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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Suggestion to Ease Minos Legens Dominance.

    Almost everybody gets a Minos Legens helm. Mainly because the other rewards aren't that good for the level they can be obtained, especially not compared to 20 hit points, and Heavy Fortification on a single item.

    My suggestion is this:

    Everybody who turns in 20 tapestries gets a 20hp feat. From there the other helms would be more desirable.

    Another thing you can do is to put heavy fortification on every helm, and then Minos won't be the biggest one picked.

  2. #2
    Community Member hydra_ex's Avatar
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    Interesting suggestions.

    I'm not sure if I entirely agree with it, but its interesting, so say the least.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Daehawk's Avatar
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    Default then what happens to minos? It just gets erased? And even if you gain a feat that gives +20hp the Toughness off Minos would still stack with it so you could get a total of 40 more hp then. Giving the others Heavy Fort too then Minos would have to gain something else as well to go with Toughness.

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  4. #4
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    interesting opinion. i disagree with it though. in the grand scheme of things your level 11 jsut a short while. at level 20 alot of people (my toons included) use otehr helms and not minos. likeepic von 6 helm(either one) or a gs helm.

    i think changing things that only really make a difference at levels that in the end you dont spend very much time in is a waste of time. a few days/weeks at level 11 range vs months/years at cap.

    just my opinion on your opinion

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  5. #5
    Community Member REALb0r3d's Avatar
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    I really don't understand why people keep complaining about this. Its a good helm until you find something else, and that's a good thing.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Add toughness to the pre-fix or suffix list for some item types.

    Would need to be a rare one, but I think more useful mods are always good, especially ones which only have one 'level'

    I would also like to see things like +1 (maybe +2) exceptional stats, +1/+2 Dodge, +1 Luck to skills/saves, immunity combos like on GS accessories (blindness/disease immunity in one prefix) etc on higher level random items. That way you can still get useful random items.

    Obviously some things would still be raid loot only (+3 dodge, +2 luck, etc) but it would be nice to see some more USEFUL mods added.

  7. #7
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    problem is to find anything else thats significantly better is dam hard.

    Look at the post above, epic Von6, or greensteel, both of which require hours upon hours, of grinding. Whos gonna make a GS helm before say, 2 weapons? what about other horribly itemized slots such as goggles or cloaks ? really?

    I've actually had the misfortune of picking up a different helm from the quest, only to have to go back and get the Minos because the other helms are pure garbage.

    It isnt that Minos is overpowered, its that the other quest reward helms there suck. Why not make those better instead of nerfing something everyone and the momma already has?

  8. #8


    My question is WHY?

    Is there a problem with this helmet? I don't understand why you are avocating change. If you are talking about the Heavy Fort, BAM can give you one in a couple of runs forthe F2P peeps. THe Toughness is just icing. It's the Heavy fort we care about.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    My question is WHY?

    Is there a problem with this helmet? I don't understand why you are avocating change. If you are talking about the Heavy Fort, BAM can give you one in a couple of runs forthe F2P peeps. THe Toughness is just icing. It's the Heavy fort we care about.
    So then go with the second suggestion. The fact that very, very few people ever pick anything other than Minos means to me that the others should be changed to be more desirable.

    I think that by adding Heavy Fort to all helms would compensate this.

    If you do this, the biggest question is what do you add to Minos in addition.

  10. #10
    Community Member Vynnt's Avatar
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    I would support giving toughness to the other helms in the tap list. If that happens, maybe give minos some FL to balance them.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    My question is WHY?

    Is there a problem with this helmet? I don't understand why you are avocating change. If you are talking about the Heavy Fort, BAM can give you one in a couple of runs forthe F2P peeps. THe Toughness is just icing. It's the Heavy fort we care about.
    I think the problem he is referring to, is how much better it is to the other helmets. Another problem, is that it's so common. Everyone has one, even at higher levels.

    And, personally, the heavy fort is the icing, the toughness is the reason why my characters wear it. Heavy fort can be found on many items, while toughness not so much.

