Hmm, not bad for a spellsinger, hagglebot, fighter wannabe!
No, seriously, if it weren't for the lag of Master's Touch, this would be an almost perfect warchanter build. In the right hands, as you say, it still will be able to DPS well and heal well. That's a nice combo and I'll be recommending this build as a very good alternative to my warchanter.
Master's Touch is just not ready for prime time. It's fast on my brand new Intel I7 980X system, but was slower then sh!t on my older system. Even still, the lag is still visible and unacceptable in the heat of battle.
Also, the personal DPS of a pure warchanter is just underwhelming to me. As you say, staying pure will make you a better buffer and healer. I just prefer the extra bang and variety of mixing classes for warchanter.
Still, I applaud you for staying pure. I don't think there's a better way to stay pure and play a warchanter that I've yet seen that will excel in update 5.