Originally Posted by
No exaggeration. I took the actual numbers, then rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent. Which I actually did wrong, it's -16.5%, not -16.4%.
As for the numbers on the DPS nerf, it actually doesn't matter what numbers you plug into the equation. The nerf is not attack damage based but attack swing based. In other words you'll lose the same xx.x% regardless of if you swing for 10 a pop or 100. The ONLY point of variance your stats made is whether your Strength modifier is even or odd since an even Str modifier gives you exactly 1.5x Str between your two weapons, but an odd one gives a mainhand full Str and an offhand equal to that number - 1 then divided by 2.
Ex: 22 Str: +6/+3. 24 Str: +7/+3. 26 Str: +8/+4.
So they might be off by one or two tenths of a percentile depending on character and due to rounding errors. That's a very reasonable margin for error.
I also made the comparison to both first nerf numbers and second nerf numbers. This was also intentional, both to show that the new numbers don't really soften the nerf all that much, and to dispel the common myth that this nerfs Rangers the least (instead of the most, which it actually does).
Lastly, making a big deal out of 10-15% (which is actually more like 15-25%) is entirely justified since it makes a far bigger difference than you'd think. It's the difference between top tier DPS and mid tier DPS that also bring in other things. It's the difference between full raid gear and newbie gear (which another of my examples demonstrated). And it is many times more than people grind for months to gain, in effect also being expressed as negative years of progress.
MMOs, like D&D itself are very meritocratic. And they often emphasize the darker side of meritocracy - that is to say, those who cannot prove their worth on their own merits have no place. And 'having no place' means classes not accepted into groups, meaning players of those classes can't play. DDO was fairly good about this - Rogues and Rangers, Monks, and Arcane Casters were sometimes discriminated against because of bad members of these classes but the good ones had little trouble once it was established that they were in fact good. However a nerf of this magnitude flat out invalidates two weapon fighters, as a whole. And the only good news about that is the 'make it like PnP' people got what they wanted - THF as the only valid melee style. But at what cost?
With all that said, here's the numbers anyways:
Main hand attacks: Equal to BAB - 1, max 4. Since you max out at BAB 3, and anyone who has been playing for a few weeks or has a few dollars can start at level 4 (and have a BAB of at least 3) this is a quite irrelevant point. I only am mentioning it for the sake of completeness.
Off hand attacks: Equal to number of TWF feats + 1.
So any character of any class who has all three TWF feats has 4 mainhand, and 4 offhand attacks.
This can be expressed as: 100%/100%.
A Tempest in particular gains two additional benefits.
1: Tempest 1 grants +10% attack speed.
2: Tempest 3 grants one additional offhand attack.
This can be expressed as: 110%/137.5%.
Now, the tempest I'm playing right now has these numbers with the typical buff availability. They'll vary depending on short term buff usage but again this is irrelevant. It's also only the first number damage, since factoring the kickers is also irrelevant.
Mainhand: 1d10+45, average 50.5.
Offhand: 1d10+39, average 44.5.
Yes, I am aware I'm missing a few items. That's not the point.
So currently I'm looking at these numbers:
50.5 * 1.1 * 4 = 222.2.
44.5 * 1.375 * 4 = 244.75.
222.2 + 244.75 = 466.95 damage per attack sequence not counting weapon kickers, crits, whatever. Again, those are irrelevant to this example.
With the first nerf they would look like this:
50.5 * 1 * 4 = 202.
44.5 * 0.85 * 4 = 151.3.
202 + 151.3 = 353.3 damage per attack sequence not counting weapon kickers, crits, whatever. Again, those are irrelevant to this example.
353.3 is exactly 75.6612056965413855873219830817% of 466.95. A rather large downgrade to be certain.
With the second nerf they would look like this:
50.5 * 1.05 * 4 = 212.1.
44.5 * 1 * 4 = 178.
212.1 + 178 = 390.1 damage per attack sequence not counting weapon kickers, crits, whatever. Again, those are irrelevant to this example.
390.1 is exactly 83.542135132241139308277117464397% of 466.95. Not as steep, but still a very major downgrade.
Even with the revised nerf, it's a major hit for EVERYONE. Not just powergamers. Remember this applies at all stages of the game, and in many cases applies in a harsher manner at lower levels. Even quests like the one where all you do is break boxes go faster when you swing faster. So it's fair to say you'd be gimped at the whole game, even at smashing crates.
To illustrate I compared weapons so you can see how bad a hit it is right now.
So here's the math on that:
With Min 2s:
Mainhand: 50.5.
