Last edited by ferd; 05-24-2010 at 05:33 PM.
That's a serious problem with small worlds--I see it all the time in the industry I work in (which combines two fairly small worlds). Early reputation (whether earned or not) is hard to shake based on word of mouth. It can go away with time though--takes lots of consistent, steady acts contrary to the original rep--and a lot of patience and time.
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
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ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
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ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
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Begbie TY Cauthey
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I am a level 75 VIP noob.
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Begbie TY Cauthey
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One is either on the high road, or on the low road: you can't have it both ways. If you want to sit back and point fingers at what a bad guy Lysol is you better make sure that you are wearing clean undies. It one thing to aim to guide some misguided individual and another to criticize and say that there are no redeeming qualities in his black heart.
If you do stoop to the level you place Lysol at, then at least have the honesty to admit that you are therefore no better than him. Further, man up and accept responsibility for the choices you made in all of your own posts. It is childish to absolve yourself of responsibility for actions taken regardless of outside influences. You engage in argument and criticism, you are no longer on the high road. Take a hit and retaliate? You are no longer on the high road.
You have the choice to act as the kind of person insulting and aggravating you or as the kind of person you want to be.
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Hiya Clay,
I'm living considerably farther down the mountainside these days, and I'm not looking to be praised for my goodness. The high road is quite a bit above me now, you might say. Yep, I got poked so I poked back. A better man would walk away, but the guy that tried so hard to be a better man left the building a while ago, so to speak.
If you want to know my new agenda, then I'm shooting for being helpful and kind to my close friends and guildies. I will be polite, patient and as helpful as I can to my groups in general. However, except for the Shroud, I am largely avoiding PUGs. Still, I suspect that you'll be hard pressed to find a party that will be able to say I acted like an arse while we grouped, and I expect most of them will find me helpful.
So, that's it. Let go of what was. There are people I don't like, and that's fine with me. There are people that don't like me, and that's fine, too. Will we be able to coexist? Well, I leave that up to them and their actions. I'm happy to forget all about them as long as they don't constantly remind me that they exist.
Hope all is well with you,
ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
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I once ate so many forum posts that it caused the forums to bounce to a database error.
Do not cross The Mighty Cube!
Originally Posted by MysticTheurge