A while ago there was a thread that requested that instead of making weapon finesse a feat to purchase instead it was granted for free. The arguement being that building ones combat around this feat typically left a character weaker in combat than if they had just put mor epoints into strength. You were essentially paying to be a weaker character.
People complained that it shouldn't be because it granted them an effect to alter the Stat used to determine attack rolls. Others said that the advantaged of Strength based far outweighed this ability; citing higher acheivable strength and vastly superior damage as being superior to the ability to substitue Dex for strength for attack rolls.
Some people thought that maybe if Weapon Finesse also added Dex to damage that it would be better balanced. This thought was tossed around a few times and several permutations. Full dexterity to damage, half dexterity and full strength, half strength and full dexterity, dexterity as a bonus to critical hit damage. and so on.
Well I'm not sure that it is a "new" idea really but I wanted to throw this idea out there anyway.
I thought of it when I remembered that Unarmed Combat for Monks is faster than weapon combat by nearly 12%. Then I thought, "Well the advantage of large heavy weapons is in the power that they can bring to bare against a target while the advantage of the smaller lighter weapons is that they can be brought to bare against a target more quickly and in rapid succession.
Instead of straight damage how about just a small increase in Rate of Attack (RoA). This of course would only apply to finessed weapons and just using a finesse weapon wouldn't grant this bonus, you would actually have to be using dexterity as the bonus to attack, indicating a quick precise strikes instead of the strong sure strikes of strength based combat.
I'm away for much of the weekend so I may not respond til sunday night or monday morning... but feel free to respond.