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  1. #1
    Community Member TheMeanDM's Avatar
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    Default Incorporating new weapons....

    The weapons in DDO are far as variety goes. There is only 1 racial-focused weapon (Dwarven War Axe).

    How about incorporating other weapons?

    Spear, dwarven double
    Dmg (S) 1d6/1d6
    Dmg (m) 1d8/1d8
    Crit: x3
    Wt: 15 lb.
    Type: Slashing or Piercing

    A dwarven double spear is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a dwarven double spear in one hand can't use it as a double weapon - only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.
    The weapon looks much like a standard spear, although the shaft is a bit thicker. The spearpoint is also longer and heavier, sharpened on the sides as well as the tip to allow for either slashing or piercing attacks. In addition, a second identical spear point is fastened to the butt of the spear, making the weapon doubly dangerous.
    The tougher pointed ends on the blade allow the wielder to set the weapon against a charge. If you use a ready action to set a dwarven double spear against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.

    Elven Courtblade
    Dmg (s) 1d8
    Dmg (m) 1d10
    Crit: 18-20/x2
    Type: Piercing or slashing

    These exotic swords seem impossibly long and thin, tapering to a needlelike point. One edge of the blade is sharpened along its entire length, and the opposite edge is sharpened only for the final quarter near the tip. A courtblade has a basket-shaped hilt (usually made to resemble leaves and vines), a long grip, and a heavy pommel. The weapon is intended for thrusting attacks, but the wielder can slash with it as well.
    A character with the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (elven courtblade) feat finds the weapon well suited for quick feints and thrusts. A character can use an elven courtblade in conjunction with the Weapon Finesse feat, applying her Dexterity bonus (if any) to melee attacks she makes with the weapon, though it remains a two-handed weapon and not a light weapon.
    Characters proficient with the elven courtblade may treat it as a greatsword for the purpose of any of the following feats: Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization.

  2. #2
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    DDO does not change damage based on size. That is to say a greatsword in a humans hands is 2d6, a greatsword in a halflings hands is still 2d6.

    As for the spear, this has been asked for, we need a two handed piercing weapon in the game.

    As for the courtblade, we already have a 2 handed weapon with an 18-20/x2 critical profile, the falchion. The average damage is just .5 difference between the two, so from a numbers stand point it would be a redundant option for us. As for flavor and RPing purposes it would help those only.

    Now if they allowed the courtblade to be finessed like in PnP, that would allow some options in character design.
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  3. #3
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Please no. We already have enough junk in the loot table. See: Light Hammer, Light Crossbows, and Light Repeaters. And that's just the stuff with absolutely no significant reason to use compared to other weapons.

    Double spear would end up like the Quarterstaff, without being a monk or acrobat weapon. I'd much prefer a martial two-handed piercing weapon. A finesse two-hander would be useless; the whole point of finesse builds is being able to apply weapon effects and sneak attack via TWF.
    Last edited by dkyle; 05-21-2010 at 11:04 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    How about some players handbook weapons before we get into all the fancy stuff.


    Pole arms.


    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  5. #5
    Community Member Rakian_Knight's Avatar
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    I would love to see more weapons in the game, expecally spears and double weapons. However, I think one of the main problems with implementing spears expecally is that this might be taking a step towards reach weapons like the longspear, glave, and other weapons found in the PHB.

    In my opinion though what is keeping them from doing this is stuff like the shroud crafting because they will hae to create more ingredients for it to make up the new formulas for the new weapons.

    Again these are just my thoughts so don't feel the need to personally bash me.

    A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
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  6. #6
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Not seeing this in the SRD. How is it different than a longsword?

    Pole arms.
    These would be quite a big change to the game if they include reach. I doubt it will happen.

    Just a THF one, though. We already have rapiers, picks, and shortswords for TWF piercing.

    Ugh... another useless ranged weapon on the loot table; no thanks

    I would prefer that any new weapon have some mechanical significance; some reason why a build would use it over say a Khopesh, Scimitar or Greataxe.

  7. #7
    Community Member TheMeanDM's Avatar
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    I just threw those two up there in a hurry....not just the only ones I'm suggesting.

    I *think* there may already be a pseudo-type of Reach incorporated into the game as it is, right now.

    I have noticed that when using a Greatsword, I seem to be able to hit mobs further out than with longswords, daggers, etc.

    I especially notice this as mobs are running toward me.

    As I have said, I seem to be able to hit the enemy from further away while wielding a Greatsword than when I am wielding any "smaller" weapon.

    Take a closer look next time you're fighting, see if you notice it too.


    Some other ideas I think would be fun to incorporate:

    Scythe (2d4 slashing, 2 handed, 4x crit)
    Trident (1d8 piercing, 1 handed, 2x crit)

    There are others, but these would be a nice touch (especially Tridents for Sahaugin).

