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Thread: Violin

  1. #21
    Community Member Parody's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Been wondering a few things on this build.

    Since we have power attack, and auto crit situations for held mobs, wouldn't it be pretty decent to add in the rest of the 2 weapon fighting line for an additional source of dps when not in manyshot mode? Or simply rely on finding an epic sword of shadows + inspire recklessness and only use a bow when manyshort is up?

    Just because I like multiple role filling for bards, how bad is it to remove say improved critical or similar feat (like improved precise shot?) from this build and squeeze in maximize for healing purposes? I know the Classic Rocker can get away with it, not sure if this one could unless it was bard 16 or so?

    Thanks in advance for the replies.

  2. #22
    Community Member OldAquarian's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Parody View Post
    Been wondering a few things on this build.

    Since we have power attack, and auto crit situations for held mobs, wouldn't it be pretty decent to add in the rest of the 2 weapon fighting line for an additional source of dps when not in manyshot mode? Or simply rely on finding an epic sword of shadows + inspire recklessness and only use a bow when manyshort is up?

    Just because I like multiple role filling for bards, how bad is it to remove say improved critical or similar feat (like improved precise shot?) from this build and squeeze in maximize for healing purposes? I know the Classic Rocker can get away with it, not sure if this one could unless it was bard 16 or so?

    Thanks in advance for the replies.
    You might notice that the Classic rocker has no ranged feats at all - that's how it is able to fit in all the meta's

    The whole reason for fighter 4, and ranger 2 is to get the most ranged feats in as possible
    Going to Bard 16 would lose feats, not gain

    AA prereqs + Warchanter prereqs + full ranged + extend and toughness add up to a lot of feats
    If you can guarentee always having a Keen weapon you could drop imp crit. But I wouldn't recommend it. Dropping Imp Precise makes this much less of a viable ranged and ranged is bad enough as is.

    You want healing and ranged and melee and songs and buffs. Thats not really doable. Focus on what you really want, if you want melee and healing, there are plenty of good builds out there, the Rocker being pure, others with melee splashes for more melee, slightly less song. A popular one is the Ghengis Khan
    The other popular split is 16Bard/2Fighter/2Rogue

    If you want another AA Bard - I also created a Virtuso one:
    But again no room for Maximize
    Last edited by OldAquarian; 12-29-2010 at 06:47 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Ebforest60's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Hi, my name is Ed and I'm an altoholic. I tried a Kensai AA but didn't get very far as it was (honestly) a bit boring. I like the active playstyle (I tend to play monks and rogues) and I thought I'd give your idea a run. Any updates since December? How do you see this playing with the U9 changes, and is HElf workable?

    Of course I might have to go more melee since that is what I tend to do anyway (heh even on my WF Wizard I get into the mix!)
    Last edited by Ebforest60; 03-31-2011 at 11:00 AM.

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