Greeting fellow Khyberians. interesting thing heppened last weekend.
joined a group that was running the depths dungeons in House D on elite. they were finishing the last on hard before doing elite. Advised them that it was my first time really in them. Sorc leader was nice enough to point out the traps (not that it helps when you roll a 1 on the disarm >.<). then we started them all on elite.
Running the 3rd one on elite (the one with the fire elemental in it). we get to said fire elemental (i think the group was me on my rogue, 2 sorc a fighter and cleric hireling.) somehow things go to hell. sorcs keep gets their frost spells saved against, and in the end everyone is dead except for me, and some pally that had just joined. so, here i go picking up all the soulstones while he is throwing fireballs at me (evasion FTW). once i get them all, Expedious retreat boots and back to the enterance to drop aggro.
now, i go searching for the shrine. open one door - 3 ogres. Sorc leader asks if i could close the door. unfortunately not. then the pally walks up and aggroes one. first thing i do is back up because i am on 3 HP and ran out of pots (my bad on that one). the paladin was actually able to solo the one ogre he pulled. anyway, back to finding the shrine.
I head off down the instance, sneaking past the fire elemental so he doesnt smack me down hard. get pointed out to another trap which i evaded and got to the shrine behind one of the doors after it (i was busy getting the rest of the party to the shring that i evaded it without activating or disarming it). everyone resses. Next thing i see in the party chat window
Paladin has died. looks like he aggroed the fire elemental, and braught him down to the trap, activated the trap, and got killed. the sorcs managed to kill the fire elemental. I tried to disarm the trap, but the box was in the blade path, and your ability to dodge traps seams to be reduced sevearly when disarming >.>.
paladin complains about the trap not being disarmed. funnily, the sorc leader goes off at him because
1: it was my first time (even though pally didnt know)
2: i had just saved the group a re-enter penalty
paladin remained quiet after that.
managed to finish them all and the group split after it was done. (well, actually me and the sorc leader left). 2 other things of note though.
1: the fighter was running AWAY from every ooze in there. when we asked why, he stated he "doesnt fight ooze". by the end i think we managed to get through to him that if you un-equip you big expensive 2h weapon you can kill them without breaking your weapon.
2: this was the 2nd time i have done a stone run with the asme sorc as leader. cant remember the name of the other quest. i just know that it is the one where you enter a central room with a grate in the middle, 3 paths. 2 paths lead to double levers to remove the gate to allow progress, and the 3rd leads you to an ogre.
In that one after we opened the gate, everyone dropped down. only me and the bard survived in that room (the others died to mass lightning bolts. grab the stones and off to the shrine i went. had to solo the ooze after opening the door too. go go returning throwing weapon
Sure not as good as the other drama that occurs but might be a good read for someone. maybe some vets can relate too.