  11. #11
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Why not add to the other helms to make them more desirable? I see no reason to take a pipe to the knee of Minos just because it's fairly good and the others are fairly underwhelming.
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  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    My question is WHY?

    Is there a problem with this helmet? I don't understand why you are avocating change. If you are talking about the Heavy Fort, BAM can give you one in a couple of runs forthe F2P peeps. THe Toughness is just icing. It's the Heavy fort we care about.
    Tell that to the HP builds. One item doesn't make a huge difference no, but when it becomes part of a whole, it becomes necessary.

    While I agree with the ops idea that something needs to be done to remove the reliance upon this singular helm in so many builds, I do not agree with the ideas suggested.

    ...... *ponders*.....

    Wasn't there a dev post that said something about fortification may get put through the ringer to change it for this video game? It could be that if such is done, the fortification provided may be less than optimal. I.E.... 50% fort instead? Such that if 100% is desired, a different item must be slotted in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Why not add to the other helms to make them more desirable? I see no reason to take a pipe to the knee of Minos just because it's fairly good and the others are fairly underwhelming.
    My Opinion why not make the others better? Because they are really easy to get as it is. They are extremely easy when you compare it to their kinfolk of shield pieces and tome pages. If you are going to make them better, you need to make it more difficult as well to gather them. Tome and shield have specific parts, the Tap does not. And given that the pieces come out of rares. 20 different pieces dropped randomly out of the named should suffice. Should different pieces be specific to the different named? Probably.
    Last edited by Missing_Minds; 05-24-2010 at 03:06 PM.

  13. #13
    Founder Lehrman's Avatar
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    I already have one toon getting toughness from an item other than the Minos Legens--Quori Docent of Battle. there are also currently Epic items that grant toughness. I have no doubt that eventually more items will be introduced and you will be able to stop looking that the same headshot over and over again.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Spyder echoes my views here. The minos does not dominate at level 20.

    Adding +20 HP to everyone would do exactly that, add +20 HP to everyone. If you want to advocate a change to add +20 hp to everyone OP then just do that and we can discuss it.

    The other suggestion would just be a buff to the other necro helms. The other helms are meh so I certainly would not object to seeing them buffed. Oh and fyi, heavy fort is not only used from the minos. It's just the most common since it is a set loot option that can be farmed. Min 2 shroud accessories grant it, there is a necklace which grants it, a few more named items which grant it, and finally it is on the random loot tables as an ability also. There are tons of ways to get heavy fort.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Newtons_Apple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Tell that to the HP builds. One item doesn't make a huge difference no, but when it becomes part of a whole, it becomes necessary.

    While I agree with the ops idea that something needs to be done to remove the reliance upon this singular helm in so many builds, I do not agree with the ideas suggested.

    ...... *ponders*.....

    Wasn't there a dev post that said something about fortification may get put through the ringer to change it for this video game? It could be that if such is done, the fortification provided may be less than optimal. I.E.... 50% fort instead? Such that if 100% is desired, a different item must be slotted in.
    I certainly hope they don't make heavy fort harder to get than it is now. As it stands, many players out there don't have a heavy fort item.

    Take away an easy source of it, and it will become that much more difficult for casual players to contribute without being crit one-shotted by Harry.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    I certainly hope they don't make heavy fort harder to get than it is now. As it stands, many players out there don't have a heavy fort item.

    Take away an easy source of it, and it will become that much more difficult for casual players to contribute without being crit one-shotted by Harry.
    I'm pretty sure you will find that the reason many people don't have any fort isn't because it's hard to get. In other games (like WoW) the ability to not be critted is pretty much the realm of the tank only, other classes don't need it in those games. So many people look at a moderate/heavy fort belt, compare it to a +5/+6 Str belt and think it's an easy choice. I think this also applies to why some characters have very little hp, in games like wow, only the tank needs to stack HP, other characters just stack their dps abilities.

    If anything, it's a lack of information being passed onto those players.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    If anything, it's a lack of information being passed onto those players.
    Bingo. There is zero reason a lvl 16 paladin running raids should not be wearing any fort at all.

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