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  1. #1
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    Default Selected Past life feat fulfull prestige requirment

    It would be interesting if the selected past-life feats could qualify as one of the prestige enhancement requirements. For example, Bard Warchanter- This enhancement requires Weapon Focus in order to be taken. However, it would be neat if rather than giving the player only the Weapon Focus as the must-have, allow the selected past life feat to also fulfill the requirement for the prestige. So the player can choose the current prereq or take the past life. It would require the past of of that class however. Fighter Past life not qualify for Warchanter and whatnot.

    -Tempest could take Ranger Past life rather than Oversized
    -Frenzy Berserker, barbarian past life rather than Cleave
    -Warchanter, Bard Past life rather than Weapon Focus
    and so on

    The logic is simply that for many classes a large portion of (or the entirety of) the selected past life is almost completely redundant and not likely to ever be taken (rangers to ranger past life obviously has no use for a barkskin clickie, or bard to bard a song clickie). Since many/most of the prestige builds don't leave much or any room to play with in the feat selection it would be nice if it were at least possible to select the past life feat without it actually being a disadvantage.

    So in short:
    Allow the Selected Past Life feats to qualify as a prestige enhancement prerequisite if the feat is of the same class that the prestige is for.

    Part of the point of this would be to encourage True Resurrecting into the same class, because as it stands its almost always more advantageous to TR into a different class.
    Last edited by eulogy098; 05-26-2010 at 12:51 PM.
    Eulogy- oh ninety eight

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    past life feats already exist as prerequesits, just look at arcane archer

    your suggestion on the other hand makes no real sense: why would i need to be a ranger befor to become tempest?
    also, like you said yourself, alot of the past life feats arent really wont be taken anyway
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  3. #3
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    The idea isnt to REPLACE the prereq feats, the idea is to be an alternative to. as in giving you the choice. Warchanter take Weapon Focus OR bard past life.
    Eulogy- oh ninety eight

  4. #4
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eulogy098 View Post
    The idea isnt to REPLACE the prereq feats, the idea is to be an alternative to. as in giving you the choice. Warchanter take Weapon Focus OR bard past life.
    im aware of that

    and why would any warchanter take the past life one over +1 tohit??
    or for what needs a tempest 3x barksskin per day?
    for what again do kensai need a clicky which brings them to full bab?
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    or for what needs a tempest 3x barksskin per day?
    for what again do kensai need a clicky which brings them to full bab?
    thats the entire point, these classes need some reason to take the past life or noone will take it in many cases. if it were given as an option to replace some of the less desirable feat requirments than people might take the past life to enjoy some of the secondary effects of it. Often enough prestige feat requirements are fillers, or basically a waste of a feat slot (frenzy - cleave). If one could choose the past life feat rather than the undesirable, at least you have some variation.

    All of those selected past life feats have secondary effects, the likes of which are not on their own worth using a feat slot for. but if you can take that feat as a replacement for an undesirable prereq (tempest- mobility) than at least its a bit more interesting.

    The bard might enjoy the increase to enchant saves and cha skills, the fighter might enjoy the +4 hit in epics, the barb would be glad to not blow a feat on cleave, so on and so forth
    Last edited by eulogy098; 05-26-2010 at 12:57 PM.
    Eulogy- oh ninety eight

  6. #6
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eulogy098 View Post
    thats the entire point, these classes need some reason to take the past life or noone will take it in many cases. if it were given as an option to replace some of the less desirable freq requirments than people might take the past life to enjoy some of the secondary effects of it. Often enough prestige feat requirements are fillers, or basically a waste of a feat slot (frenzy - cleave). If one could choose the past life feat rather than the undesirable, at least you have some variation.

    All of those selected past life feats have secondary effects, the likes of which are not on their own worth using a feat slot for. but if you can take that feat as a replacement for an undesirable prereq (tempest- mobility) than at least its a bit more interesting.
    cant replace mobility with the past life feat as you would need spring attack still

    i understand your intend but making useless feats additional choices wont make a differance

    if you have the choice between barkskin 3/day and +2/+2 tohit for tempest3: tell me, what will you take? and be honest

    also those useless feats are there to balance the PrEs out
    replacing cleave with something semiuseful will create a big imbalance
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by eulogy098 View Post
    All of those selected past life feats have secondary effects, the likes of which are not on their own worth using a feat slot for. but if you can take that feat as a replacement for an undesirable prereq (tempest- mobility) than at least its a bit more interesting.
    This wouldn't help in the case of mobility. Mobility is a requirement for spring attack, which is a requirement for Tempest I. The ranger past life won't give you access to spring attack (and shouldn't, either).

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