I've never posted in this thread but linked to it multiple times. I just want to say it's a great template. One thing I really like about it is with the feat selection a person could try all 3 PrEs (Maximize for SS, Extra song 4 for Virt). Granted a SS isn't ideal in this setup but with SS II I could see value in always having spell points.
I don't think Virt II is as bad as some are saying.
Pre U7 WC I > SS I > Virt I
Post U7 the gap is closer. They do different things but each can bring something to the table.
Personally when U7 hits my TWF bard will most likey switch to Virt II. GH song every 5 minutes or spend 5 min at the start for 40 min GH? Beholders are a rare time where it could be helpful but really a AC song will do the trick. Not to mention Virt II can make them dance at a distance. The %5 DS is better for THF, and the chance that I could be killed in 1 hit does not appeal to me. Medium armor does little for me because I have a decent dex score and will probably never have epic marlith. I have a ton of rapiers and masters touch for anything else. I would like more hit points but most of the big battles I spend healing. Really if I was sure I would never go back to WC, I could switch WF for toughness.
That being said post U7 if I can convince my self to spend the $13 on HO, I would go THF HO similar to the classic rocker build. THF HO Bards look really good.