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  1. #1
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    Default Craft noob- Hp item?

    Alrigthy, I can't wait much longer. It's time to start learning about shroud crafting. I'm about to tr a second time and I still havent learned to craft, haven't even tried, just been saving ingredients on my bank toons for the special momont.

    I currently have a 34 point build light monk, and I figuerd: I desperatly need more hp, and from what I have heard from guildes and random player you can create a 45+ hp item in shroud crafting, creating a greensteal item. That would be behond awesome if I could be able to do one myself.

    I'm however the biggest craft noob ever walked on this earth so I have many questions, heck I can even lead a shroud run but I can't craft a shi*t that's hilarious.

    If I'm able to craft a greensteal cloak 45+ hp that would be sweet, if it's possible to get a hp item on a cloak? And I also wonder if I can get a +6 stat on it aswell, or something els on it beside just the hp boost?

    More questions coming up..

    I need recipes, been trying to search online via google and ddo forum but I'm just getting more and more confused, what I really want and need is the hp boost if I can add something els on the cloak it would be nice but basicly I would be happy just getting my hp. Can someone link the recipe?

    I am aware of that you can upgrade small ingredients to bigger more powerful ones, can someone maybe link how and which ingredients I need to get what?

    I know I'm asking for a lot but if you just could help me a bit with your crafting knowlege I would be more then happy, I really want to learn this.

    With best regards

  2. #2
    Community Member cheever77's Avatar
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    Use this link. I have found it the best and easiest to understand crafting planner.

    Hope this helps somewhat.

  3. #3
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    The only stat you can get on a non-weapon is +6 Wisdom.
    Otherwise, any accessory abilities can be placed on any accessory.
    Go to that link, pick a cloak, pick the 3 HP choices, and see what else you can put on it. When done, click 'How can I craft this?' and it'll list the ingredients.
    This would give you +45HP, +6 Constitution-based skills (stacking), an Earth Elemental summon clicky, and a chance that monsters that hit you will be snagged by Earthgrab.
    Last edited by Symar-FangofLloth; 05-23-2010 at 10:01 AM.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    You get the following on a correctly crafted item:

    1 Tier 1 effect (+10 HP for your HP item)
    1 Tier 2 effect (+15 HP)
    1 Tier 3 effect (+20 HP)

    1 minor synergy effect (most are clickies, or you can get Tempered for +10 Concentration, Existential Stalemate for +6 Wisdom or Balance of Land and Sky for total ****).
    1 major synergy effect, which is totally determined by your minor one. Some powerful options are Mineral 2 (Heavy Fortification, +5 Protection bonus to AC); Radiance Guard (15-20% chance to proc Blindness and ~14 damage on any attacker that hits you); Lightning Strike Guard (~2% chance to proc ~600 lightning damage on any attacker that hits you) and Smoke (permanent Blur).

    The crafting planner will tell you exactly how to craft an item.
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  5. #5
    Hero Propane's Avatar
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    Another good link... down load has lots of other things...

    This one is good as well... lets you pick want you are after then highlights what is left...
    Last edited by Propane; 05-23-2010 at 10:49 AM.
    Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile

  6. #6
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    Thanks for a couple of good links, I have learned more today then I have accomplish in months..

    I have one more question thou. Energy orbs, I recognize the word, and I can swear I had at least one before.. But I can't find any on my bank toons or anything. I guess I cant farm an energy orb, I need to make one right?


  7. #7
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Energy Cells.

    The ones used to make the blank weapon are purchased near the altar in Meridia.
    The remainder are looted or purchased in the Shroud; some of them require the sacrifice of a weapon to recharge them.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  8. #8
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    No, I'm not talking about energy cells, I have many of that kind.. I'm still talking about energy orbs.

    This is the info from my own crafting plan:

    From the Vale Explorer Area and Vale Quests Collect
    2 Bitterscrub Fungus
    1 Chipmunk Funk
    4 Energy Orb--------------------------------------Energy Orb
    2 Glistening Pebbles
    2 Green Brier Twig
    3 Lammanian Lily Petals
    2 Locust Husk
    1 Shavarath Stone of Battle
    1 Shavarath Stone of Foresight
    1 Shavarath Stone of Might
    1 Shavarath Stone of Strategy
    1 Shavarath Stone of Victory

    So I'm kind of stuck in my crafting atm


  9. #9
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    If you've been running the shroud, you likely have a bunch of them in your ingrediant bag. There are 4 kinds:

    Eberron cells are bought in the basement in Meridia, and are only used to make greensteel blanks with vale ingrediants. They're quite cheap, and no reason to ever have more than what you need to immediately create a blank. All of the combines at the Altar Of Fecundity will need one EXCEPT where you combine the 5 colored Shavarath stones, those power themselves.

    Low energy cells always come charged, and have a chance of dropping from 1 chest in Phases 1 & 2. They can also be bought from the skeleton ferryman at the end of Phase 3. You use these to do first tier crafting at the Altar Of Invasion, all combines will need one.

    Medium energy cells come charged or uncharged. Uncharged can be made charged by putting them into the Altar Of Subjugation at the end of Phase 3 along with a weapon rated +7 or higher (look in the top right corner of the weapon's description box to see how the total enchantments add up). Medium cells are used in Tier 2 crafting at the Altar Of Subjugation, and are needed in all combines. Uncharged cells can be bought from the skeleton ferryman at the end of Phase 3, but you really shouldn't ever need to do this. They are INCREDIBLY common, and you should have way more than you really need.

    Large energy cells come charged or uncharged. Uncharged can be made charged by putting them into the Altar of Devastation at the end of Phase 5 along with a weapon rated +9 or higher. Large cells are used in Tier 3 crafting at the Altar Of Devastation, and are needed in all combines. Uncharged cells can also be bought from the skeleton ferryman, but again you shouldn't really ever need to do so. While not as common as mediums, they show up pretty regularly.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    If you've been running the shroud, you likely have a bunch of them in your ingrediant bag. There are 4 kinds:

    Eberron cells are bought in the basement in Meridia, and are only used to make greensteel blanks with vale ingrediants. They're quite cheap, and no reason to ever have more than what you need to immediately create a blank. All of the combines at the Altar Of Fecundity will need one EXCEPT where you combine the 5 colored Shavarath stones, those power themselves.

    Low energy cells always come charged, and have a chance of dropping from 1 chest in Phases 1 & 2. They can also be bought from the skeleton ferryman at the end of Phase 3. You use these to do first tier crafting at the Altar Of Invasion, all combines will need one.

    Medium energy cells come charged or uncharged. Uncharged can be made charged by putting them into the Altar Of Subjugation at the end of Phase 3 along with a weapon rated +7 or higher (look in the top right corner of the weapon's description box to see how the total enchantments add up). Medium cells are used in Tier 2 crafting at the Altar Of Subjugation, and are needed in all combines. Uncharged cells can be bought from the skeleton ferryman at the end of Phase 3, but you really shouldn't ever need to do this. They are INCREDIBLY common, and you should have way more than you really need.

    Large energy cells come charged or uncharged. Uncharged can be made charged by putting them into the Altar of Devastation at the end of Phase 5 along with a weapon rated +9 or higher. Large cells are used in Tier 3 crafting at the Altar Of Devastation, and are needed in all combines. Uncharged cells can also be bought from the skeleton ferryman, but again you shouldn't really ever need to do so. While not as common as mediums, they show up pretty regularly.

    Thank you, that's also good to know, but I'm still confused and stuck in my crafting.. I have all of those energycells many of each too, but cell and orb ? in my first step I just need stuff from vale.

