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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default DDO only starts the first time

    I have Windows Vista. Whenever I download DDO, it automatically launches the game and I can play with no problems. However, whenever I turn my computer back on it doesn't show up in the "programs" list anymore, it doesn't turn up in "my computer" searches, and when I try to double-click the shortcut to the launcher (or open the file location and try to run it as admin) it doesn't do anything. It's as if it uninstalls itself after every use, but keeps taking up the space as if it were still there. The setup wizard works fine, but I really don't want to "repair/reinstall" the game every single time I want to play it.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010


    After much fretting, I discovered that on Vista starting the launcher doesn't start the program itself, it just opens it in the bottom bar (I found it by accident when looking at my hidden icons for my antivirus program). Double-clicking it in the bar gets the program running. Not sure why the launcher doesn't do this directly, but there you have it! The solution was much simpler than I thought.

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