Alrigthy, I can't wait much longer. It's time to start learning about shroud crafting. I'm about to tr a second time and I still havent learned to craft, haven't even tried, just been saving ingredients on my bank toons for the special momont.
I currently have a 34 point build light monk, and I figuerd: I desperatly need more hp, and from what I have heard from guildes and random player you can create a 45+ hp item in shroud crafting, creating a greensteal item. That would be behond awesome if I could be able to do one myself.
I'm however the biggest craft noob ever walked on this earth so I have many questions, heck I can even lead a shroud run but I can't craft a shi*t that's hilarious.
If I'm able to craft a greensteal cloak 45+ hp that would be sweet, if it's possible to get a hp item on a cloak? And I also wonder if I can get a +6 stat on it aswell, or something els on it beside just the hp boost?
More questions coming up..
I need recipes, been trying to search online via google and ddo forum but I'm just getting more and more confused, what I really want and need is the hp boost if I can add something els on the cloak it would be nice but basicly I would be happy just getting my hp. Can someone link the recipe?
I am aware of that you can upgrade small ingredients to bigger more powerful ones, can someone maybe link how and which ingredients I need to get what?
I know I'm asking for a lot but if you just could help me a bit with your crafting knowlege I would be more then happy, I really want to learn this.
With best regards