So Turbine's "solution" to end DPS lag is to nerf DPS.
This seems like an awfully big change to do something that might help.
I'm ok with it, my monkey ranger would proc 90%, so it's cool to me![]()
Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
Proud member of Loreseekers
I mean if anyone REALLY really needs points for previewing that strongly I'm not going to leave them in the dust. We have the twitterbot, we have some in-game vehicles, and several of us make ourselves available in Lamannia to bestow points for folks. I'm always for helping out eager previewers/feedbackers![]()
This is a huge thread already, containing many great posts from people who are better at this stuff then me, so I will try to keep my opinions on the matter brief.
THF is currently greatly inferior to TWF (Epic SoS not included), so bringing the two closer together sounds fair. TWF does require a much bigger investment from the char/player though, in terms of stats and gear, and as such SHOULD be better for DPS, but perhaps not by as big a margin as it currently is. So sure, change the mechanics to reduce calculations for the server and reduce lag, but just make sure that the overall nerf to TWF isn't too great. TWF should still be top DPS, but by a smaller margin.
Fortunately this is what testing is for, so hopefully numbers from actual testing on Lam will let the numbers be balanced in such a way that the different options available end up being as fair as possible, relative to the investment required for them.
So all in all, I like the lag fix attempt, I don't mind the theory of mechanic changes, I do not like the possible excessive DPS nerf on TWF though.
As a relatively new player who is really into playing a single toon (I'm the same way in P&P D&D)..and that toon happens to be a TWF DPS Paladin, I'm definitely interested in the direction this takes. I have experienced some really bad lag in higher end content that has caused party wipes - which really sucks. I'd love to see changes made that would prevent that from happening.
That being said, I'm a bit apprehensive about the proposed changes...recognizing that my playstyle is to really invest A LOT of time and energy developing my one character and grinding out greensteel & high-end content to get the best gear for the DPS playstyle I love (TWF). I've put a lot of time & effort into building up my beloved Paladin into a TWF build for the benefits it currently has DPS-wise. Nerfing my TWF abilities would really be I have to say that my gut reaction is to be opposed to this approach.
I know that I'm not offering up any better solution (which I always try to do in the real world when I don't agree with a particular approach), but that's because I'll be the first to admit that I don't understand all of the technical stuff behind the scenes. I just hate to see my playstyle become less effective in the game (which would make it less fun for me to play) and all of the TWF gear that I've ground out thus become devalued (which would make me upset because of all the time it took to acquire).
By the way, I'm curious how double attack will impact the classes.
Given that Eladrin has already mentioned Bard Warchanter's will probably be getting a DA song in tier II or III; and that items would be looked at and possibly changed to DA bonus instead of haste bonus; eventually ALL melee classes will be getting some form of DA in the end, even if it's only +5-10%. Fighters and Paladins will simply have more than everyone else.
But DA seems as though it would naturally benefit the harder hitters more?
My dual rapier Bard that dbl attacks will not put out nearly the same amount of dps that a death frenzied raged Barb with eSoS will if he double attacks...
Also, as was pointed out above, this may be a good time to review Madstone.
I think it's wrong to believe that some type of forum outcry changed this. While I can see out cry on the forums changing something like the Favor Wall (or whatever that was called) I doubt very seriously that people posting on the forums had anything at all to do with DA being changed to what it wound up being or heroic surge being changed/dropped. What I do find likely is that the group who actually tested these changes and who's opinions actually matter, recommended these changes. The fact that the posting community mostly agreed was only coincidental.
Thinking that Turbine would make any decision based entirely or even in a very great part on the input from such a small fraction of it's users (the people who post in the forums) is absurd. I am firmly of the belief that feedback posted on these forums is read, but that they are ultimately inconsequential or almost so, to the final decisions made. I'm not exactly upset over this fact, Turbine has to consider the affects of any decision it makes on all of its many players, of which once again we are a very small (and very vocal granted) minority. But (even tho I do post feed back, even in this very thread) to think that your or my opinion on an individual level is considered or matters or that even the collective opinion of all the posters in this thread matter against the huge numbers of ppl who actually play this game is ridiculous.
So there again, this is only my opinion, but I really believe that while it makes everyone feel better to ask for their opinion, pretty much nothing you say here will matter. Feel free to yell at the sky when it rains tho![]()
using 20% each (80% offhand with GTWF) would be a ~9% dps nerf.
