In the LFM panel somehow denote groups for which you "qualify" but for which you would you would take an XP hit.
Why? Because I keep on *almost* joining favor groups! And it bunches my chainmail panties!
In the LFM panel somehow denote groups for which you "qualify" but for which you would you would take an XP hit.
Why? Because I keep on *almost* joining favor groups! And it bunches my chainmail panties!
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
If only there was some way to see the level of everyone in the group you are about to join, something simple, such as mousing over the leaders name and a list appearing.
Also, youd have to figure out what your own level is, and somehow find a supercomputer to add 4 to that number, and run a second supercomputer in parallel to make sure you don't join groups with a person of that level or higher.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Yes, I fully realize it isn't "critical" just user friendly, that's all.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
~PESTILENCE~Looting's our business and business is good.Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
The biggest thing I notice is people creating a 4 level gap in their lfm for a regular quest. This smacks ignorance on their part and creates all sorts of problems.
Well, the biggest problem about this is someone is probably going to take a 50% penalty, and the leader is not competent enough to be leading a group if they do not know this kind of a detail.
The solution is of course, to make your own lfms so that you can screen them yourself. What I DON'T get though, is why so many people stand around hawking the lfm panel "hoping" that something will come up. It's not that hard to make a lfm, and seriously, it usually fills within a minute.
The problem is that the default is a 4 level gap (your level +/- 2). I think it should default to level +1/-2. Preferably based on the quest/difficulty selected, rather than the level of the leader.
But it's kind of a handy way to know whether the group leader knows what he's doing. If I see an LFM with a level 4 gap, I just move on.
That'd be another nice (if a bit dumbed down) feature. As party members enter your party if the leader was prompted to auto adjust the level range to avoid XP hits to party members...
So, Bill the Barb (lvl 8) wants to run Threnal west. First quest is level 8, so the LFM auto-selects 5-11. Timmy the Wiz (7) joins and Bill is prompted with a "Would you like to auto-adjust your level range?" prompt. He selects "yes" and the range is adjusted to 5-10. Earl the Cleric (10) joins and again Bill is prompted, and again the range is adjusted, this time 7-10.
Just a rough thought, probably better implementation methods, but...
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
The current auto range is [player level - 2] to [ player level + 2]
thats the problem right there.
A level 6 hosts.. the range now says 4-8.... a level 4 being in the party with a level 8 will get the power leveling penalty.
I've suggested many options, but the [player level -2] to [player level +1] would be the best option.
A level 6 hosts and you get a displayed range of 4-7.
How is this "the problem"?
I'd humbly suggest "the problem" is players who can't figure out that if someone in the group is 4 levels above them they'll take an XP hit. Or players who don't drop group if the leader then takes someone 4 levels above them.
(Yes it's possible to drop group after you've joined one)
Solutions might be
If the level 8 player joins first, a level 4 player could realize they'll take an XP hit.
Or (and just another thought) the party leader could adjust the level to say 5-8 after the level 8 joins.
Two entirely different solutions, one putting the onus on the player wanting to join, the other on the party leader.
I'd be more agreeable with this if it were easier to determine what level people are. If you don't have sight on your party members, you can't see their level without going into the Social window, and either looking up the group you're in (can't if it's full), or the people tab (very unwieldy). The "so-and-so joined your party" text should include the level info group leaders get, and/or it should be possible to pull up basic info from the party list no matter where they are.
Until that happens, the blame for powerleveling rests squarely on the the group leader.
Or myddo them
Seriously, I get that,(well kinda..) but if someone simply asks "what level is everyone", or types the name into the "who" window it tells you all you need to know. Or myddo them. None of which takes more than a few seconds of your time.
Or simply check the XP as soon as you enter the quest, taking an XP hit? Drop.
That's the default range. The default range used to be 1-20 but with EU new players didn't seem to be bright enough to change the range so they added the +/- 2 default.
There is actually nothing wrong with a 4 level gap. For many quests people are willing to take the 50% hit to get the quest completed. Also sometimes people start that way and narrow it to 3 if someone at the top or bottom of the range joins.
Personally I tend to post as top level = quest+1 and bottom level quest-2. Yup, that's right, a 4 level spread. I base it on people who can contribute and I assume that people can read and do math and decide for themselves if they want to join us.