Just some stuff I have sitting around I don't think I'll be needing. I'll take plat, larges, funk, twigs, pebbles, a Scroll of the Cloak of the Silver Concord, depending on the item(s) you want.

I hate logging and responding constantly to offers, so I'm just putting this up. PM me. In a couple days, I'll take the best offer for an item, so long as it's reasonable (in other words, if no one bids except for some idiot that bids 1 silver, I'll just vendor/AH it).

Items are in no particular order. Some are nice, some are just ok. Thanks for looking.

+3 Holy Burst Handwraps of Pure Good - ML 14

Feather Falling Boots - ML 5

Clever Goggles +6 - ML 11 RR Elf (18)

Charismatic Helm +6 of Intimidation +3 - ML 13 RR Warforged (20)

Health Belt +6 of Light Fortification - ML 13 RR Halfling (20)

Health Belt +6 of Balance +3 - ML 13 RR Elf

Charismatic +1 Cloak of Resistance +5 - ML 17 RR Dwarf (24)

Charismatic +1 Cloak of Protection +5 - ML 15

Wise +1 Necklace of Protection +5 - ML 15

Charismatic Ring +6 of Elvenkind +3 - ML 15

Disease Immunity Ring of Greater False Life - ML 11 Dwarf

+1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Vertigo - ML 14

+2 Paralyzing Heavy Pick - ML 12

Cloak of Protection +5 - ML 13

+2 Vorpal Battleaxe - ML 12

+5 Acid Guard Mithril Chain Shirt of Power I - ML 14

Proof against Poison Belt of Greater False Life - ML 15

Armored Bracers +7 - ML 15

Belt of Greater False Life - ML 11