  8. #8
    Community Member Stormwine's Avatar
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    I would love to have a Flail of Power for my cleric

  9. #9
    Knight of Movember
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    Exclamation Someday my spear will come

    While bringing new weapons to the game is certainly fodder for conversation, the devs have commented on this issue. It is a complex overplay of animations, art work, and gameplay balance to bring bring new weapons into play. Spears have long been advocated and at least one forumite long promoted trebuchets.

    Thus, while no one is likely to advocate against new weaponry, I think everyone would rather see Half-Orcs (Coming Soon) and Druids among the higher priorities of developmentally intensive features to be brought into the game.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Daehawk's Avatar
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    Default Exotic 2handers

    Some of the weapons from Eberron itself would be nice addition to the game.
    In the Eberron Campaign book are:

    Granted most people will look at Talenta Sharrash and be like zomg OP.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant
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  11. #11
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    Ranged weapon : Trebuchet.
    Also, add a "companion" ranged object. What, the ogre of your group never tossed your elf at the ennemies ? Haha, good ol' D&D.

  12. #12
    Community Member Rakian_Knight's Avatar
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    "I Backstab Him With a Balistia!"

    Ah, but on a more serious note, I think double weapons have been talked about for a while and in pnp Dungeons and Dragons they had some good ones. However, these are just a few of the problems that I can see with them.

    1) Seperate weapons: Each side of a double weapon is its own weapon as far as enchantments and abilities. With the random loot tables that we have now, finding one that will be good at later levels will be almost inpossible if we treat each side as different. However, if we don't treat each side as different we are loosing most of the pros of wielding a double weapon.

    2) Exotic Weapon Prof.: For me this isn't a problem because I don't min-max or power-play but I could see the question of why would most people spend a feat on a double weapon when they could simply be duel wielding two of the weapons. One arguement could be that you would have to spend the feat with oversized weapon fighting instead of the Exotic Weapon Prof. But unless you offered a double weapon with a 19-20 crit. range and a x3 crit. like the dominant weapon now, I don't see power players using it, so I don't see 80% of the players using it.

    I think this is a sad fact because some of my best weapons in pnp were double weapon and I would love to recreate the "Robert Frost" (+1 Flaming/ +1 Frost Two-Bladed Sword).

    Again these are just my thoughts so don't feel the need to personally bash me and I already know my spelling sucks thanks.

    A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    Light Repeaters..
    Just a side note...the low to mid level version of those will no longer be junk as of update 5 as mechanics will get them for free.

  14. #14
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rakian_Knight View Post
    2) Exotic Weapon Prof.: For me this isn't a problem because I don't min-max or power-play but I could see the question of why would most people spend a feat on a double weapon when they could simply be duel wielding two of the weapons. One arguement could be that you would have to spend the feat with oversized weapon fighting instead of the Exotic Weapon Prof. But unless you offered a double weapon with a 19-20 crit. range and a x3 crit. like the dominant weapon now, I don't see power players using it, so I don't see 80% of the players using it.
    You forgot the fact that when wielding a double weapon you get attacks like a TWF but get the STR bonus (1 1/2) of a THF if you have all the feats. I think this would be the selling point for alot of people...possibly even too much.
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  15. #15
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMeanDM View Post
    The weapons in DDO are far as variety goes. There is only 1 racial-focused weapon (Dwarven War Axe).
    You would like to see some more variety in the weapon system, as per your recommendation for more 'racial-focused' weapons and finesse-able two-handers. I agree that variety is paramount, but the specifics will have to be worked out so that the variety you and I wish to create is actually reflected in positive additions to the weapon system and not, as dkyle suggests, more 'junk in the loot table'.

    The first step, I'd assume, would be the identification of what is and is not useful to players. I agree that changing the way reach worked and/or adding new reach weapons would present new possibilities and could be a useful addition. I believe, however, that the DDO engine is far too limited to be able to incorporate changes to the weapon system that would have enough of an impact on the current game to be worth the time. Combat in DDO is simplistic enough that I think we will have to be content with the limited number of options we have available.

    I don't see combat in DDO as a whole ever evolving beyond greataxe-khopesh-rapier (despite a few specific exceptions, like heavy picks or dwarven axes), regardless of what is done in specific modules or what is added to the loot tables, unless the addition is so overpowering that it simply replaces another option. There's a possibility that a two-hander with extra reach (i.e. spear) but decreased damage could mix things up ('sometimes be better than greataxe, sometime not'), but I don't see that happening any time soon without a major overhaul of the entire game.

  16. #16
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daehawk View Post
    Granted most people will look at Talenta Sharrash and be like zomg OP.
    I was about to say that until you mentioned it :P

  17. #17
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    How about some players handbook weapons before we get into all the fancy stuff.


    Pole arms.


    what he said...

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