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  1. #1
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default PC on full set of tome pages

    My first capped toon had a terrible experience running Necro 4 quests and gathering sigil pieces (he still doesn't have a complete sigil). My new FvS is 19 and I haven't even taken him into Necro 4 other than to farm taps. However, I really want a skiver. I was wondering about how much it would cost to buy a full set of tome pages. I currently have over 2 million plat and various amounts of large ingredients (including 5 large scales). Is this enough to obtain all 8 tome pages? Any ballpark estimates would be appreciated.
    700+ HP? 90+ AC? TWF DPS and Hate?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Srozbun View Post
    My first capped toon had a terrible experience running Necro 4 quests and gathering sigil pieces (he still doesn't have a complete sigil). My new FvS is 19 and I haven't even taken him into Necro 4 other than to farm taps. However, I really want a skiver. I was wondering about how much it would cost to buy a full set of tome pages. I currently have over 2 million plat and various amounts of large ingredients (including 5 large scales). Is this enough to obtain all 8 tome pages? Any ballpark estimates would be appreciated.
    i would roughly guesstimate at 3 to 4 million gold per page (some cheaper, some more expensive). so around 3000k plat plat or maybe 2 mintu sets or something similar.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    I have seen some ppl buy and sell full tome page sets for 8-10 large devil scales. Basically 1 scale per page, perhaps 1 or 2 more for the trouble.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  4. #4
    Community Member dasein18's Avatar
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    I decided this week to get the skiver this is what it "cost" me, took a total of three days:

    200k plat for a tome page on AH
    Traded Epic Scroll of Sword of Shadows (3 tome pages & +8 bracers.. granted from guildie that we pass stuff back & forth to all the time)
    Traded two extra tome page II for two pages I did not have (one duplicate from scroll trade & one from littany run)
    Pulled two tome pages in one of 6 runs (one was a duplicate and was traded, see above)
    Traded 3 large stones for a tome page
    Guildie lent me a tome page.. I owe her 2 in return or my next Epic Raid loot pull.

    use the marketplace, folks look here and you never know what you have that someone else could use. Hope this helps and if you are flagging for littany my advice is run Temple of Vol to ransack that should get you the static Vol piece drop and all of the random drops.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the replies, especially the tip about sigil farming. After evaluating my wealth at the moment, I've decided that it would take trading everything I own to collect the 8 pages. I figured that I might as well try to flag for abbot, and during that flagging I might even pull a page or two myself. I'm holding off on buying tome pages until I've run litany a few times (possibly until I'm abbot flagged) and seeing how difficult it would be to farm tome pages myself before I decide to sell the house for a skiver.
    700+ HP? 90+ AC? TWF DPS and Hate?

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