting rid of attack sequences and making the entire combat system about just one attack (per second? per two seconds?) that has a chance of processing different things (including offhand attack), done over and over (maybe with 'random' animations?).

  11. #471
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    My rogue already took a DPS nerf with the introduction of adjustments to attack speeds based on BaB.

    This nerfs her again.

    In addition; You're nerfing my monk and my kensai.

    Yeah; I just came back after a three month break, and was about to resub.

    Guess I'll save myself the money.
    Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
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  12. #472
    Community Member Stamp3de's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    Actually, we a had a great example last night in Shroud. One player had lag to the point where he was 3 portals behind in Part 1. He decided to drop and reconnect. The second he dropped the rest of saw an instant improvement.
    This is true. Another example is in a tavern brawl, if someone has a pretty bad connection, the whole brawling area lags to hell.
    Ultimega - Ultimegus - Uggolla - Intell

  13. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khelden View Post
    1st, dual chaosblade = dual epic chaosblade.

    2nd, you DON'T have to invest MUCH MUCH MUCH more into a TWF. What do you invest more? Time? EVERYBODY invest time to get better, thing is, the cap of potential for TWF is HIGHER than THF, and it should not be. Stats? Yeah... a THF will start with 8-10 dex, while a TWF will start with 15. 5-7 points is no big deal when you compare with the attack speed of TWF (good for effects), the way their attack skills works (ex: smite evil on 2 attacks instead of 1).

    Considering everyone's answer, it would be ok to make a THF, but only if you plan on not playing much. RIGHTTTTTT, that's really a nice way to look at things.
    This is ridiculous, a warrior or barbarian with epic SoS/Xuum has the best dps of the game

  14. #474
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    Default Alternative way of rolling? *pseudo random*

    Is this an alternative? Or maybe it works like this already...

    I'm not sure where the problem lies, but I'm assuming it's the 'dice' rolls of data going across the net connection, or the calculation thereof that's causing the problem. Random numbers being requested of size xx/yy/zz and sent back to the client.

    Why not make a static table, of lets say 4kb (or whatever size is needed) of dxx/dyy/dzz combat related dice rolls that are synchronized with the server? *only* the index in this table is sent, the spell, weapon used etc is already known by both client & server.

    The server determines the index into this table and sends the index back to the player whenever they 'attack', the same index is used in all dxx/dyy/dzz tables and x positions forward depending on the weapon/spell/whatever was used. The client also has this table, but the client only uses it for the log file & the dice display, this prevents hacking of the table, since its informational only on the client.

    You could make this table common for all players, each player could be sent a different index into the table which determines their rolls, thus appearing random.

    You attack, the server sends back *only* the index to the table and uses the relevant number of indexes forward on the server side calculations. The client receives the index, *blah* gets printed in the combat log from the local table.

    I've probably not thought of something obvious...

    Would this help?

  15. #475
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    How exactly is TWFing only useful to Rogues in PnP? I've played many TWFing melees in PnP, but they certainly weren't all rogues.
    in pnp the tohit penalty actually matters
    with thf you thus get +4 more dmg per hit (pa+2, double that for twohanded)
    also finding one uber weapon is easier then 2 uber weapons
    also thf weapons have higher base damage

    rogues are good with twf as the more hits you get, the more sneaks you do

    other classes just lack the bonus damage which would make it better then thf

    oh, and it costs 3 feats
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  16. #476
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    alternative? reroll all TWF and farmin epic von

  17. #477
    Community Member Khelden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarnind View Post
    This is ridiculous, a warrior or barbarian with epic SoS/Xuum has the best dps of the game
    Yeah... A warrior right.

  18. #478
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khelden View Post
    1st, dual chaosblade = dual epic chaosblade.

    2nd, you DON'T have to invest MUCH MUCH MUCH more into a TWF. What do you invest more? Time? EVERYBODY invest time to get better, thing is, the cap of potential for TWF is HIGHER than THF, and it should not be. Stats? Yeah... a THF will start with 8-10 dex, while a TWF will start with 15. 5-7 points is no big deal when you compare with the attack speed of TWF (good for effects), the way their attack skills works (ex: smite evil on 2 attacks instead of 1).

    Well lets talk about the investment. I think whenever you make a one hander shroud weapon it should be duplicated to two weapons. Weapons should now become sets as in a two handed set or a two weapon set. Its just dumb to make two weapon players work harder for less dps. When I find a dwarven axe in a chest it should be now a set of dwarven war axes that I wield.

    It really is not worth going to two weapons anymore it costs more (twice the price in ingredients and plat), hurts stats more, alot of effects do not work at the end game, and it does less dps then the highest thf dps. For that matter an epic SOS is so much easier to acquire then two epic chaosblades.

    I have played two handed characters and have so much more fun playing my little dwarven dual wielding dwarven axe fighter. If you make him substandard well I will be displeased and I will not respec him into a greataxe fighter even if its better because well forget that.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  19. #479
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    This argument of investment ignores all the other associate benefits of TWF

    I agree that TWF has other social benefits, but in comparison to the output to DPS they are minimal.

    However, for argument sake, i will side in that regard with you, so long as you allow me to free respect my character becasue I wont want to be a TWF anymore, and how about deconstructing my two khopeshes so I can use my ingredients elswhere.

    Less we forget the grind to get them since I wont get that back.

    Is my investment outweighed by the "nominal" side benefits?

    doubt it.
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  20. #480
    Community Member Slowe's Avatar
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    For what it's worth, you may be overlooking a thing here - TWF is the more popular style because there are more classes that benefit from it - rangers, rogues, paladins, monks, even fighters to an extent - the core damage bonuses of these classes don't change at all with THF and benefit much more from the direct multiple attacks that TWF offers. Barbarians are the only class whose main damage dealing ability, strength, is altered by THF in a positive manner and that's why most of them go THF for maximum effectiveness. THF has the added benefit of not costing dexterity. By reducing the effectiveness of TWF you are for the most part reducing the effectiveness of the listed classes and giving Barbarians even more power over them, despite the fact that Barbarians already are the dominant endgame melee.

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