The weapons in DDO are far as variety goes. There is only 1 racial-focused weapon (Dwarven War Axe).
How about incorporating other weapons?
Spear, dwarven double
Dmg (S) 1d6/1d6
Dmg (m) 1d8/1d8
Crit: x3
Wt: 15 lb.
Type: Slashing or Piercing
A dwarven double spear is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a dwarven double spear in one hand can't use it as a double weapon - only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.
The weapon looks much like a standard spear, although the shaft is a bit thicker. The spearpoint is also longer and heavier, sharpened on the sides as well as the tip to allow for either slashing or piercing attacks. In addition, a second identical spear point is fastened to the butt of the spear, making the weapon doubly dangerous.
The tougher pointed ends on the blade allow the wielder to set the weapon against a charge. If you use a ready action to set a dwarven double spear against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.
Elven Courtblade
Dmg (s) 1d8
Dmg (m) 1d10
Crit: 18-20/x2
Type: Piercing or slashing
These exotic swords seem impossibly long and thin, tapering to a needlelike point. One edge of the blade is sharpened along its entire length, and the opposite edge is sharpened only for the final quarter near the tip. A courtblade has a basket-shaped hilt (usually made to resemble leaves and vines), a long grip, and a heavy pommel. The weapon is intended for thrusting attacks, but the wielder can slash with it as well.
A character with the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (elven courtblade) feat finds the weapon well suited for quick feints and thrusts. A character can use an elven courtblade in conjunction with the Weapon Finesse feat, applying her Dexterity bonus (if any) to melee attacks she makes with the weapon, though it remains a two-handed weapon and not a light weapon.
Characters proficient with the elven courtblade may treat it as a greatsword for the purpose of any of the following feats: Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization.