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Thread: FS Summoner?

  1. #1
    Community Member pekpekkypek's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Default FS Summoner?

    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting in these forums.

    I've been thinking hard about whether a summoner build of a favored soul is not too gimped to warrant less enjoyment while playing this game. I've always played druid summoners in other DnD avenues and the absence of the druid class in this game slightly disturbs me

    Thoughts and suggestions? Thanks for taking time to read this.
    You'd die before your sword fell!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010


    If you are even thinking about doing this via the Vulkoor scorpion summong ability, don't.
    At the present time it is entirely worthless after you reach lvl 10. If you want alittle extra punch as a pure drow vulkoor fvs at lower levels. It suffices. However aside from that its horrid. Also I wouldn't advise taking the summon spells either as a FVS, they too are not worth the valueable spell slot.

    Cleric works out better as a summoner, or wizard palemaster. But either way you put it, summon spells in this game are subpar, and there is no viable summoner builds at this time. Maybe with the next update where they are adding a new feat aimed at buffing your pets. But not right now.

  3. #3
    Community Member pekpekkypek's Avatar
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    May 2010


    That's a bit of a letdown, I saw a deity with longbows as a favored weapon and I thought hey, why not since favored souls summon as decently as clerics in the other DnD games, how bad can it be?
    You'd die before your sword fell!

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010


    problem right now is your getting a max lvl 14 creature as a summon, when youll be fighting stuff upwards of lvl 30.
    It wouldn't be so bad, if you could have multiple summons up at a time, like a true summoner would.

    Left alone to get hit they die far too fast, and cant hold agro good enough to allow you to do much.

    Hopefully the new summon feat helps out, and that the vulkoor could summon a hezrog also, for 2 helpers, but right now, eh. would be nice if they leveled up as you did, but alas...

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