How do you come to the conclusion that THF deals more damage than TWF to a single enemy even without twitching? As i told you, forget about epic sos. And if that's the only thing that counts to you then you won't need to get your GS ings back anyway because an epic sos doesn't require them.
you ask why anyone wouldn't make the highest dps char possible? well, why are not all dps chars you see on the server exactely the same? i doubt that behaviour would change
on top of that, let's talk about those "sacrifices" a TWF has to do. I guess you are talking about the DEX investment and 1 or 2 feats (kopesh and OTWF) compared to THF plus the additional cash expense for 2 weapons. let's assume you end up with the same DPS in the end, what's the difference between those 2 chars? The TWF will have quite a bunch more attacks to apply weapon special effects, higher reflex saves and more slots for special effects (due to 2 weapons). the THF will have con/str/wis/int a little bit higher because he doesn't need that much dex and he'll have the feats and a little bit higher to hit.
over all even with the same dps TWF has still the upper hand imo for the expense of doubled grind (if you want to go dual GS)
That's not true. While a 20 level fighter did have higher DPS than the Monster, it was only 1-2 %. Against 50% Fort they were identical. Granted against FE.
Monsters got Evasion, higher AC and Manyshot. The fighter capstone got equalised against Tempest 1 TWF alacrity.
After this nerf the Monster is of course pointless. And the Ravager.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
1 or 2 feats? You're to-hit goes down, even if you take OTWF. yeah, you can get higher reflex saves with that dex, but you're better off with a better will save anyway, so Wisdom would eb a better choice. Although it's even better to have both strength and Con maxed out, or put those points into intelligence and get more action points. And no, I never said THF would do as much as TWF without twitch. That's why i'm saying get rid of twitch, and keep that DPS a bit above THF.
Sure, you get more weapon effects, but end game you don't use them far as often as you go for straight up DPS.
Being a "tank".
Quit being close minded.
With your dual Shroud Khopesh...guesswhat...
If you re-spec into a tank, you can use a Shield AND one of your Khopesh. A THF that becomes a tank can't use its greataxe or falchion and use a shield.
Barb's SHOULD do more DPS. They are the most un-self-sufficient class in the game.
Also if you wanna cry about nerfs and etc...just be glad Khopesh is not nerfed to where it should be. 1d8 19-20/2 +4 to trip.
Is the TWF a nerf? Sure it is. You are just mad your build is not as powerful as before (understandable). But hopping on the forums to rehash something that has been said before 100 times and then making statements like "What else can a Fighter do other than DPS?" Makes you looks extremely noobish and unskilled.
This has happened before. Barbs got the WoP/Crit Rage nerf. They got the curse pot nerf.
BTW you have another option if you want to TR...go Ranger and use those Greensteel Khopesh. You do not have to go Barb. Heck maybe try a caster out. You may like it.
Oh yeah by going do not need an uber high DEX for the TWF fact you get them for free.
Last edited by Bacab; 06-02-2010 at 03:45 AM.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
I never said that. But it is the most important thing for a fighter to be doing at high levels. Sorry if you're looking for more, if that's the case, roll something else. That's what casters/healers/bards/utility builds are for.
A fighter is always going to be expected to be doing as much damage as possible. If you think a group doing an epic quest, or a ToD run or Shroud or something is looking for an AC build, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
you ask what versitality is on a melee? it's not using the same weapon all the time (GS/Vorpal) but to adapt to your situation. it's using stunning blow, it's using (improved) trip, maybe even sunder. it's quickdraw, it's dragonmarks, it's intimidate, it's the possibility to reach decent AC even without speccing for it (my DPS/tactical falchion kensai in europe could reach AC and intimidate to decently tank orthons in VoD on lvl 16).
it's not all about DPS on a fighter.
and about "uber builds", i mean those multi class builds that try to get the best out of everywhere. at least in europe the most prominent example was "the monster"
I have a caster, and a cleric, and a FS, and a Bard. Also, if they go through with STWF Fighters will be doing more damage with TWF than rangers anyway.
Also LOL at suggesting sword and board. First of all, if you go sword and board, Kopeshes are gimp, since BS and DAs have glancing blows after the next update. Not to mention there are like, 4 quests in the game where a tank is anywhere near as useful as a DPS character.
Things were not balanced. With the sole exception of the ESoS, TWF would always deal more damage than THF.
You might be tempted to say it costs more so it should be more powerful. While the cost is technically more, it is not significant for certain builds. It might be a bit tough for a paladin to reach the necessary Dex but it's pretty easy for a fighter or a barbarian - especially when tomes are involved. For as long as the cost are insignificant to certain builds or classes, the cost cannot be effectively used to claim that it's balanced as, in certain situations, it won't be.
You might be tempted to say it requires more grinding but that's approaching the issue from the wrong side. It's not the reward that is inappropriate; it's the grinding. Different fighting style should all have similar grinding time. It's not acceptable for a style to have to grind significantly longer for its weapons.
You might be tempted to say it has a penalty to to-hit but that is barely significant.
The reality is that DPS is inherently overpowered in a video game. Players always get the minimum amount of protection they need and then make as much DPS fit in as possible. Time is money as they say or, in the context of DDO, loot and XP. If a fighting style is given more DPS, it will be the preferred fighting style for that reason alone which is why DPS fighting style should have comparable DPS and be different for reasons that are not DPS.
Here is what they could do, as an example:
1. Equalize the grinding time for all fighting styles.
2. Make the DPS of all DPS fighting styles close to one another. In doubt, err on the side of caution and give TWF a little more DPS than THF (~5%) to account for any possible error you might make when balancing gear or attractiveness.
3. Make the benefits of the THF feats inherent to THF and remove the THF feats.
4. Give something that is not DPS to TWF that is worth three feats and several creation points.
Several major balance issues have been around for years, which is why that position is currently not applicable.
Last edited by Borror0; 06-02-2010 at 03:57 AM., #1 source for DDO information., #1 source for DDO information.