Here are Eladrins newest numbers compared to current numbers:
Proposed Current
Doublestrike Bonus Main hand Off hand Main hand Off hand
No feats 0 20% 100% 20% 100% 25%
TWF 0 +20% 100% 40% 100% 50%
ITWF 0 +20% 100% 60% 100% 75%
GTWF 0 +20% 100% 80% 100% 100%
STWF 0 +20% 100% 100% 100% -
Tempest I 0 +10% 100% 90% 110% 110%
Tempest II 0 +10% 100% 100% 110% 110%
Tempest III +5%* 0 105% 100% 110% 137.5%
Wind IV +10% 0 110% 80% 110% 110%
Zeal +10% 0 110% 80% 110% 110%
Alacrity +10% 0 110% 80% 110% 110%
Note: the +5% or +10% double strike is not in addition to 105% or 110% main hand. Eladrin is just showing that, because of the + double strike, the main hand is equivalent to 105% or 110%.
Many misconceptions and errors in analysis are being repeated throughout this thread. I will address some of them.
Misconception #1: This nerfs monks the most - FALSE
Monk (air IV), Fighter (alacrity), Paladin (zeal): these 3 classes are currently 110% main hand and 110% off hand, i.e. they are equalized. Under the proposed numbers,
this balance does not change. Monk, Fighter, Paladin remain equalized at 110% main hand and 80% off hand. The relative balance between these classes is maintained. Monk is NOT nerfed moreso than fighter/paladin. It's also important to remember that there are no changes made to the base unarmed attack rate for monks. It is still faster than the attack rate when wielding two weapons, this has not changed.
Note: Since the monk unarmed attack rate is the fastest, anything that affects damage in any way will affect monks the most. i.e. +1 bonus to damage helps monks the most, because they have the most attacks per minute. In that sense, a global 30% reduction to off-hand hooks will "nerf" monks the most, because they have the most attacks per minute, but that's a silly and pointless argument. As long as monks still have the most attacks, then ANY changes to combat will affect monks the most. Whats important is, in this case, is that monks/fighters/paladins went from the same # of main and off hand attacks per swing amongst each other, to the same # of main and off hand attacks per swing amongst each other. There is no direct nerf to monks.
Misconception #2: This slows down attack animations too much - FALSE
The maximum change to swing animation speed is only 10%: zeal, alacrity, and wind IV change their stacking 10% animation speed bonus to 10% double strike on the main hand, and the 10% tempest I swing animation bonus is changed to a 10% off-hand proc bonus. Again, we're looking at 10% reduction in swing speed for a few classes, max. No more.
Misconception #3: This buffs rangers the most - FALSE
A tempest III ranger is currently 110% main hand and 137.5% off hand. They lose 5% main hand and 37.5% off hand. Compare to monks, paladins, fighters who lose 0% main hand and 30% off hand. Rangers are getting the biggest nerf. Furthermore, if STWF is added, then monks, paladins, fighters only lose 10% off hand, whereas a ranger even with STWF still loses 37.5% off hand.
Misconception #4: This nerfs rogues the most - FALSE
Currently, rogues (using GTWF) are 10% lower main hand and 10% lower off hand. Under the proposed numbers, the rogue off hand is equalized with fighters, monks, paladins: i.e. rogues (using GTWF) are 10% lower main hand and EQUAL off hand. This means that rogues experience a relative 10% buff in their off hand. This is a buff to rogues.
Misconception #5: This moves further away from pen and paper & standard rules documentation. - FALSE
The new proposal is actually closer to the SRD. Compare:
SRD Proposed Current
No feats 25% 20% 25%
TWF 25% 40% 50%
ITWF 50% 60% 75%
GTWF 75% 80% 100
We're going from: 25% difference from the SRD in TWF, ITWF, GTWF. Total cumulative difference = 75%
to: 5% difference in no feats, 15% difference in TWF, 10% difference in ITWF, 5% difference in GTWF. Total cumulative difference = 35%
Thus, Eladrins new numbers are in-fact substantially closer to the source material.