they are nothing new it seems every time we get a new crop of those threads or people just bring it back up now and then.
they are nothing new it seems every time we get a new crop of those threads or people just bring it back up now and then.
Beware the Sleepeater
See its things like this that really crack me up. You do realize no one can gank you in wow unless you allow them to do so. Ignorance or misinformation, take your pick.
Just for the record i havent played WoW in years, i just find all the mindless hate funny. Kinda like Lorien. Thanks for the rep good buddy.
Last edited by Bufo_Alvarius; 05-25-2010 at 07:22 AM.
Mindless hate are you serious? How much respect do you think any of us would get going to the wow forums and saying "Oh gee why cant you be like ddo?" its disrespect period. If WOW is so freaking great why not play it? Why should other mmos conform to that type game when obviously we arent looking to play that type game.
Mindless you say? I find it mindless not to know what your talking about when you defend such. So your saying there is no player vs player where you can be killed at all on wow? news to me I guess you oh guru of wow can tell me im wrong about everything in the game and still come here and act like its so much better. My point is like everyone else why bother? If ddo doesnt float your boat or makes you long for wow there is an easy way to deal with that.
Either way ive deemed you unworthy of going the rounds with no neg rep just going to put you on my personal island because you are an ignorant troll.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Hilarious. So you don't CHOOSE to join a pvp server? Blizzard MADE you do it huh? If you can't handle pvp you never ever have to! Misinformation or ignorance.....
Last edited by Bufo_Alvarius; 05-25-2010 at 03:23 PM.
THat doesn't say that there isn't any ganking in WoW. I will bet you are making fast friends now.
Cookies. Favourite homemade?
(THis thread that I have posted in before was up BEFORE my vow for cookie crumbliness. SO I have not broken any promises but it istime to bring on some sugar and chocolate!)
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
In this whole thread there is only ONE mention of cookies, and ZERO references to cheesecake.
Very disappointing.
And I SO wish the SOE/LucasArts team would have done with SWG what DDO has done.
Instead they went the other way, tried to be like WoW, and killed it.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Doc I squelched the wow guru feel free to turn this thread into any bakery style pastry dish you want. Its obvious to me that the people asking about wow really still want to play that game so no ones stopping them. We made brownies today instead of cookies yummy fudge goodness![]()
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
I beg to differ:
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
So much better than universal cookies:
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Universal Cookies are BORING!
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Cookies may be universal, but I believe that the followers of cheesecake may be more fanatical. Take myself for instance. I pay lip service to cookies, for they are good and tastey, but I will kill you if you touch my cheesecake. Dead.
Ashnon Swiftbow
I have no problems with the comparison even though the games are different. It is fine, they are both MMOs in the fantasy genre and many people have played both. It seems reasonable for people to compare them. I have issue with the extreme people on both ends. Those who ridicule WoW and its players and those mock DDO and its players. Neither group is one iota better than the other. Both can be very low class.
DDO has many flaws. WoW has many flaws. DDO has some terrible players so does WoW. People on both forums can be jerks. If 5% of any game are extremely vocal insulting forum dwellers WoW suffers greatly in comparison because so many more people play. For me, I have more fun playing DDO than I did playing WoW that is why I play DDO. Is DDO a better game? Is WoW a better game? That is an individual choice people make with their subscription or MTs, what we say on the forums mean very little. No one can really argue WoW wins that war.
I personally did not find either game to be very difficult. After all, they are both pretty simplistic and very easy to master. FWIW the only thing in either I feel I could not master was WoW arena play above 2100 rating. Those people are extremely good, hell, you can get sponsored and play for a team if you are truly great.
It comes down to a matter of personal taste and no one can be wrong in that. If you say you like DDO better, for you it is great. Someone else prefers WoW they are right too. Playing one or the other really doesn’t say anything about a person's character or intelligence either. I have seen the best of both and the worst of both, it is seems the same. Hopefully when comparing the games people can focus on the strengths and weaknesses of both rather choosing to insult one another. That is when both groups show their character, good or bad.
Last edited by Magusrex777; 05-25-2010 at 04:41 PM.
Mag your attitude would be refreshing if this was not the umpteenth topic on this. If we had the same cartblanche to go into Blizzard Forums and Wow forums talking about how their game does not compare id almost whole heartedly agree with you. But we dont do that many of us stick to the game we like make suggestions to make it better without having to pull up other mmos. Honestly there are plenty of D20 games I like no where in any of my suggestions will you see me asking ddo to be more like baldur's gate or Guild wars or any of the other games I may have or have not enjoyed. The point being if I enjoyed them so much more instead of asking this game to be more like them Id go play them instead.
Its people like the guy I just squelched that dont get it, I have no disrespect towards people who play wow and have friends and family who enjoy the game it was not for me. I do not like several aspects that I encountered playing whether I brought it on myself for joining certain servers or not. Its stupid to call someone out for things that happened to them and go "haha its your fault you dont know what your talking about..." Um yes I do because it happened to me and made the experience unpleasant enough for me not to want a game like that on my systems.
All I know is I just feel its constant rude to continue to bring up one mmo as being the only standard other mmos should shoot for. Wow is a successful game youd have to be blind not to realize that but its not the game for many of the people who play this one and we just want that respect.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic