-WARNING! Noob within range!- :/
I know this topic is pretty much scattered around the forums, but I just couldn't find the answer I was looking for.
I'm using a Logitech Digital Precision headset with the two jack in plugs (one for sound and one for the mic.) The computer is Windows XP.
I did a mic test in program files->sounds and audio devices->voice->test hardware, and it read my voice perfectly. I was able to hear it as well.
I did the mic test in DDO, and it doesn't read it. I cranked up all the voice volume stuff and still nothing.
(Not sure if this part's important.) The only options and for the voice playback and capture is soundMAX Digital Audio. I tried to change the sound playback to both hardware and software and nothing changed.
Yeah, I'm very noob. What's EAX? :/
Sorry again! But I would like someone to help me. It would be VERY appreciated. Please and thanks you very much.