So there we were. Waiting for a Tempest Spine raid to fill. The leader, {named withheld so i can share the story}, starts by saying that he had some rules for everyone:
1. He will set the difficulty, so everyone needs to back the hell away from the the quest giver.
2. Under no circumstance are you to run ahead of the group, meaning himself.
3. No one was to lag behind, either. In that event, he and only he, would be the one to go get everyone because he was the best barb around.
4. Under no circumstance are you to run ahead of the group, meaning himself.
5. Everyone had better follow all of his rules or that person would incur his wrath.(my phrase, not his.)
6. If anyone had a problem with any of that, they could F$$$ off!
Now, i dont have a problem with people giving me "rules", but when they are delivered laced with profanity and "big" words that the user obviously never uses, i get apprehensive. I almost dropped right then and there, but something told me this could be epic.
We get in, on elite, and he starts yammering, about something, so i Greased him. He yells "the next person to do that is going to **** me off!" All of a sudden he takes off. Halfway to the first entrance, he says "hope everyone knows the way." we get in and he is the only one to have taken damage. While we are waiting for everyone, i greased him again. "If anyone does that again, i am going to be super angry!"
We get going and one of the cleric, who is a battle cleric, is out in front a little bit and the leader starts yelling at him. We get to fire and ice and the battle cleric buffs leader, who is pulling ice, and starts to go with him to pull. leader bails on him and BC dies. Leader says that he is going to drop his stone in the lava but BC makes it to the rez shrine. Frome then on, all we here about if the "tank healer" and how thats not what he is supposed to do. the guy is doing a decent job healing, ny the way. the only good thing the leader ever says to the BC is the FIRST time the cleric has to res him. and res him alot he did. seven times i think. more that anyone by at least 3.
At one point the paly in the group says something about not taking orders from someone who loots, then fights. The leader starts saying, i cant speak spanish and other racist remarks. that was when i said something to the leader about what a loser he was. we move on and get to the boss, where the leader says that he was doing the puzzle. ok. np. so we jump in and against all odds we kill sorjek. then the loot comes and the leader keeps badgering people about stuff he wants of theirs. myself being the nice guy i am proceded to claim our epicness for beating TS on elite with the biggest handicap i have witnessed. truly EPIC!
Thanks to Everyone who helped complete.
except the racist leader. and his equally racist healer friend.