The thing is, for most builds/classes TWF is around 20% ahead of an equivalent THF using autoattack... twitching currently closes that gap.
So reducing the TWF nerf to only 9% would mean THF twitch shouldnt be nerfed at all...
or this
wouldn't make much sense![]()
is there any particular reason you decided to nerf fighters and palys much more then monks and rangers in order to fix dps lag?
* dizzy - fizzle - rofluppagus * - loot - cannith
So I ran some direct calculations using characters that I actually have or planned to make.
In short, -25% DPS to the Ranger. Now, Rangers were already mid tier DPS in that they were good but not amazing. -25% puts them barely over what a freakin' BARD brings to the table. Hint: People bring Bards for the songs, their melee damage is secondary, and Rangers have no such primary feature to take the place of DPS even if they were to go that route.
-12.5% DPS to the Monk. Actually a smaller change, but Monks were already borderline on the relevant DPS scale (and even then, require more effort to get that far) so shaving off an eighth of that is a death knell still.
~-20% DPS to the Bard. Since Bard DPS was really secondary already, this is a why bother moment.
I'd keep going but there's no point.
I will only say this.
Eladrin, or whoever is in charge of this, do you plan on giving GS deconstruction, free LR +20s, and free Epic SoSs to every character affected on every server? Because that's clearly the only valid option left if this goes live.
My proposal.
* Implement the removal of off hand physics checks.
* Remove ALL haste boosts/alacrity boosts and replace with equal double strike procs AND off hand hook chances to maintain equal dps output as before.
* Keep all off hand hook chances at a percentage to maintain current in game dps.
* Throw out this any ideas about using this lag fix to implement other 'balance' changes.
IF non physics calculations are also an issue do the following...
** Optimize code. There is some seriously poorly performing code if this is a real problem.
** Hitch hike one to hit number with the others from the same physics chain. If you hit with your main attack any off hand hooks and double strikes also hit.
** If dps lag starts to kick in an instance stop rolling random damage numbers and use averaged roll numbers instead to reduce computational overhead. Since dps lag happens when many attacks are coming in at once this averaging over time will not signifigantly alter these combat situations.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
I don't see why TWF SHOULD outDPS THF. TWF has the benefit of higher effect proc rate, that's where they should shine. Also, I'd even go and say a THF requires much more work than any TWF due to how weak they are compared to TWF. To be on par with a TWF using Greensteel, one must have epic sos. To be competitive against someone using dual chaosblade, one must create a new weapon in the game.
Like Eladrin said in his 1st post, both should be balanced out, making one style better than the other only because of the character, not the game mechanics.
Let use see you decide that TWF is the main cause lag now.. What was last one running throug dungeon that is right. But lets go back to comments find the real reason you added dungeon alerts. If my memory is good it was right around the time epic come out. I am Pretty sure you guys did not want everyone just running to the end looting.(Taking advantage of dumb A.I. to kill the quest fast) Thinking we dont want them able just run and loot dungeons in under 10 min. we better add a way to slow them down. Though would not want to make known this was the main reason, so lets use its a lag fix. Has lag been fix?, Has lag gotten worse? Now we want to adjust stated before THF and TWF, but we don't add more damage to THF, because we already got major issue to dps lag. Ok lets solve this with TWF seems to cause lag in the raids, so lets make this a fixing lag nerf. Hmmm seem to rember doing a all SOS high level run, guess what the lag was just as bad if not worse then any raid I have been in. See I not trying to yell foul, but when I look things done and anlazye it, that is what I see. Does this mean I 100% correct, hell no. Though if your going to nerf my guy for this reason give me real test results. Not we think this might help lag.
Oh yeah if TWF is so much better why do lot min 2 great barbs get agro and keep it before this. It might been why bettter method before, but since changes it is only little bit. Will my post change there mind, who knows, but hell it better then sitting in the corner doing nothing. All really ask is test it, before you launch it. See if really going to help that much. Second with no weapons for TWF builds seem bad time to nerf there damage even more.
Yes, the math strongly favors THF and high single hit damage toons with double attack. This is a huge flaw if it is to be used widely without also applying off hand hook chance as each new effect of this sort added will further shift THF into pre-eminance and TWF into gimpage.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella