Its funny that this game requires that you farm specific items for months to get a little benefit of maybe 1% of dps (like the difference from a +4 str tome over a +3 str tome, or an epic +7 item over a +6) and then all the twf gets nerfed about 25%... how do you think people that spent months farming for their dps increase of 1, 2 or 3% will feel?
No offense but this just reinforces the idea that your mind is made up and you are just selling it to us else if the public, your customers, don't like something then the change it would require would/could force you outside of your time frame as well. Meaning it/they wouldn't be done.
Yep, sounds like this is going in then wait for for the players to moan enough until some future date that you may fix it back.
Community Member
Last edited by Cyr; 05-28-2010 at 12:44 PM.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Agree, dps should definatly not be equal. To further scew the balance THF also has glancing blows.
Sounds like an easy first step instead of the huge undertaking this ounds like.
Can I have your stuff?
A reduction of TWF is fine IMO, it is pretty far ahead of THF. The extent they are talking about here seems extreme though.
Thanks for the math +1
Good to see that TWF still does significantly more DPS than THF. I agree that non ranger monks and monks are SOL in the present format - this should be changed.
Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
Member of D.W.A.T.
So to make sure I understand how this attack chain works…
A TWF Pally with GTWF makes a successful attack with the main hand, there is a 20%(?) chance that the character will get a second attack with the main hand and a 55% chance that the character will get an attack with the off hand.
So in theory in comparison to 100 swings in the current system the new system results in 87.5 swings in the new system.
The old system has for argument sake 965 computations (in range, attack, damage, applying damage) the new system 807 for the same number of attacks (even though there are additional computations for double strike and off hand percentages). I am sure the real numbers are much higher, I'm more interested in the percentage...
So your GTWF Paladin will lose at least 12.5% of their DPS to reduce computations by 17 percent.
Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
Thelanis: Pocket-Monks: Sightblur, Peashoote, Jigglypath, Jedinja.
Invisible Fences, unkillable Target Practice Dummy's, Shared Bank's, Pale Lavender Ioun Stones, the dimensional barrier between Eberron and Shavarath, I've broken them all...
Currently, both stunning fist and tod break your attack chain and restrict you to 1 attack, you don't get double anything when using either of these abilities.
You don't get double trips now, but eladrin said you would with offhand strikes, hence why I was asking weather or not a proc'd offhand strike would also be a stunning fist if the first attack was a stunning fist, and hence why eladrin mentioned tod both double striking with double strike and offhand strikes.
So yes, as far as I can tell, Double strike is identical to offhand strikes for unarmed monks.
Having read the entire thread now, here's my "instinctive feedback".
This will change a lot of things.
Heh, okay, I'll get a little more specific...
The social dynamic of the game will change. There's already a large portion of the community which demands that everyone they associate with play only the "best" class/build. This type of person berates others for not doing so. With the proposed changes, that'll pretty much be a THF barbarian. This worries me a little.
Rangers: They'll still be top TWF DPS'ers, and I don't really see a problem with that. Yes, they take a big hit, but they're still on the top of the pile, as Tempest should be.
Monks: Wind Stance will be the only viable stance at all after this change. Currently, it's seen to be that way also, however the changes will put it even further into the lead. No-one will ever want to switch to another stance and lose 20% of their extra offhand attacks. If this goes in, the other three stances need to be looked at.
(Question: Eladrin mentioned something about extra procs with Touch of Death? Could this be clarified, please? Currently ToD does not trigger on the offhand strike. In the new system, would it have the offhand chance of doing so, for two Touch of Death hits? If so, that might go a long way towards minimizing the DPS impact for monks.)
Paladin and Fighter: Currently, paladins and fighters are seen as effective with either TWF or THF. This change will make TWF paladin/fighters a laughingstock. They'll be berated by other players for making a non-optimal choice, until they switch to two-handed fighting.
On the other hand, we as players need to understand that sometimes we have to bite the bullet and take a nerf for the continued good of the game as a whole. If this really helps, I'm all for it.
I definitely agree with everyone else who said you should make one change at a time..
Start with removing the physics check for the off-hand... see how that goes...
Then add the double-strike to replace 10% speed boosts...
I'd look at replacing haste boosts with double-strikes as well...
Nerfing off-hand twf as much as you are seems a bit much...
You need to learn how to compute glancing blows then. Even against a single target, a glancing blow will proc against that one target doing about 30% of base damage and having chance to proc the added damage as well. 30% of base in your calc is about 22. Not very far behind any more is it? There is a reason 2HF currently dominates epic and elite play levels.
so I just reread the title of this post...
are you seriously delaying update 5 to do this?
Theres all kinds of interesting stuff to be thrown in to the game and this is going to lamania/lamania testing/qa...and your seriously delaying update 5 for this?
at least that's what the post title implies. Did I miss a post that does not indicate that you guys are not going to make us wait another year for an update?
Lost Legion
We suck.
This is a pretty intelligent idea. Hmm, let's think for a second. What causes dps lag?? Well I guess it's dps. How can we help prevent the players from getting this dps lag?? Oh, that's right remove dps. This is silly.