  11. #11
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirTeo View Post
    2 Bitterscrub Fungus
    1 Chipmunk Funk
    4 Energy Orb--------------------------------------Energy Orb
    2 Glistening Pebbles
    2 Green Brier Twig
    3 Lammanian Lily Petals
    2 Locust Husk
    1 Shavarath Stone of Battle
    1 Shavarath Stone of Foresight
    1 Shavarath Stone of Might
    1 Shavarath Stone of Strategy
    1 Shavarath Stone of Victory
    Based on where in the recipe that is..
    That's the Eberron Energy Cells (or Orbs, or whatever they're really called, not sure), purchasable from the NPC near the altar in Meridia.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symar-FangofLloth View Post
    Based on where in the recipe that is..
    That's the Eberron Energy Cells (or Orbs, or whatever they're really called, not sure), purchasable from the NPC near the altar in Meridia.
    Haha, got it, orb and cell is the same thing. Thx! Alrigthy back to crafting again

  13. #13
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    Since we are on the subject...

    I've thought allot about the different end effects, and while earthgrab guard seems to be one of the most popular on a hitpoint item, I was wondering about slay living.

    The problem, of course about slay living is negative + hp items give you skill ranks in strength. Strength? You mean... Jump and that's it? The character in question is going from Fighter > Warchanter through a TR, so I'm planning ahead and it just seems simpler and more efficient to get bonus ranks to concentration instead.

    Decisions decisions.

    Any advice?

  14. #14
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donotdirect1 View Post
    Since we are on the subject...

    I've thought allot about the different end effects, and while earthgrab guard seems to be one of the most popular on a hitpoint item, I was wondering about slay living.

    The problem, of course about slay living is negative + hp items give you skill ranks in strength. Strength? You mean... Jump and that's it? The character in question is going from Fighter > Warchanter through a TR, so I'm planning ahead and it just seems simpler and more efficient to get bonus ranks to concentration instead.

    Decisions decisions.

    Any advice?
    Slay Living guard sounds awesome. In practice, it isn't.

    Firstly, it allows a Fortitude save. Most monsters have pretty solid Fort saves, so it is often resisted.

    Secondly, it does nothing against the large numbers of foes with outright immunity to death effects. Earthgrab guard, on the other hand, gets most of them (bosses are, of course, immune).

    Concentration is also a Constitution skill, not a Strength one. But if the skills are the factor that pushes you into a decision, shoot for Dex skills - Balance is just that good.
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  15. #15
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    Something I haven't seen anyone post but I am curious about is why not pos/neg/stalemate and make it conc-opp? I have a tier II cloak like that, but am curious as to why it hasn't been mentioned? I am assuming there is a reason? Is it better somewhere else? Thanks!


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dsav101 View Post
    Something I haven't seen anyone post but I am curious about is why not pos/neg/stalemate and make it conc-opp? I have a tier II cloak like that, but am curious as to why it hasn't been mentioned? I am assuming there is a reason? Is it better somewhere else? Thanks!

    A +45 HP item with conc. opp. can indeed be a very good choice, although on a melee not everyone can afford the larges just for temp HPs (a Monk will probably get +6 Wis from another item).

  17. #17
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    A +45 HP item with conc. opp. can indeed be a very good choice, although on a melee not everyone can afford the larges just for temp HPs (a Monk will probably get +6 Wis from another item).
    Conc-Opp is incredible on a melee - a 1 in 15 chance to proc 30 free HP is like 2 DR that stacks with every other source of DR in the game.

    Making a Positive/Negative/Air HP item to 'save' larges is really wasting the two large scales and the greensteel blank, as if you are in any way a perfectionist, you'll want to recraft it later.
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  18. #18
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Air Guard isn't so bad. The knockdown works pretty reliably, and sometimes you get hasted.

    Pos/Neg are bad though. Granted the positive will give you a raise dead, but you can get that off of a tier2 and use no larges (or stick it on a weapon and not have to worry about Taint).

    Earth, Mineral, Smoke, Conc-Opp, Radiance would be the most popular ways to go hitpoints. Nice thing about a hitpoint accessory is that you can go with -any- Tier3 effect, it only influences where the exceptional skill bonuses go.

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