I think the poster is referring to wireless 'broadband' access such as WiMax, not wireless as in 802.11g home systems.
And the change that the dev alluded to about synchronising spells should make a big improvement for these situations. Right now spells such as delayed blast fireball or horrid wilting have to be synced with all clients including those on lower connections. In update 5 this problem won't happen any more.
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Still catching up through the thread, but a few comments:
1) I've been convinced that STWF is not a benefit to the game. Instead of opening up new options, its presence instead would close many.
2) The Barbarian Capstone's alacrity bonus is a bug.
Thanks, El.
Have you looked into the causes of memory leaks when switching characters? All experimental evidence points to it absolutely being true. This is a major cause of lag, I think. Not everybody logs out of the game every time they switch characters for a raid, like I do.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Well, he is wrong. The standard action for a melee in PnP IS a full-round action. It is one of a few things, depending on build:
1. 5 foot step + full attack sequence = full round action
2. full attack + trip = full round action
3. charge + pounce = full round action
It's actually more rare for melee to not perform full round actions. The 5 foot step is extremely common, but you don't do it to increase rate of attack, you do it to move into flank where you can put another +2 into power attack and squeeze out 4 more damage, or possibly move yourself into position for cleave/great cleave.
Last edited by Aspenor; 06-01-2010 at 10:09 AM.
If STWF isnt going to be put into the game ... then fighters with gtwf need to have 100% off hand ...
it doesnt make any sense if a kensai especially cannot dual weild at the same rate as a ranger who has lower bab ....
fighters when specialized should (based on the number of feats and abilities) be a SPECIALIST in there melee field ...
its the only reason to be a fighter ..
if rangers have faster attack speed (tempest) and have better off hand attacks you eliminate the usefulness of dual wielding fighters ...
With Capstone fighters should have 100/100% dual wielding if they have all the feats available ...
or at least make it part of the kensai line.
same goes for monks ... we already have the lowest dps in the game and now in order to hit at a regular rate we have to be in wind stance ... well personally i dont even use wind stance anymore once you hit lvl 20 the difference isnt much and you dont gain ki as fast so as a healing monk wind stance is almost never used ....
so now you force wind stance to hit often enough to build ki anyway .. so in fire stance i wont generate ki as fast and in wind stance i dont generate enough ki to buff and attack ...
so .... now we have to rely on the PRE's and windstance to even be useful.
thanks ... doesn't seem like this is gonna be ready anytime soon ....
is update 5 coming out this year .... cause it seems like you guys haven't worked this stuff out to make any sense on the player end at all.
It makes sense. So much sense, in fact, that it's already that way. Eladrin's proposed change won't change that, nor should it.
I read that to mean he is upset that Tempest I makes a ranger attack faster than a fighter who is several levels higher. I'm not sure why he takes issue with that now, when it's been that way since January 30th 2008, the day Tempest I was added to the game.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Why exactly? Fighters are already the hardest hitting melee in the game and they already have less offhand hits than rangers. Why change that blaance and make rangers even crappier than they will already become (they still loose way to much from this nerf compared to any other class).
Dawia Motenuse, Causa Mortis, Kudly Raindeer, Kuddlier than Elkdeers, Kutest Rabbit,
Last edited by Borror0; 06-01-2010 at 10:30 AM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
There needs to be a good reason to spend a bunch of feats on twf, spending points to have high dex, and to build a second weapon and making twf do LESS damage than thf def does not give a person a good reason to build one. You devs better test this and make it so there IS a benefit to twf or a lot of people are going to be extremely ****ed. It will NOT make the game more enjoyable for a large number of people in this game.
I agree with a lot of other people's suggestions. Don't nerf twf and call it a change to make less dps lag. If you really want to lessen lag, get better equipment and change how dice are rolled. keep the combat system as close to the same as it is as possible. Monks are already tough enough to get good dps out of. Now you will make them an almost obsolete class. I do not agree with this proposal from what I have read.
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
You acknowledge this bug..
Yet the fact that the capstone is bugged in another major way - it never increased glancing blow damage.. You never comment on, and leave out.
Fix the broken aspects making it worse before worrying about the broken aspects making it better.
I like this post for the simple fact that it proves you are listening to the feedbackI personally don't have a directly vested interest in the actual changes implemented (I play healers and arcanes), but I fear when devs seem to be deaf to points that counter their own. Glad to see you are taking debate still.