Offhand: 44.5.
Add in the following to each:
Holy: 2-12, average 7.
Acid Burst: 1-6, average 3.5 + 2-20, average 11 on a critical, which happens 20% of the time so 2.2 weighted average.
Acid Blast: 4-24, average 14 on a natural 20, which happens 5% of the time so 0.7 weighted average. Mainhand only.
Slicing: 1-4, average 2.5.
For a total of +15.9 main hand and +15.2 off hand, giving...
Mainhand: 66.4.
Offhand: 59.7.
With completely ordinary +5 weapons:
Mainhand: 50.5.
Offhand: 44.5.
And here are the modifiers on those:
Is not Greensteel: Smaller damage die (1-8 instead of 1-10), amounting to -1 average damage.
This gives us...
Mainhand: 49.5.
Offhand: 43.5.
Now plug both into the calcs.
With Min 2s:
66.4 * 1.1 * 4 = 292.16.
59.7 * 1.375 * 4 = 328.35.
292.16 + 328.35 = 620.51 damage per attack sequence, not counting crits but now counting weapon kickers because they ARE relevant.
With plain old +5 weapons:
49.5 * 1.1 * 4 = 217.8.
43.5 * 1.375 * 4 = 239.25.
217.8 + 239.25 = 457.05 damage per attack sequence, not counting crits but now counting weapon kickers because they ARE relevant.
457.05 is about 73.657% of 620.51. You want that accurate beyond three decimal places, you get a calculator. I'm tired of typing all that.
73.657% is 'almost' 75.661%.
Now, my original statement on the subject.
Do you have a Tempest with a pair of Min 2s? Use them against a mob that is evil aligned with 0 acid resistance and no DR. Now, take off your Greensteel. Attack the same mob with plain +5 weapons. That is almost the exact difference between your effectiveness now and your effectiveness with the same weapon after the original nerf.
As switching from the Greensteel you have grinded for months to a plain +5 weapon almost models the DPS downgrade of the Greensteel you have grinded for months pre nerf and the same weapons you have grinded for months post first nerf, that statement was true. And anyone, and everyone should be very scared and offended to have the uber weapons they put months into reduced to vendor trash levels. ESPECIALLY the non power gamers, because getting a dual shard (or two!) is a lot harder when you play in a non power gaming manner.
Anyone, and everyone WAS very scared and offended. This is why Eladrin revised the nerf after about 750 posts of nerd rage.
So here's the comparison there:
Same numbers on the Greensteel.
With Min 2s:
Mainhand: 66.4.
Offhand: 59.7.
66.4 * 1.1 * 4 = 292.16.
59.7 * 1.375 * 4 = 328.35.
292.16 + 328.35 = 620.51 damage per attack sequence, not counting crits but now counting weapon kickers because they ARE relevant.
For the comparison weapon (+5 Holy) take the last set of numbers:
Mainhand: 49.5.
Offhand: 43.5.
And add to each:
Holy: 2-12, average 7.
Which gives us:
Mainhand: 56.5.
Offhand: 50.5.
Now run the calcs again.
56.5 * 1.1 * 4 = 248.6.
50.5 * 1.375 * 4 = 277.75.
248.6 + 277.75 = 526.35.
526.35 is about 84.825% of 620.51. You want that accurate beyond three decimal places, you get a calculator. I'm tired of typing all that.
84.825% is 'about' 83.542%.
My original statement on the subject again.
The revised nerf is tamer. To get an idea of how much that will nuke your DPS fight the same mob with Min 2s and then plain +5 Holy weapons. Still a huge difference
As switching from the Greensteel you have grinded for months to a plain +5 Holy weapon almost models the DPS downgrade of the Greensteel you have grinded for months pre nerf and the same weapons you have grinded for months post first nerf, that statement was true. And anyone, and everyone should be very scared and offended to have the uber weapons they put months into reduced to lowbie weapon levels. ESPECIALLY the non power gamers, because getting a dual shard (or two!) is a lot harder when you play in a non power gaming manner.
And that's what you have to look at now, post nerf. As much damage with the weapons you grinded for for months as you could get RIGHT NOW with subpar level 12 lootgen weapons. Or you could just take the dev hints they've been throwing out for months and roll a THF Fighter or Barbarian like everyone else.
Of course despite the fact there have been far more than an additional 750ish posts of nerd rage about it, it has not been revised a second time. This leads me to believe that it will not be revised, and combined with the smokescreen tactics and timing I am deeply suspicious of their motives in the matter.