Looking to trade large shroud ingredients (including large devil scales) for red dragon scales.
I also have the following scrolls to trade for red scales:
Scroll of the Bow of the Elements
Scroll of the Elyd Edge
Scroll of the Chimera's Fang
Scroll of the Golden Greaves
Scroll of the Hyena Claw Necklace
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
Scroll of the Ironweave Robe
Scroll of the Spiked Turban
Scroll of the Jidz-Tet'ka
Scroll of the Chain Mail Coif
Scroll of the Hammer of Life
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Scroll of Xuum
Scroll of the Ring of Silver Concord
Weapons & Gear to trade for red scales:
Collapsible Shortbow
Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
+6 Dex gloves, ML 11, RR Human
30% strider boots, ML 13, RR Human
+1 Holy Burst Longsword of Disruption (ML 18)
+1 Holy Longsword of Pure Good (ML 6)
+2 Handwraps of Greater Construct Bane (ML 8)
Filthy Kukri x2
Other items to trade for red scales:
1 blue dragon scale
Lightning-Split Soarwoods
Luminescent Dusts
+2 Tomes
Collapsed Portable Holes
Send PM's with offers or a tell in game to Akastos.